Under the National Health Mission, various programs implemented in the district under the District Integrated Health and Family Welfare Society, Nanded have been organized to fill the vacant posts on contractual basis/contract basis till 29th June 2025, subject to the terms and conditions mentioned below. However, the details of the vacant posts are as follows.
Post : Pharmacist
No of post : 02 (ST-01, OBC-01)
Qualification : 12th Science + Diploma (D. Pharm/B. Pharm)
Age Limit : 18 to 64 Years
Salary : Rs. 17000/-
Terms and Conditions
• Must be present. The scoring system given below will be adopted for this post. It should be noted that candidates arriving after 10 am will not be admitted.
• The venue for all posts is District Training Center, Behind Multi Purpose High School, Wazirabad Nanded and all concerned must be present from 9.00 am to 10 am on the date given post-wise. Candidates arriving after that will not be admitted and no objection will be entertained in this regard. All concerned should take note of this.
• The scoring system for this post of Method Specialist for Direct Interview will be as follows
1. Subject Knowledge (10 Marks)
2. Research & Academic Knowledge (10 Marks)
3. Leadership Quality (10 Marks)
4. Administrative Abilities (10 Marks)
5. Experience …
• If any, it will be considered, there should be experience related to the relevant post, 6 marks for each one year, maximum 30 marks will be given.
Age Limit
The age of the candidates on the date of publication of the advertisement must be within the age limit as mentioned below for each contractual post.
* The age limit for service entry for the post of Specialist and Medical Officer (MBBS) will be 69 years.
• For other patient service related posts under the campaign e.g. Nurse, Superintendent, Technician, Counselor, Drug Maker, etc. The maximum age limit for recruitment to the posts will be 64 years.
• The maximum age limit for entry into service for all other posts will be 38 for the open category and 43 for the reserved category.
• The age limit will be relaxed for employees currently working on contractual basis in the National Health Mission. However, the documents…
• The final right to continue is reserved with the Chairman of the Selection Committee. No one can make any claim in this regard.
• Candidates are required to submit separate applications for each post along with the application form. Applications will be considered for the post for which they are applied.
Academic Qualification Details
• If the final year certificate shows a grade or category, it should be converted into marks from the concerned institution and certified and a copy of it should be attached with the application. Accordingly, the percentage of marks should be mentioned in the application and if you are selected, the original copy should be submitted during the scrutiny.
• If the percentage of marks mentioned in the academic certificate and the percentage mentioned in the application do not match, such applications will be rejected.
• Self-attested shadow certificates/documents regarding all the academic qualifications mentioned in the application should be submitted along with the application and the original documents of the required academic qualifications must be submitted during the scrutiny of documents.
• Candidates who do not fulfill the academic qualifications will be disqualified.
• Required educational qualifications, qualifications, experience and caste certificate for reserved candidates must be attached with the application.
In the application form, please mention your full name, post title, permanent address, telephone and mobile number, date of birth, all details of educational qualification, course name, name of the institution, year of graduation, all mark sheets of the final year, higher educational qualification in the relevant subject will be considered. For the purpose of providing work experience, experience will be considered only if it is under the government, semi-government, National Health Mission and work experience will be considered if it is in the relevant subject, Name of the institution/hospital worked, name of the post in which you have worked, duration, responsibility of the post and remuneration/country, as well as all other information. For medical/paramedical posts for which registration with the concerned medical/paramedical council is mandatory. Such applicants are not required to submit the certificate/receipt registered with the concerned council along with the application.
Candidates applying for the post of Pharmacist will be subjected to skill test and verification of original documents and all concerned should be present on Wednesday, 19/03/2025 from 9.00 to 10.00 am with all the necessary original documents and a bunch of Xeroxes. It should be noted that candidates arriving after 10 am will not be admitted.
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