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Recruitment for Pharmacists (04 posts) under Medical Health Department at Panvel Municipal Corporation

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Recruitment for Pharmacists (04 posts) under Medical Health Department at Panvel Municipal Corporation

Under the National Civil Health Mission, the vacant posts for Panvel Municipal Corporation are to be appointed on emolument basis on contractual basis in blue contract form as shown below for the recruitment process. However, interested and eligible candidates should submit their application in the prescribed format to Panvel Municipal Corporation Medical Health Department opposite Devale Lake, Beside Gokhale Hall Panvel - 410206, dated 2.06.2023 to 13.06.2023.

Post : Pharmacist

No of posts : 8 (Sc-1, NTC-1, OBC-2, EWS-1, Open-3)
Salary : Rs. 17,000/-

Education Qualification : 12+Diploma (D.Pharm) / B.Pharm with MSPC Registration
1. Detailed and accurate details regarding educational qualification should be recorded.
2. Candidates must possess the educational qualification mentioned in the advertisement on the last date of submission of application.
3. Final year marks and percentage of marks should be mentioned accurately while filling the application form. It is mandatory to mention marks and percentage of marks without mentioning grade or other category. If the marks and percentage of marks mentioned in the certificate do not match the percentage mentioned in the application, such applications will be rejected.
4. If there is grade or category in the final certificate, it should be certified by the concerned institution in terms of marks.
5. The application will be scrutinized according to the information provided by the candidates in the form.
6. Eligible candidates will be disqualified if they do not submit the original mark sheet of required educational qualification during recruitment.
7. The educational qualification/qualification required for the post must be obtained from a Government recognized University only....

Age Limit
Maximum 35 years
1. On the last date of application i.e. Candidate's age as on 13.06.2023 must be within the age limit prescribed in the advertisement.
2. Hon. Commissioner, Health Services and Mission Director, National Health Mission, Mumbai. As per the letter dated 25 May 2019, the age limit for other posts related to patient care (eg nurse, superintendent, technician, counselor, drug maker etc.) will remain 65 years.
It will be mandatory for candidates aged 60 years or above to attach physical and mental fitness certificate from the District Surgeon along with the application form.

1. Only experience in Govt, Semi Govt and Private organization after obtaining educational qualification and required additional educational qualification will be considered. Accordingly experience prior to holding educational qualification should not be recorded. That experience will not be considered.
2. While mentioning the experience details, the experience certificate from the government, semi-government and private organization is obtained. Details of such government, semi-government and private organizations should be mentioned in the form. Without experience certificate, the said experience will not be considered. The experience certificate should clearly mention the period of experience...
3. While mentioning the details in the experience certificate, the date and date of discharge should be mentioned correctly. Care should be taken to register the said period as per the experience certificate. If any discrepancy is found, the said certificate will be declared invalid.
4. Only the experience required for the post applied for will be considered. Experience other than this will not be considered.

Computer Qualification
1. Details of holding MSCIT certificate should be mentioned.

Instructions for filling the application form
1. Candidate should enter his/her full name correctly as per Secondary School Certificate. Copy of Secondary School Examination Certificate should be attached with the application.
2. Only the date of birth mentioned in the secondary school examination certificate should be mentioned in the application.
3. The age (days, months and years) of the candidate as on the date of advertisement should be mentioned correctly.
4. In the application form, the information about the gender of the candidate should be mentioned.
5. If the applicant is married, the marriage registration certificate and gazette in case of change of name must be submitted along with the application.
6. Candidate is required to mention his/her valid e-mail id/alternative e-mail id, current mobile number/alternative mobile number in the application form. The list of eligible candidates will be published on the above Named website. The said e-mail ID will remain active till the completion of the recruitment process and it will be the responsibility of the candidate to check the e-mail from time to time.
7. It is necessary to state whether the candidate is a domicile of Maharashtra state or how, if so, the Domicile Certificate must be submitted along with the application.
8. Candidate should mention his caste details correctly.
9. Applicant should mention his present address and permanent address correctly in the application.
10. A guarantee letter should be given that no criminal case has been registered against the applicant.

Small Family Certificate
1. Condition of small family d. It has been implemented from 23/07/2020 and dated 23/07/2020. Candidates having more than two surviving children will not be eligible to apply for National Health Mission Recruitment.
2. Certificate in the prescribed format is mandatory to be submitted by the eligible candidate before admission...

Application Fee
1. Candidates are required to enclose the application fee from any Nationalized Bank's Deposit (DD). For open category candidates Rs. 150/- and demand draft application fee of Rs.100/- for reserved category candidates. Any bank draft should be drawn in the following names. " INTEGRATED HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE SOCIETY PANVEL"
2. Demand draft of any bank other than nationalized bank will not be accepted. Applications received without Demand Draft will not be considered. It should be noted that those applications will be disqualified.

General Instructions
1. All necessary instructions and information regarding the said recruitment process will be published on the official website of Panvel Municipal Corporation from time to time. For this, it will be mandatory for the candidates to visit the website from time to time and obtain information. No candidate will be contacted personally in connection with the recruitment.
2. The post mentioned in the advertisement is purely contractual in nature and is not a regular post of state government. This post has nothing to do with the post of the State Government and the candidate cannot seek adjustment to the regular post of the State Government.
3. The pay of the post mentioned in the advertisement is the consolidated lump sum.
4. It will be compulsory for the selected candidates to attend the place of appointment with the original documents within 7 days after the appointment order is issued. (If there is any discrepancy between the documents submitted by the candidate and the original documents at the time of verification and if the candidate uses any pressure technique, the selection of the said candidate will be cancelled, otherwise their appointment order will be terminated and the next candidates in the waiting list will be appointed.)

After filling the form, the interested candidates should attach the following documents 1 to 14 along with the form. Applications for the posts of Pharmacist in the prescribed format on the website and related documents as per above terms and conditions to Panvel Municipal Corporation, Health Department, Opposite Devale Lake, Next to Gokhale Hall, Panvel 410206 (excluding Government Holidays) dated 2.06.2023 to 13.06.2023 should be submitted from 11.00 am to 4.00 pm. Applications will also be accepted by post, courier and within the prescribed period.
1) Form filled with complete information
2) Proof of age
3) Degree/Degree Certificate (All Year Certificate)
4) Mark sheet
5) Maharashtra State Pharmacy Council Registration Certificate (As Applicable).
6) Certificate documents of work experience done in Govt/Semi Govt/Private Organizations
7) Aadhaar Card
8) Current photograph
9) Marriage registration certificate if applicant is married and Gazette if name change.
10) Small Family Certificate (Affidavit)
11) Guarantee that no criminal case has been filed
12) Domicile Certificate
13) Demand Draft of Nationalized Bank
14) The application form, bank statement and necessary documents should be enclosed in a single envelope and submitted.

Last Date : 13th June, 2023

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