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Job for Pharmacist at District Integrated Health and Family Welfare Society

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Job for Pharmacist at District Integrated Health and Family Welfare Society

Akola Municipal Corporation The posts sanctioned under Akola National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) are to be filled on contract basis at fixed salary.

Post : Pharmacist

No of Post : 01 (UR)
Qualification : D.Pharm / B.Pharm with 1 year experience
Salary : Rs 17000/-

Required Documents:-
It will be mandatory to attest the original photocopies of the following documents along with the application. 
1) Degree / Diploma Certificate
2) Marks (All)
3) Certificate of Educational Qualification,
4) Registration Certificate of Similar Council for Technical Position
5) Computer Qualification Certificate
6) Caste Certificate School Leaving Certificate / Date of Birth Certificate
8) Certified Experience Certificate
9) Passport  Size photo. 

Terms and Conditions
1. The above posts are in full contract form and their duration is limited to 11 months. This period is likely to be extended but the post will not have the right to permanence.  Also, government service rules are not applicable for this post.  
2.  These posts are not regular posts of the State Government but are purely contractual posts.  The post will not be a right of permanence and the applicant will not have the right to be accommodated in the regular service of the government or to be protected by the government.  
3. The applicant should be physically and mentally fit for the relevant post, no criminal case should be filed against the applicant.
4. The salary for all the above posts is a combined honorarium.  
5. The number of vacancies, place and honorarium may change.  Preference will be given to those with experience and higher educational qualifications.  
6. On the day of advertisement, the maximum age limit for the post will be 28 years for the open category and 28 years for the backward category. As the selection process for the above post is being done on merit basis

7. Eligible, ineligible list will be published on the notice board in the office on the published date after registration for the concerned post.  The objection will be resolved by 105 am on the date.  Objections received thereafter will not be considered.  
8. The applicant cannot be asked to change the place as per convenience.  
9. If a candidate wants to submit an application for more than one post, he has to apply separately for each post.  The category for the post should be clearly mentioned in the application as per the name of the applicant and the social reservation and the application should be submitted in the attached form.  
10. If the candidate attaches incomplete documents with the application, the candidate will be disqualified.  
11. Cancellation of Postponement of Recruitment Process / All rights to make changes in the recruitment process are reserved at the level of Deputy Director, Health Services, Akola Mandal Akola

Candidates Rs.  100 / - for ST, SC and Rs. 150 / - for UR Registration Fee Corporation Integrated Health and Family Welfare Society Akola
Bank Name- ICICI Bank
Branch Name - Durga Chowk Akola
Account No.  052001000865
IFSC - ICIC0000520
Registration Fees It will be mandatory to attach the Registration Fees with the Transaction Receipt.

Last date for submission of application: -  15/03/2021, till 5.00 pm. 
List of eligible, ineligible candidates published: -  18/03/2021.  Till 5.00 pm 
Last date for submission of objections: -  19/03/2020, till 5.00 pm.


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