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Recruitment for Pharmacists (04 posts) at Child Care Institution

Clinical research courses

Recruitment for Pharmacists at Child Care Institution

Bishnupriya Balashram is running a Child Care Institution (CCI), registered under Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2015. The management of the CCI intends to engage suitable Staff such as Counsellor, Probation Officer/ Case Worker, Store Keeper-cum-Accountant, House Father, Paramedical Staff (Pharmacist), Cook, Helper and House Keeper on contractual basis. The posts are purely contractual and co-terminus with the project. The continuance in the post by the candidate depends on the performance.

Post : Paramedical Staff

Qualification Required : Compounder/ Pharmacist having diploma in Ayurvedic/ Homeopathic/ Unani from institution recognized by Govt, of India.
Age Limit : Lower age limit 21- Upper age limit 45
No. of Vacant Post : 4
Remuneration per month : Rs 9000/-

N.B:- Those candidates who have prior experience of working in CCIs will be preference over inexperienced candidates.

The completely filled application form along with other documents (All documents will be in one PDF format) should be sent to the office of the CCI, Bishnupriya Balashram through E-mail  Mail Id- on or before 31.03.2021 by 5:30 pm and also a hard copy of the same should submitted by the applicant via speed post/ registered post to the Secretary, Bishnupriya Balashram, At- Matha, Po- Chhenapadi, Dist- Keonjhar on or before 31.03.2021 by 5:30pm positively.

The candidate applying in different post should apply separately for each category of post. No other mode of application will be accepted. Incomplete application and application received both online and offline (hard copy) after due date shall be rejected.

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