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Pharmacist recruitment at District Integrated Health and Family Welfare Society

GPAT courses

Pharmacist recruitment at District Integrated Health and Family Welfare Society

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following vacancies on contractual basis as shown in the table below under various programs implemented in the district under National Health Mission and for District Integrated Health and Family Welfare Society, Palghar.

Post: Pharmacist

Program name: RBSK
No of Posts: 1 (SC-01)
Qualification: B.Pharm/ D.Pharm

General Information:
1) Candidates should send their applications along with the prescribed format and photocopies of required documents to the address
113 to 114 1st Floor,
Rashtriya Arogya Abhiyan,
Navin Zilla Parishad Building,
Boisar Road, Kolgaon,
Palwar Pin Code 401404.
From 23/06/2023 to 02/07/2023 upto 05.00 PM (Office will be open on Saturday, 24/06/2023 and Saturday, 01/07/2023) During office hours excluding holidays (Sundays and Government Holidays) By Post, Courier Or actually (By Hand) should be submitted. Candidates should note that applications received through any other mode (online or e-mail) will not be accepted. Also, applications received after the prescribed date will not be accepted under any circumstances. Also, applications received by post after the last date will not be accepted.
2) Attested photocopies of original documents required as under along with the application should be added
• All year certificates and mark sheets regarding educational qualification
• Caste Certificate and Caste Validity Certificate
• Proof of age
• Certificate of work experience done in Govt/Semi Govt
• Government Gazette if there is a change in the name of the candidate.
• 01 passport size photograph and identity card (Aadhaar Card/PANCARD etc.)
• Other required documents.
3) The said posts are not regular posts of the State Government and are purely temporary posts. There will be no right to permanence on the said post and the government service rules are not applicable for these posts. Also, the applicant shall not have any right to receive goods in Government service or service protection through match or to make any claim regarding the same.

4) The applicant should be physically and mentally fit for the post concerned and should not have had any administrative and financial proceedings, penal proceedings or criminal or any other serious offense recorded against the government employee during his previous tenure as a government employee.
5) Remuneration of Namud post is the consolidated monthly remuneration as shown in the advertisement.
6) Post and number of posts may be changed as per requirement. All rights in this regard are vested in the Chairman Selection Committee and Hon. The Chief Executive Officer has been retained by Zilla Parishad Palghar.

7) The maximum age limit for the said post on the date of advertisement will be 38 years for open category, 43 years for reserved category and 70 years for MBBS, specialist and highly specialized specialist and 65 years for patient related posts (eg nurse, technician, superintendent, counsellor). Maximum service entry limit will be relaxed up to 05 years for working candidates in National Health Mission service. For applicants above 60 years it is mandatory to submit physical fitness certificate certified by District Surgeon. Applications from candidates who do not possess the prescribed qualifications, applications not in the prescribed format or not properly executed, incomplete or incorrectly filled-in applications, mutilated applications, applications without signatures, applications without attested copies of required mark sheets and certificates or applications where similar information is not properly indicated, short Applicants should note that applicants submitting incomplete family affidavits and unattached applications etc. will be disqualified.

 8) Selection list will be prepared in order of merit and selection will be made according to merit. The selection process will be conducted as per the scoring system as follows
Marks in Qualifying Exam: 50 marks
For Qualification Degree: 20 marks
For experience: 30 marks

9) Only experience under Government, Semi-Government and National Health Mission will be considered in the selection process. Private experience is not acceptable. Experience in the same post applied for will be considered

10) All the above posts will be filled on contractual basis and on consolidated emolument basis and will be filled for the period from the date of issue of said appointment order to 29/06/2024. Further reassignment will be based on your performance evaluation.
11) The applicant cannot be asked to change the place of posting as per the convenience of the applicant.
12) According to merit order in the selection list, the appointment will be made on priority basis according to social reservation. If the candidate uses any pressure technique in that regard, the said candidate will be disqualified.
13) It will be mandatory to attach the registration certificate of the corresponding council for technical post among the above posts otherwise the candidate will be disqualified
14) According to the said advertisement only the applications of the candidates whose applications are received within the prescribed period will be considered. Applications already received by this office in any other context will not be considered. 857x550x32-bit
15) If the Central Government disapproves the posts concerned, the service of the candidate will be terminated immediately without any prior notice.
16) Candidates should clearly mention the caste category for the said post as per the name of the post applied for and social reservation in the application form. If applying for more than one post, candidates should submit separate applications for each post. Also the application will be accepted for the same post for which the application is made. Also the name of the program must be clearly mentioned.


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