Advertisement Year 2024-25. District Integrated Health and Family Welfare Society, Dhule. The following contractual vacancies are to be filled cadre wise.
Post : Pharmacist
No of post : 01 (NT-C 1)
Program : RBSK
Place of Posting : RH Shindkheda
Education Details : B.Pharm
Monthly Honorarium : Rs. 17000/-
Terms and Conditions :-
1) The above posts are temporary in nature and the appointment will be for a period of 11 months and 29 days i.e. upto 29th June 2025. And if the Government rejects the said posts, the service of the candidates will be terminated without any prior notice.
2) The posts in the advertisement are not regular posts of the State Government but purely contractual posts. There will be no right of permanence on the said posts and the Government service rules are not applicable for these posts, nor will the applicant be entitled to inclusion in the Government regular service or service protection through the Government or to claim in this regard.
3) The applicant should be physically and mentally fit for the concerned post and no criminal case should have been registered against the applicant.
4) A monthly lump sum will be paid for the above contractual posts.
5) If a retired specialist/employee is selected, the honorarium for the said post will be calculated and paid as per the guidelines received from the state level.
6) There may be changes in the number of vacant posts in the advertisement as well as changes in the vacant places. All the authorities in this regard have been retained by Hon. Chief Executive Officer, Z.P., Dhule.
7) Preference will be given to those with experience and higher educational qualifications.
8) If candidates want to apply for more than one post, they should submit separate applications for each post.
9) While applying for more than one post, along with the application, the priority order of the posts should be submitted to the office before the interview.
10) Posting will be given in priority order based on the marks in the selection list. If the candidate uses any pressure in this regard, the selection of the said candidate will be cancelled.
11) On the day of advertisement, the maximum age limit for the said post will be 38 years for open category and 43 years for backward category.
11) On the day of advertisement, the maximum age limit for the said post will be 38 years for open category and 43 years for backward category.
12) The selection process for the above posts will be based on the number of applications received and a merit list will be prepared after scrutinizing the applications and selection will be made on the basis of merit.
13) Only the experience in government, semi-government and under the National Health Mission will be considered in the selection process.
14) The applicant cannot demand to change the place as per convenience during the contract period.
15) For the above posts, for technical courses, it will be mandatory to attach the registration certificate of the corresponding council. Otherwise, the candidates will be disqualified for the interview.
16) All the authorities to postpone/cancel the recruitment process/change the recruitment process have been reserved at the level of Hon. Chief Executive Officer. No claim can be made in this regard.
17) The candidate should submit his application in the prescribed format along with the photocopies of the required documents to the National Health Mission, District Hospital, Sakri Road, Dhule from 18/03/2025 to 26/03/2025 up to 05.00 PM excluding government holidays.
18) No travelling allowance or any other allowance will be payable to the candidates appearing for the interview. Also, a blank envelope with Rs. 5/- postage stamp should be attached with the application.
19) Candidates belonging to the open category should pay a demand draft of Rs. 150/- and candidates belonging to the reserved category should pay a demand draft of Rs. 100/- in the name of "District Integrated Health & Family Welfare Society Dhule".
20) The last date for submission of applications for the said recruitment process will be 26/03/2025 and thereafter, the selection process will be conducted as per the guidelines received from the government and the National Health Mission, including scrutiny, written test/interview process, publication of selection list, receipt of objections/objections and their disposal, etc. Candidates should note that detailed details regarding the selection process and issuing appointment orders to the selected candidates will be published on the website from time to time. Candidates should not come to the office to inquire about this.
21) Attested copies of the following original documents should be attached to the application form.
1) Certificates and mark sheets regarding educational qualifications
2) Caste certificate
3) School leaving certificate/date of birth certificate
4) 2 passport size photographs
5) Certified experience certificate with government experience
6) Small family certificate
7) Required Character verification certificate from the police office etc.
Interview / Selection criteria for post
Out of total 100 Marks
Educational Qualification (Converted into 50%) : 50 Marks
Additional Qualification (Converted in 20%) : 20 Marks
Govt/Semi Govt/NHM Experience (each year 6 Marks maximum 30 Marks) : 30 Marks
The candidate should submit his application in the prescribed format along with the photocopies of the required documents to the National Health Mission, District Hospital, Sakri Road, Dhule from 18/03/2025 to 26/03/2025 up to 05.00 PM excluding government holidays.
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