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Job for Pharmacist at BIT Health Centre

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Job for Pharmacist at BIT Health Centre

Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Mesra is a Deemed University under Sec. 3 of the U.G.C. Act 1956. The Board of Governors is responsible for the main functions and overall supervision of activities. It comprises representatives of the Ministry of Education, Government of India, the U.G.C., the State Government, The Chancellor, the AICTE, The Hindustan Charity Trust and the Institute Faculty. Shri C.K. Birla is the Chairman of the Board of Governors while the Governor of the state of Jharkhand officiates as the Institute's Chancellor.  There's a Technical Council that decides the academic policy of the Institute.

Post : Pharmacist

Applications are invited from the interested eligible candidates for the post of Medical Officer, Pharmacist and Staff Nurses (on contract) at BIT Health Centre on contract basis. 

No of post : 01 (Male/ Female) for Mesra
Essential :  Diploma  Preferred – Bachelor’s degree in pharmacy
Age : preferably upto 30 years
Experience/ Desired Credential : At least 3 years of experience  Most critical skill-   Analytical Skills, Observation skill, Critical Situation Management. Numerical skill. 
Emoluments (in Rs.) : 25,000/- PM (Consolidated)
Note : (i) Person from Govt/SemiGovt/Autonomous bodies may also apply. 
(ii) Relaxation in Age of five years (upto 45 yrs.) may be given to the Medical Officer having more experience.  
Job description
Medical Officer, Pharmacist and Staff Nurses are required to perform shift duties mandatory (OPD & Indoor) including night shift, emergency duties, vaccination clinic, and any other work assigned by the concerned In-charge of BIT Health Centre. Hence, they are required to stay inside the Institute campus. Accommodation will be provided (as per institute rule) subject to availability of the same.

Mode of Appointments : On contract basis for one year which is further extendable on mutually acceptable terms subjected to satisfactory performance and recommendation by Review Committee. The contract may be terminated with one month notice from either side.  The selected candidates shall have no claim for appointment on regular basis by virtue of being appointed in contractual basis.

2. TYPE BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY in search box and Select the option with Location Jharkhand 
3. In the Payment Category , Kindly select the Post applicable to you for which you are applying: Medical Officer or Pharmacist & Staff Nurse 
4. Pay the fee and take the print out. 
5. Download the Application Form and send the hard copy to the below address : Name & Position applied, DOFA Office, Main Building, BIT MESRA, RANCHI 835215 and send an email confirming your courier no. at

Application Form

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