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Job for Pharmacist under District Programme Management Unit

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Job for Pharmacist under NHM

The National Health Mission (NHM) encompasses its two Sub-Missions, the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and the newly launched National Urban Health Mission (NUHM). The main programmatic components include Health System Strengthening in rural and urban areas- Reproductive-Maternal- Neonatal-Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCH+A), and Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases. The NHM envisages achievement of universal access to equitable, affordable & quality health care services that are accountable and responsive to people's needs.

Post : Pharmacist

Programme Name : MH
Vacant : 1
Qualification : Intermediate & Diploma in Pharmacy Should Register with Pharmacy Council.
FMR Code :
Roster Point : PH-VH (W) - 1

1. (DPMU), National Health Mission and various Health facilities in the East Godavari District.
2. Details of Name of the post , number of posts notified, Education qualification and Experience required as at annexure I
3. Age limits: 18 - 42 years as on date of issue of notification.
4. Candidates shall send their application (as per the format given at Annexure II) along with the following documents to DM&HO Office, Kakinada. a. Copy of SSC Certificate
b. Copy of Intermediate Certificate
c. Copy of certificate of qualification mentioned against post applied in column 3 of table in Annexure II
d. Copy of Marks memos of qualification mentioned against post applied in column 3 of table in AnnexureII
e. Copy of Latest Caste Certificate issued by MRO in case of BC , SC and ST. f. Copy of Experience certificate as per column 4 of annexure II
5. Selection will be based on the merit cum roster as per rules in force.
6. Recruitment process will be conducted by the appointed by District Selection Committee.
7. Recruitment is on contract basis and initially for period of one year.

Schedule for recruitment process
Date of Notification :
Last date for receipt of applications : 27.03.2021
Publication of merit lists : 29.03.2021
Publication of selection lists : 31.03.2020



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