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Job for M.Pharm, M.Sc in CSIR and externally funded project at CIMAP Research Centre

Clinical research courses

Job for M.Pharm, M.Sc in CSIR and externally funded project at CIMAP Research Centre

CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow, a unit of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), is a premier scientific organization involved in conducting high quality research in different areas of biological and chemical sciences and extending technologies and services to the farmers and entrepreneurs using medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs).

Eligible and interested candidates may attend the online interview for engagement of Project Associate-I, Senior Project Associate and Junior Research Fellow on purely temporary basis in CSIR and externally funded project tenable at CSIR-CIMAP Research Centre, Bengaluru.

Sl. No. - 1
Project Associate-I
Age :
35 yrs.
Project : HCP 0007
Essential Qualification : M.Sc. Ag. in Soil Science/ Agronomy / Botany
Desirable qualification : Experience in working on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Stipend per month : Rs.31,000/- + 24% HRA for CSIR/UGC/ ICAR/DBT - NET/JRF/LS/ GATE qualified candidate OR Rs. 25,000/- + HRA for Others

Sl. No. - 2
Project Associate-I
Age :
35 yrs.
Project : HCP 0007
Essential Qualification : M.Sc in Chemistry or M. Pharma/MS. (Pharm) in Natural Products
Desirable qualification : Experience in the field of chemical ecology/natural product chemistry /analytical chemistry of plant secondary metabolites
Stipend per month : Rs.31,000/- + 24% HRA for CSIR/UGC/ ICAR/DBT - NET/JRF/LS/ GATE qualified candidate OR Rs. 25,000/- + HRA for Others

Sl. No. - 3
Senior Project Associate
Age :
40 yrs.
Project : GAP 420
Essential Qualification : Doctoral degree in Botany / Plant Biotechnology
Desirable qualification : Working experience and publication in genetic diversity, population mapping, marker development, field exploration of RET species/ medicinal plants.
Stipend per month : Rs.42000/- + 24% HRA

Sl. No. - 4
Junior Research Fellow
Age :
30 yrs.
Project : GAP 424
Essential Qualification : 1.M.Sc (Min. 55%) in Life Science, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Microbiology 2.NET/NET-LS
Desirable qualification : Working experience and publication in genetic diversity, population mapping, marker development, field exploration of RET species/ medicinal plants.
Stipend per month : Rs.31,000/- + 24% HRA

Terms & Conditions:
1. Engagement will be initially for a period of one year, and may be extended or curtailed depending upon the project requirement, and desired level performance or conduct of the incumbent, as the case may be.
2. The tenure of project staff shall be co-terminated with the project. However, under no circumstances the tenure would be allowed to exceed five year duration. The performance of the Project Associate/ Sr. Project Associate/JRF would be reviewed periodically so that any one not found up to the mark, could be terminated.
3. The position is only temporary and, therefore, will not confer any right on the incumbent to any claim, implicit or explicit on any post in CSIR-CIMAP.
4. The upper age limit as mentioned above will be as on date of interview which is relaxable up to 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribes/persons with disabilities and OBC candidates.
5. Special age relation in case of Widows, Divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands, who are not remarried as per rules.

6. On completion of the tenure in one project, in case, one wants to apply for engagement in another project, he/she will have to go through the process of selection by submitting a fresh application under the new project. Engagement of the Project Staff under the new project would be made only after submission of resignation and “No Demand Certificate” in the previous project.
7. The Project Associate shall be permitted to avail leave as per rules.
8. Final semester and result awaited candidates will not be allowed to appear for interview.

• Last date for receipt of emailed applications: 11th March, 2021 up to 5:30 P.M. on
• Application should be in prescribed Proforma given with this advertisement and incomplete application not supported with testimonials will not be accepted
• Time of interview: Will be informed to the screened candidates selected for online interview through MS TEAM
Mode of selection : Selection will be done on the basis of online interview through MS TEAM

Application Form>>

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