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Career for Pharmacists under the Department of Space, ISRO | Detail Advertisement

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Career for Pharmacists under the Department of Space

Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) is the lead Centre of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) under the Department of Space (DOS), Government of India. The Centre is named in fond memory of Dr Vikram A Sarabhai, the great visionary and the father of Indian Space Programme. VSSC pioneers in rocket research and launch vehicle projects of ISRO. The Centre also pursues research and development activities in associated areas like propellants, solid propulsion technology, aerodynamics, aero structural and aero thermal fields, avionics, polymers and composites, guidance, control & simulation, computer and information, mechanical engineering, aerospace mechanisms, vehicle integration and testing, space ordnance, chemicals and materials.

Post : Pharmacists

No. of Posts : 03 (UR-03)
Pay Level : Level 05 (Rs 29,200 - Rs 92,300/-)
Post Code : 1472
Essential Qualification : 1. SLC/SSC pass. 2. First Class Diploma in Pharmacy
Nature of job : Dispensing of medicines, accounting of receipt and issue of medicines, Book keeping of Medical Store.

1. Persons with Benchmark Disability (PWBD) can apply to the posts suitable to them even if the post is not reserved for them. However, such candidates will be considered for selection to such post by general standard of merit.
2. The above vacancies may vary depending upon the actual requirement.
3. Please note that the qualification prescribed above for the posts advertised is the minimum requirement and the same does not automatically make the candidates eligible for selection.
4. The Centre reserves the right not to fill up any of the posts, if it so decides.

General conditions / Instructions
• The posts are temporary, but likely to continue.
• Age limit (as on 05.04.2021) and Pay & allowances:
Age Limit : 35 year
Minimum age is 18 years for all posts.  Ex-Servicemen, Meritorious Sportspersons & Persons With Disability (PWD) are eligible for age relaxation as per Government of India orders.
Approximate Salary per month : Rs 34,900/-

• For Pharmacist-A (Post No.1472) & Lab Technician-A (Post No.1473), the Organisation has a progressive HRD policy which provides an excellent growth potential for the right individual through its periodical merit based performance review system (called Merit Promotion Scheme) de-linked from availability of vacancies at higher post by which the staff are being evaluated for the advancement of their career in the Organisation. For Fireman-A (Post No.1474), the promotion is under Limited Flexible Complimenting Scheme (LFCS) / Lateral Movement Scheme.
• The Organisation provides medical facilities (Contributory Health Service Scheme) for self and dependants, free transport facilities/transport allowance, subsidised canteen facilities, housing accommodation subject to availability, in addition to the facilities available to the other Central Government Staff.  The Centre has a well-maintained Central School and a well-stocked Library that provides an excellent opportunity for professional development.
• At present the place of posting is VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram, but the selected candidates are liable to be posted in any of the Units of the Indian Space Research Organisation/Department of Space situated anywhere in India as and when required.
• SC/ST candidates will have to submit self attested copy of SC/ST certificate issued by the Competent Authority in the prescribed format applicable for reservation in jobs under Government of India at the time of skill test.
• In respect of OBC candidates, reservation will be available only to candidates, who do not fall in the Creamy Layer and have to submit latest OBC (non-creamy layer) certificate issued by the Competent Authority in the prescribed format applicable for reservation in jobs under Government of India at the time of written/skill test.  OBC certificate must specifically include the clause regarding exclusion from Creamy Layer and should be updated/valid at the relevant point of time i.e. at the time of submission of application form for the above post.  OBC candidates, must therefore, furnish valid and updated OBC certificate which should specifically include the clause regarding “Exclusion from Creamy Layer” in order to be considered against the posts reserved for OBC at the time of skill test.
• Candidates will have to produce proof of the details furnished in their applications submitted on-line as and when required.

Selection Process :The selection process consists of (1) written test and (2) skill test. The written test will be conducted first and short-listing will be done based on the written test scores and required number of candidates (ratio between vacancy and number of candidates to be called for skill test) alone shall be called for skill test. Written test will be conducted in such a way that theoretical and practical knowledge of the candidate is tested covering both breadth and depth of the prescribed curriculum. The skill test will be purely on ‘go-no-go’ basis and marks obtained in the skill test will not be considered for selection. The skill test will be evaluated on a 100 point scale with minimum 60% for qualification. The final selection will be done amongst qualified candidates, purely based on the scores obtained in the written test. From amongst candidates who qualify in the skill test with 60% marks, empanelment will be done in the order of marks obtained in the written test. In case of a tie in the written scores, the academic scores of the notified qualification will be the tie-breaker.

Submission of application:
1. Applications will be received through on-line only. All further communications will be made to the applicants through e-mail/VSSC website only. Therefore, the applicants are advised to check their e-mail and visit the VSSC website from time to time. Submission of on-line applications in the website will be open from­­­­­­­­­­­ 1000 hours on 22.03.2021 to 1700 hours on 05.04.2021.  The candidates registered under National Career Service (NCS) portal and fulfilling the eligibility conditions may visit ISRO website and follow the application procedure as stated.
3. There will be a non-refundable application fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only) for each application. Fee may be paid online through Credit Card / Debit Card / Internet Banking only through Integrated SBI ePay facility. No other mode of payment will be acceptable and the fee will not be refundable under any circumstances.
Female/Scheduled Castes (SC)/ Scheduled Tribes (ST)/Ex-servicemen [EX] and Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PWBD) candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee.  Please note that the applications of non-exempted categories without Application Fee will not be considered.
4. Upon on-line registration, applicants will be provided with an on-line Registration Number, which should be carefully preserved for future reference. The candidates are also advised to take a printout of the online application for future reference.
5. The applicant need not send any documents such as print out of online application, copies of certificates/mark lists in proof of educational qualification, work experience, age etc.

Note : In case of submission of duplicate/multiple applications by Female/Scheduled Castes (SC)/ Scheduled Tribes (ST)/Ex-servicemen [EX] and Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PWBD) candidates, the latest application submitted before the closing date of submission of application shall be considered for further processing. In case of submission of multiple applications by other candidates including OBC, the application against which the ‘application fee’ has been received within the last date of payment of application fee only will be considered.

Last Date : 05.04.2021

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