Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) is an autonomous institution that was established in 1989 by the Department of Science and Technology, GoI to commemorate the birth centenary year of Jawaharlal Nehru. Prof. C. N. R. Rao, FRS, was the founding President. The Centre was registered as a society with Dr. Raja Ramanna (eminent physicist and former Chairman, DAE) as its first Chairman. The Centre was recognized as an Institution Deemed to be University by University Grants Commission, GoI in 2002. Prof. Giridhar U. Kulkarni is the current President of the Centre, and its Governing Council is chaired by Prof. V Ramgopal Rao. The Council of Management oversees all major activities of the Centre including granting of degrees, appointment of new faculty and initiation of new programmes.
Post : Research Scientist-I (Non-Med)
Applications are invited for a temporary position of Project Research Scientist I (Non-Medical) sanctioned in the ICMR sponsored project titled “Development and characterization of a novel silk fibroin-based hydrogel loaded with recombinant human parathormone for osseous regeneration and evaluation of its efficacy in murine models” (Project Id: IIRPSG-2024-01-05763) under the Principal Investigator Dr. Greeshma C, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences and Co-Principal Investigator Prof. T Govindaraju, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru, 560064.
Remuneration : Remuneration of Rs. 56000 (plus HRA as per norms)
Essential Qualification : 1. First class Post Graduate Degree, including the integrated PG degrees.
2. Second class Post Graduate Degree, including the integrated PG degrees, with PhD.
Desirable Qualification : PhD in Chemistry, Life sciences, allied fields or M.Tech with Chemical, Biomaterial, Biomedical Sciences or Engineering research experience to work in the above mentioned project.
Max. Age limit : 35 years
A detailed resume incorporating the personal details, educational qualifications and certificates, professional experience (if any), two professional references and any other relevant documents to be submitted to tgrlab2008@gmail.com and greeshma.pd.ds@msruas.ac.in Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Shortlisted candidates will be intimated regarding the interview.
This is a collaborative project between, RAUS (Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences) and JNCASR (Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research). Candidate will be working in JNCASR.
Last Date of Application : 19 March 2025
Application Form
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