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Job Openings for Pharmacists (18 posts) in Directorate Animal Husbandry Department - Government Jobs | Salary upto Rs 1,12,400

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Uttarakhand was added as the 27th state to the Indian Union on 9th Nov., 2000 comprising of 13 districts of the erstwhile parent state of Uttar Pradesh. Uttarakhand consists of 2 Divisions, 13 Districts and 95 Blocks. Out of these two districts viz.  Haridwar and Udham Singh Nagar are predominantly in the plain area, Dehradun and Nainital are partially plain, and remaining nine districts of Almora, Pithoragarh, Champawat, Bageshwar, Pauri, Tehri, Chamoli, Rudraprayag and Uttarkashi are entirely hilly.

Post : Pharmacist

No of posts : 18
UR : 10
SC : 04
OBC : 04
Economically Weaker Sections : 01

Pay Scale : Rs 35,400-1,12,400 Level 6

Educational Qualification
1. Passed Intermediate Examination with science subjects or its equivalent from Uttarakhand Education and Examination Council or Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Council or any qualification recognized by the Government. Apart from this, the High School Qualification holders will also qualify before the implementation of the Pharmacy Council of India's Education Regulations, 1991, for the Diploma Course in Pharmacy (revised by Education Amendment Regulations, 1994)
2. Candidate should be a diploma in Pharmacy (allopathy) from a recognized institution.

Preferred Qualification
1. Candidates having "B certificate" of National Cadet Corps or
2. Minimum 02 years' service experience in the Territorial Army.

Other Qualification
1. At the time of application, the candidate is required to be registered in the registrar, Uttarakhand Pharmacy Council.
2. Candidates must register at any employment office located in Uttarakhand State at the time of application.
3. The applicant will be eligible for the application, who has received his high school and intermediate or equivalent level education from the recognized institutions located in the state of Uttarakhand. But Candidates employed in the soldiers / paramilitary forces and regularly appointed personnel on regular posts in the State Government or any government / semi-government institution established under it, and regularly working in the regular posts in Central Government or Central Government Public Sector Undertakings Workers, whose services cannot be transferred out of Uttarakhand and permanent residents from the state. Whether living outside the state for livelihood, himself and his son/daughter will be eligible for application.

Age Limit : Minimum 18 years and maximum of 42 years must be on 01 July 2018.

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A candidate must either be:
(a) A citizen of India or
(b) A Tibetan Refugee who came over to India, before the 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or
(c) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar) with the intention of permanently settling in India.

Application Fees
Demand Draft of Rs.150 for candidates of Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe of Uttarakhand State and Rs.300 for all other general category / other backward classes will be made in the favour of Director of Animal Husbandry Department Uttarakhand, payable at Main Branch of State Bank of India Dehradun. It will be mandatory to attach the demand draft with the application form. In the absence of a bank draft, the application will be rejected.

Selection Procedure
Selection will be done according to the provisions of the Uttarakhand Veterinary Pharmacist Service Rules, 2010 and Uttarakhand Veterinary Pharmacist Services (Amendment) Rules, 2011.

How to Apply
Interested candidates may apply through the application from given in the link below. The application should be submitted to the Director. Animal Husbandry Department Uttarakhand, 'Administrative Building" Mothrowala. Post Office- Mothrowala, Dehradun from Registered Post / Speed Post only. The application will be accepted till 03 April. 2019 (evening 05:00 AM). The applications received after the date / time mentioned above will not be accepted, on the top part of the envelope "Appointment for the post of veterinary pharmacist' will be written.

Last Date of Submit Application Form: 03 April 2019 till 5:00 pm

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