The PGIMER owes its inception to the vision of late Sardar Partap Singh Kairon, the then Chief Minister of Punjab and the distinguished medical educationists of the then combined state of Punjab, supported by the first Prime Minister of India Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru who considered the institutions of scientific knowledge as temples of learning and the places of pilgrimage. The institute started in 1962 and Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru inaugurated the hospital now named “Nehru Hospital” on 7th July 1963. The Institute was originally under the Government of undivided Punjab.
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh invite online applications from the citizens of India for recruitment of Group ‘C’ posts on regular basis for All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Rae Bareli, Uttar Pradesh.
Post : Pharmacist Grade-II
Post Code : PHRM/059
No. of posts : 02
PAY SCALE - PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2800/-.
Now revised under 7th CPC as Pay Matrix Level-5 Rs.29,200-92,300 at the minimum of the pay level of Rs.29,200/-. High salary job
AGE LIMIT : 21-27 years.
1. Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized University/Institution.
2. Should be a registered Pharmacist under Pharmacy Act 1948.
Desirable: Experience in manufacture/storage/testing of transfusion fluids in a reputed hospital or industry.
After the closing of last date of applications, the eligibility of the candidates for written examination will be based on i) whether the candidate has deposited the requisite application fee in the bank or not?, ii) whether after depositing of fee in the bank it has been entered and updated in the application form or not? iii) after reconciliation with the bank statement.
The written examination in English language only would be of 105 minutes (five minutes for biometric capturing) duration and will consist of 100 questions (each question shall be of one mark). There will be a negative marking to the extent of 0.25 marks per question for a wrong response. On the basis of written examination, candidates, three times of the vacancies advertised will be shortlisted on merit for further selection procedure. During the examination, the candidates will be required to undergo biometrics so as to ascertain any impersonation in the examination. The shortlisted candidates will be required to apply afresh on a given application format which will be made available on the website of the Institute alongwith all the certificates/documents/testimonials etc. It is made clear that merely appearing and qualifying the written examination for a post does not make a candidate eligible or confer any right of his/her being selected for any post which he/she has applied for.
Based on these documents submitted by the shortlisted candidates, the applications alongwith supported documents will be scrutinized as per Recruitment Rules of the post and the prescribed qualification, experience etc. A candidate who will be found eligible by the Scrutiny Committee, his/her result will be compiled provisionally and candidates in merit list including those in waiting would be called to appear personally for document verification on a day and time to be intimated to them. The candidates who will be found eligible after document verification, their final merit list will be prepared alongwith a waiting list thereof based on the marks obtained by the candidates in the written examination. The minimum qualifying marks will be 40% for General category and 35% for SC/ST/OBC category. As the Government of India has dispensed with the holding of interview for Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ (non-gazetted) posts, there will be no interview for these posts and the candidates will be selected on the basis of merit in the written examination only.
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1. The candidates applying for the post should first confirm their eligibility as per recruitment rules as per advertisement on the website of the Institute i.e.
2. All eligible candidates should apply online before the last date for registration of application form.
3. Before filling up Online Application, a candidate must have his/her photograph scanned in the .jpg format in such a manner that each file should not exceed 500 KB and must not be less than 3 KB in size for the photograph as it has to be uploaded at the time of filling of online form.
4. Candidates are required to have a valid personal e-mail ID/mobile number which should be kept active during the recruitment process. The candidates should ensure that the email ID is not shared or disclosed to any body. In case, a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID before applying online. The e-mail ID is required for the initial registration. The intimation regarding written exam, admit card, result of written exam., document verification and final selection result etc. will be given through notice on website only. Such information will not be given through e-mail. However, SMS will be sent on registered mobile number.
5. The candidate should fill his/her application form available on the PGIMER website. He/She should fill all the fields of the form. No field should be left blank. After filling application form, the candidate should take out a print of challan form (triplicate) and deposit the application fee after 24 hours in any State Bank of India branch as detailed in column 6.
6. Candidates can go to any Branch of State Bank of India with the fee Payment Challan duly filled in and pay the prescribed Application Fee in the “Power Jyoti” PUL current account of PGIMER. The account No. of PGIMER for recruitment is 35700657347. The candidates after having deposited the fee in the bank must ensure that they have Triplicate Fee Payment Challan with Journal No./Challan No. given by the bank on it. They should mention this Journal/Challan number on the space provided in the application form and keep this challan form with them for future use.
SC/ST - Rs.500/-
For all others - Rs.1000/-
Persons with Disabilities - Nil
7. Candidates should ensure that the details to be filled in by the State Bank of India officials are filled in complete in all three copies of the challan form along with the seal, challan no. and signature of the Bank Official of the Branch.
8. Candidates must ensure that the application number should match with challan number, failing which the application will be rejected and the PGIMER will not be responsible for any remittance of fee.
9. The candidate should upload the challan fee on PGI website within the stipulated time.
10. For the candidates applying through Online Mode, if the last date for deposit of application fee in the Bank is a declared holiday, the same will be received on the next working day.
11. The candidate should ensure that they fill all the details on the application form including uploading of the photograph, challan details etc. Incomplete application will not be accepted and the candidate will not be allowed to sit in the written examination.
12. Candidates with valid application shall be issued call letters & admit card. These can be downloaded by the candidates directly from the PGI website by entering their Registration Number/application Number, Date of Birth. Call letters will not be sent by post. This facility would be available on PGI website 15 days before the actual date of examination.
13. Further, instructions regarding Written Test result etc. to the candidates alongwith the admit card/call letter will be uploaded on the website of the Institute i.e.
Last Date to apply Online : 26.03.2018 (11.59 PM).
The last date of receipt of online application/updation of challan receipt is 28st MARCH 2018.
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