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Vacancy for Pharmacist under CMHO

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Vacancy for Pharmacist under CMHO

According to the approved action plan of the district for the financial year 2023-24 under the National Health Mission District-Durg and as per the instructions given in the Human Resource Policy 2018, the National Health Mission / District Health Committee, District Durg Ch. Under this advertisement is being published for the following contractual posts.

Post : Pharmacist (RBSK)

No of post : 01

Salary : Rs. 16,500

Qualification : Degree or Diploma in Pharmacy, With Registration in Chhattisgarh Pharmacy Registration Council.

Age Limit
1. Minimum age for contract posts will be 18 years and maximum 70 years for medical post and 64 years for managerial post.
2. Age will be calculated as on 1 January 2023 of the advertisement year.

Contract period and contract rules
1. All the posts are completely contract based, which is subject to the Contract Human Resource Policy 2018 under National Health Mission Chhattisgarh.
2. The contract service period will be from the date of appointment till March 31, 2024. Which after annual work evaluation of the employees/officers every year, the service can be continued only if the work is satisfactory.

Selection Process
After scrutiny of the received applications, the list of eligible/ineligible candidates for claim objection and other guidelines will be published in the notice board of the office and the website of the district, It will be the responsibility of the candidate to observe it. No information related to recruitment will be given to the candidate through any other medium.

General conditions and guidelines regarding recruitment
1. Joint Director National Health Mission Chhattisgarh. Letter no./n. H.M. / H.R. / 2022 / NS-1637/3703 Nava Raipur Atal Nagar, dated 24.02.2023, it is mandatory for the candidates to score 40 percent of the total marks in the skill test. Therefore, in case of not securing 40 percent marks, the candidates will be considered ineligible.
2. It is mandatory for the application to have a live registration in the Paramedical Council / Nursing Council / Pharmacy Council of Chhattisgarh State as per the minimum qualification till the date before applying online.
3. The applicant must be a native of the state of Chhattisgarh. For this, it is mandatory to present the domicile certificate issued by the competent authority at the time of document verification.
4. It is mandatory for the candidates applying for the posts on which marks are given on grading basis, to be marked in the online application form after getting the marks and full marks calculated in numbers by the competent authority from their educational institution. At the time of document test, it is mandatory to present the marks list related to marks obtained and complete after getting it verified through the District Education Officer.
5. Only after the completion of each year, the experience will be counted on the basis of direct coefficient of the year.
6. Verification of original certificates All the entries given by the candidates in the application should be correct as per the original documents. If it is found in the document verification before or after the final selection that the information mentioned in the application is wrong or incomplete, then they will not be included in the upcoming final selection list. Any time before / after the selection, if the information is found erroneous from any side, their selection will be cancelled. The final decision in this regard will be of the recruiter.
7. Category-wise waiting list will be issued for all the above posts, which will remain vacant for a minimum period of one year from the date of issue or till the issue of new recruitment advertisement. The new posts accepted during this time period, resignations and the posts falling vacant due to any reason will also be filled from this waiting list. For waiting selection list, 200 percent of the total approved posts up to 25 posts, 150 percent for 25 to 50 posts and 100 percent candidates for more than 50 posts will be kept in the waiting list, so that the vacant posts in future can be filled immediately.
8. The claim/objection received within the prescribed time period will only be accepted. Procedure prescribed for claim objection, any claim / objection will not be accepted / accepted after the stipulated date, only two errors will be rectified in the claim objection, new documents (additional / supplementary) will not be accepted / accepted.
9. No information will be given to the candidates regarding incomplete, unclear and erroneous application forms. If any information is given incomplete, unclear or erroneous in the application form, then on the basis of incompleteness, the application can be canceled without prior notice to the applicant.
10. The posting of 10 selected candidates will be done on the basis of final merit through counseling.
11. It is found at any stage of the selection process that any candidate is being pressurized in any way or trying to influence the fair selection process, then their application will be rejected, in respect of which No claim will be entertained.

Guidelines regarding applying online
• To apply online, apply by visiting the departmental website of Durg district,
• Candidates should register themselves for online application through their mobile number, after that the registration number and password will be received on the mobile of the candidate, log-in using the registration number and password.
• Before applying, read the guidelines given in the advertisement thoroughly.
• After submitting the application, print out the application and upload it compulsorily by signing the applicant himself, otherwise the application will not be considered complete.
• After uploading the signed application, print and preserve the acknowledgment which is mandatory to be produced at the time of document verification.
• Candidates have to fill the online application form. The applicant will not have to upload all the documents (educational, caste, residence, registration, disability) at present. During the process of document verification during the selection process, all the documents of the applicant will be minutely examined.
• The candidate will be personally responsible for any error in the online filled application and if the documents are not matched at the time of verification. In case of serious error, legal action will be taken or the application of the candidate can be rejected, for which the candidate will be personally responsible. Exercise utmost care/ caution while filling the online application form.

It will be mandatory for the applicant to have the following records at the time of document verification
1. 8th or 10th and 12th mark sheet (for date of birth verification)
2. Mark sheet of each year/semester of prescribed educational qualification.
3. Certificate of Technical Qualification.
4. Live / Permanent Registration Certificate of the concerned Council. (For the posts applicable)
5. Caste certificate issued by the competent authority.
6. Domicile Certificate of Chhattisgarh (Preference will be given to candidates who are domicile of Chhattisgarh State)
7. Disability Certificate/Identity Card (UDID) (if applicable). It is mandatory to attach a living disability certificate of more than 40 percent from the Medical Board for the Physical Handicapped application.
8 It will be mandatory for the candidates working in Government / Semi-Government organization to attach a copy of the No Objection Certificate from their employer to the application form.

For this, applications in the prescribed form are invited online from 07.06.2023 to 21.06.2023 on the departmental website of Durg district till 5.30 pm. No other medium or direct application will be accepted.

Last Date : 21st June, 2023 till 5:30 pm

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