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Recruitment for Pharmacy Graduates (77 posts) under Public Service Commission

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Recruitment for Pharmacy Graduates under Public Service Commission

Maharashtra Public Service Commission is an Autonomous Body constituted and set up under Article 315 of the Constitution of India to discharge the duties and functions as assigned under Article 320 of the Constitution. The Commission accordingly recommends suitable candidates for the various posts under the Government and advises Government on various service matters like formulation of recruitment rules, on promotions, transfers, and disciplinary proceedings, etc.

Post : Forester

No of Posts : 77

Qualification : (a) Botany, Chemistry, Forestry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Zoology, Horticulture, Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering  Graduates with a degree in the science branch of a statutory university in any of the disciplines of mechanical engineering, computer applications, computer science, environmental sciences, veterinary sciences, or a mathematics subject in a branch other than (two) sciences. A graduate candidate with a mathematics subject in a branch other than the science branch must have passed the certificate examination in the higher secondary schools of the science branch.  1136577x32 - bit Effects (four) as per Government Letter, Department of Revenue and Forest, No. FST-02/15 / Q.No.46 / F-4, dated 11th February, 2016, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering as well as Computer Science and Technology Engineering.  Eligible candidates will be eligible to apply for the post of Forest Ranger. Send (Five) Govt. Letter, Revenue and Forest Department, No: FST-09/18 / Q. No. 366 / F-4, dated 8th September, 2021.  If there is and in Higher Secondary Schools Certificate Examination in Science Branch, Forest Ranger will be eligible for the post / cadre  (1) BE / B.Tech.  Automobile Engineering, (2) BE / B.Tech.  Power, (3) B.Tech.  Production, (4) BE / B.Tech.  Metallurgy and Material, (5) BE / B.Tech.  Textile, (6) BE- Information Technology, (7) BE- Instrumentation, (8) B.Sc.- Biotechnology, (9) B. Pharmacy, (10) B.Tech.  In case of non-availability of Forest Science Candidate for the post of Forest Ranger reserved for Food Science (Six) Forest Science Degree category, the post will be filled from the qualification holder mentioned.

Age limit : 21-38 year (43 year for Reserved Category Candidates)

Salary :  Level S - 16 : 44900-142400 plus dearness allowance and allowances payable as per rules

Examination Opportunities :
1. The maximum limit of opportunities for candidates appearing in various competitive examinations conducted by the Commission is as under:
(1) Maximum six opportunities will be available to non-open (open) candidates.  
(2) Maximum opportunity limit shall not apply to candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes.
(3) A maximum of nine opportunities will be available for open (archived) / economically weaker sections of the disabled and orphan candidates. 
A maximum of nine opportunities will be available to the candidates from the remaining backward classes.  
2. The number of opportunities for candidates will be as given below : (1) If the candidate has participated in the pre-examination, this will be considered as the opportunity of the relevant competitive examination.  (2) If a candidate is disqualified at any stage of the examination for any reason or his candidature is canceled, his attendance at the examination shall be considered as an opportunity.  (3) Opportunity will be calculated separately for each examination.  (4) There is no change in other terms and conditions including calculation of age limit in the service admission rules of the concerned cadre.  (5) The candidate may avail of the opportunity due to him only up to the upper age limit prescribed by the Government for the social category concerned.

Selection Process
1. The eligibility / eligibility conditions mentioned in the advertisement are minimum and the candidate will not be eligible for recommendation as he / she has minimum qualification.
2. The entire recruitment process will be carried out in accordance with the following Service Admission Rules or subsequent amendments to be made by the Government as well as the provisions of the Rules of Procedure amended by the Commission from time to time: (1) Forest Ranger, Group B B Gazetted  As per Government Resolution Irrigation and Power Department, No. JAB-1070-E (a), dated 19th December, 1970 for the posts of Assistant Engineer (Electrical) Group-B  Gazetted Posts Service Entry Rules 2009, Assistant Engineer (Architecture) Category-2 (Service Entry) Rules, 1997, Assistant Engineer, Mechanics, Category-2 Service Admission Rules 2013 and Sub-Divisional Water Conservation Officer (Architecture) Group-B and other similar posts  The selection process for the posts of Water Conservation Officer, (Architecture) Group-B (Gazetted) will be implemented as per the Service Admission Rules 2021

Application Fee
UR - Rs 394/-
Reserved - Rs 297/-

General :
• Applications will be accepted only through the Commission's online application system.  Website for submission of (two) applications : - (Three) Detailed instructions for submission of applications are available on the Commission's website as well as  .  
• The application will not be considered unless the examination fee is paid within the prescribed time after submission of the application to the Commission.  
• Application submission period : - From 14.00 hrs on 21st February, 2022 to 23.59 hrs on 14th March, 2022.

Use the following methods to pay the examination fee:
(a) Click on the 'My Account' link on the main page to pay the fee. 
(b) After clicking on this link in my account, the list of posts applied for will appear along with the record of payment / non-payment.  The link 'Pay Now' will be available in front of the advertisement / post / exam written 'Unpaid'.  (Three) After clicking on Pay Now link two options will be available: -
(1) Online Payment (2) Currency
(4) Credit Card, Debit Card, UPI or Netbanking. 
(5) After paying the examination fee online, the candidate will immediately know the status of the payment of the examination fee in his / her profile.  It is necessary to confirm that the examination fee has been paid online before logout or if the status of payment of the examination fee is not available then the procedure for re-payment or receipt of challan must be done before the last date of submission of application form. 
(6) It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that the transaction is completed by the bank while paying the examination fee online.  If the transaction fails for any reason, the complaint will not be entertained by the Commission. 
(7) If you choose to pay the examination fee by challan, the fee can be paid at any branch of State Bank of India during the office hours of the bank by taking a copy of the challan available. 
(8) If you choose to pay the fee by challan at State Bank of India, you have to pay the examination fee two hours after the submission of the application or on the last working day of the next working day of the bank. 
(9) The last date for payment of online examination fee is March 14, 2022 at 23:59 hrs. 
(10) In case of payment of examination fee by challan in the State Bank of India, the prescribed last date for obtaining a copy of the challan is March 16, 2022 till 23.59 pm Applications will be accepted only through the Commission's online application system.  Website for submission of (two) applications : -
(11) Detailed instructions for submission of applications are available on the Commission's website as well as  The application will not be considered unless the examination fee is paid within the prescribed time after submission of the application to the Commission. 

Last Date to Apply : March 14, 2022

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