The PGIMER owes its inception to the vision of late Sardar Partap Singh Kairon, the then Chief Minister of Punjab and the distinguished medical educationists of the then combined state of Punjab, supported by the first Prime Minister of India Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru who considered the institutions of scientific knowledge as temples of learning and the places of pilgrimage.
Post : Project Scientist Medical - 01 Post
Applications are invited for the following post in the ICMR funded project entitled "Identification of clinical and immunological subtypes and exploring the role of type I interferon and adaptive immunity in Juvenile Dermafomvositis : A multicentric Study from India" under Dr. Vignesh P.. Associate Professor, Department ol Pediatrics, as per details given below :
Essential Qualifications : -
• First Class Postgraduate Degree including the integrated PG degrees with three years' experience or Ph.D.
• Second class Post Graduate Degree, including the integrated PG Degrees with PhD and three- year experience.
Desirable : • Previous experience on cell culture, flowcytometry, molccular characterization of genetic variants and genotype-phenotype correlation.
Upper Age limit : upto 40 years
Remuneration : Rs 80,400/month i.e. (Rs 67,000/- + Rs 13,400 (20% HRA)
The post is purely on contract basis as per the terms and conditions of ICMR, subject to periodic extensions of the project and the initial appointment will be for one year. Interested candidates fulfilling the above conditions are required to submit their applications with complete bio-data and photograph along with attested photocopies of academic degrees and certificates by 24th March 2025 till 04:00 PM in Room No. 4117 (Contact person: Dr. Jhumki Das. Adftya Dod); 4A, Allergy and Immunology Unit, Advanced Pediatries Centre, PGIMER. Chandigarh.
Shortlisted candidates will be informed via email and are required to appear for an interview on 27th March 2025 in committee room, 3A, APC, PGIMER. Chandigarh at 2:30 PM.
Those who are already working under various research schemes and desire to be considered for the post should send their applications through proper channel to the undersigned with NOC certificate from the employer that he/she will be relieved immediately if selected.
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