For the last six decades Central Government Health Scheme is providing comprehensive medical care to the Central Government employees and pensioners enrolled under the scheme. In fact CGHS caters to the healthcare needs of eligible beneficiaries covering all four pillars of democratic set up in India namely Legislature, Judiciary, Executive and Press. CGHS is the model Health care facility provider for Central Government employees & Pensioners and is unique of its kind due to the large volume of beneficiary base, and open ended generous approach of providing health care.
Post : Pharmacist
The Office of the Additional Director, CGHS, Kolkata intends to engage retired staff on purely temporary and on contract basis for CGHS Kolkata against the sanctioned vacant post of Pharmacist (Allopathic) (4) for Kolkata & Siliguri approved by the Directorate of CGHS. Only retirees from Central Government / State Government / PSU and autonomous bodies are eligible to apply for available posts for a period of 180 days or till the joining of regular incumbent in this organisation, whichever is earlier.
No of posts : 04
Place of posting : Kolkata and Siliguri
The Terms & Conditions for engagement on purely on contract basis are as follows: -
1. The appointment is purely on contract basis for a period of 180 days with effect from the date of joining, or till a regular candidate joins, whichever is earlier. Appointment can be terminated at any time on either side by giving 15 days’ notice. The Government reserves the right to terminate the appointment by paying remuneration for half a month in lieu of notice without assigning any reason.
2. A fixed monthly amount shall be admissible, arrived by deducting the basic pension from the pay drawn at the time of retirement & as Transportation Allowance as admissible. The amount of remuneration so fixed shall remain unchanged for the term of contract. There will be no annual increment / percentage increase during the contract period.
3. The appointee shall perform the duties assigned to him/her. The competent authority reserves the right to assign any duty as and when required. No extra/additional allowance will be admissible in case of such assignment.
4. The remuneration shall be paid only after receiving attendance cum-satisfactory performance report from CMO I/C of the Wellness Center where the appointee is posted.
5. The appointee shall not be entitled to any benefit like Provident Fund, Pension, Gratuity, Medical Attendance treatment, Seniority, Promotion, etc. or any other benefits available to the Government servants appointed on regular basis.
6. The appointee will not have any claim or right for regular appointment to any post under the Central Government Health Scheme.
7. No Dearness Allowance or any other allowances like HRA, TA or other benefits like LTC, Leave Encashment, etc. shall be admissible to the appointee.
8. Paid leave of absence may be allowed at the rate of 1.5 days for each completed month of the service. Accumulation of leave beyond a calendar year may not be allowed.
9. The maximum age limit for contractual employment is 65 years. The candidates must not cross 65 years during the tenure of appointment of 180 days.
10. The appointee shall be on the whole-time appointment of the CGHS, Kolkata and shall not accept any other appointment, paid or otherwise, and shall not engage himself/herself in private practice of any kind during the period of contract.
11. The appointee shall be posted in CGHS Wellness Centers in Kolkata / Siliguri / Jalpaiguri at any point of time during the tenure and he/she shall be functioning under the control of the C.M.O in¬charge of that particular Wellness Center to which he/she is posted.
13. The appointee is not entitled to any TA for joining the place of posting on accepting the appointment.
14. The contractual appointment and continuation thereof, if any, will be governed exclusively by the terms and conditions stated herein above.
Last date of submission of application is 14th April 2025.
The application with its enclosures can be send at or by Speed post at Office of the Additional Director, CGHS Kolkata, 6, Esplanade East (Gr. Floor), Kolkata - 700069.
Application Form & More Info about CGHS Pharmacist Posts
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