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Jobs for Pharmacists (05 posts) under Integrated Health and Family Welfare Society

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Jobs for Pharmacists under Integrated Health and Family Welfare Society

Under Rashtriya Arogya Abhiyan, Zilla Parishad, Aurangabad and District Hospital, Aurangabad are to provide related post services on contract basis under various programs at the level. Accordingly, the interested candidates should submit their applications to the concerned office along with the duly filled application forms for the below mentioned services along with the photocopies of educational qualification and DD.

Post : Pharmacist

No of posts : 05 (SBC-1, EWS-3, Open-1)
SDH Vaijapur-1
SDH Gangapur -1
RH Soegaon -2
RH Pachod-1
Salary : Rs. 17,000/-

Education Qualification :  D.Pharm / B.Pharm
1. Detailed and accurate details regarding educational qualification should be recorded.
2. Candidates must possess the educational qualification mentioned in the advertisement on the last date of submission of application.
3. Final year marks and percentage of marks should be mentioned accurately while filling the application form. It is mandatory to mention marks and percentage of marks without mentioning grade or other category. If the marks and percentage of marks mentioned in the certificate do not match the percentage mentioned in the application, such applications will be rejected.
4. If there is grade or category in the final certificate, it should be certified by the concerned institution in terms of marks.
5. The application will be scrutinized according to the information provided by the candidates in the form.
6. Eligible candidates will be disqualified if they do not submit the original mark sheet of required educational qualification during recruitment.
7. The educational qualification/qualification required for the post must be obtained from a Government recognized University only....

Experience : 1 year experience
1. Only experience in Govt, Semi Govt and Private organization after obtaining educational qualification and required additional educational qualification will be considered. Accordingly experience prior to holding educational qualification should not be recorded. That experience will not be considered.
2. While mentioning the experience details, the experience certificate from the government, semi-government and private organization is obtained. Details of such government, semi-government and private organizations should be mentioned in the form. Without experience certificate, the said experience will not be considered. The experience certificate should clearly mention the period of experience...
3. While mentioning the details in the experience certificate, the date and date of discharge should be mentioned correctly. Care should be taken to register the said period as per the experience certificate. If any discrepancy is found, the said certificate will be declared invalid.
4. Only the experience required for the post applied for will be considered. Experience other than this will not be considered.

Age Limit
As on the date of advertisement, the maximum age limit and the age of termination of service for this specialist contract service will be 1 year. For nursing and paramedical staff service, the maximum age and termination of service will be 65 years. Also, it will be mandatory to submit the medical certificate of the District Surgeon that he is physically and mentally capable, only after that the order to start the service will be given. For other services, the maximum age limit will be 38 years for the open category and 43 years for the backward category as per the decision of the Ministry of General Administration, Ministry of Mumbai dated 20/04/256, the age requirement of 5 years will be relaxed if working in the National Health Mission.

Computer Qualification
1. Details of holding MSCIT certificate should be mentioned.

Application fee
1. Enclosing the deposit of application fee to the candidate along with the application will be Rs.500/- for category candidates. Demand draft fee for reserved category candidates should be drawn in the following names. Rs. 250/- is OPEN REQUIRED APPLICATION "STATUTORY DEDUCTION NHM DIST INT HEALTH"
2. Applications received without proper receipt will not be considered.
3. If applying for more than one post, attach separate bank slip for each post.

Application Instructions
1. All candidates must fill the application form mentioned in the advertisement within the prescribed period.
2. Every point in the application should be filled correctly. It should be noted that the information once filled will be considered final and no change can be made in it.
3. Do not attach any documents other than the attached application along with the photocopies of educational qualification and caste certificate of the category applied for, experience certificate if any and bank slip.
4. Only one application is required for one post. For more than one post, separate application form is required and separate application fee for each post is required to be attached.

After reading all the instructions carefully, the application should be submitted in the prescribed manner. Based on the sample information provided in the application form and on the basis of the certificates/documents submitted during the interview, the candidate will be qualified and disqualified and on that basis will be included in the further selection process.

Acceptance of application or inclusion in further selection process shall not constitute selection of the candidate. If at any time during the selection process or after the selection of the candidates, it is found that the applicant does not possess the prescribed qualification or is found to be ineligible for any reason, the candidature / selection of such candidate will be canceled forthwith.

Terms and Conditions
1. The said service is purely contractual in nature and dt. will be taken up to 29/6/2024, also in case of disapproval by the Central Government, the service of the candidates will be terminated without any prior notice.
2. The applicant should be physically and mentally fit for the post concerned and no criminal offense has been registered against the applicant.
3. The selection process for the contract service in the above table will be based on the number of applications received and the qualified candidates will be selected based on their merits by applying skill test and oral interview on the basis of five per seat as required. The list of eligible and ineligible candidates and other information will be made available on the website zpaurangabad gov in & aurangabd No correspondence will be entered into with the candidates.
4. If the applicant wants to apply for more than one service, separate application should be made and attached with the application
5. The candidate should apply on the condition that the demand draft received will not be refunded.

More Info & Application Form

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