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Job Openings for Pharmacists (11 posts) under Directorate Health Services

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Job Openings for Pharmacists under Directorate Health Services

Directorate Health Services, Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Chhattisgarh, Non-clinical Paramedical and Nursing (Directorate Health Services) Third Class Service Recruitment Rules 2013 (amended rule 11 June 2020) provisions, qualifications and time-to-time at the government / state level As per the instructions issued on Chhattisgarh for direct recruitment to the vacant posts of District Level Pharmacist Class-II (Pharmacist Grade-02), Rural Health Coordinator (Male), Rural Health Coordinator (Female), Dresser Class-I, Dresser Class-II, Lab Assistant

Post : Pharmacist Grade 2

Online applications from the native and eligible candidates of the state are invited from the date 30/05/2023 to the date 13/06/2023 till 12.00 midnight on link. Reservation wise details of vacant posts are as follows.

No of posts : 11 (UR-8, OBC-03)

Educational Qualifications
(1) Diploma in Drug Manufacturing (Pharmacy) registered with the Pharmacy Council, and equivalent degree and
(2) Live registration from Chhattisgarh Pharmacy Council.
(3) As per circular no./F 20-4/2014/A.P./1-3 Naya Raipur dated 27.09.2014 of Chhattisgarh Government, General Administration Department only OL, BL, HH will be eligible for disability reservation.

1. Chhattisgarh Government Health and Family Welfare Department, Non-clinical Paramedical and Nursing (Directorate Health Services) Third Class Service Recruitment Rules-2013 (Amended Rules 11 June 2020) will be applicable.
2. It will be mandatory for the candidates to fulfill the mandatory educational qualifications prescribed in the Recruitment Rules for the posts.
3. For the application, it is mandatory to have live registration in Chhattisgarh State's Paramedical Council / Nursing Council / Pharmacy Council, according to the minimum qualification, till the date before applying online.
4. The applicant must be a native of the state of Chhattisgarh. For this, it will be mandatory to present the domicile certificate issued by the competent authority at the time of document verification.
5. SLP filed in Hon'ble Supreme Court, New Delhi (C.) Number 19668 / 2022 will be subject to the order / decision to be passed and according to the order / decision of the Honorable Supreme Court, there may be a change in the number of category wise vacancies of the advertised posts.
6. According to Chhattisgarh Government General Administration Department's circular number / F 20-4/2014/A.P./1-3 Naya Raipur dated 27.09.2014, only such persons will be eligible for reservation in services/posts, who have at least 40 percent Persons suffering from relevant disability who want to avail the benefit of reservation, it will be mandatory for them to submit disability certificate issued by the competent medical board. According to the advertised posts (Pharmacist Grade-02 and Dresser Grade-1) under reserved disabled category, only disabled candidates with desired disability will be eligible.
7. The posts for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes will be determined according to the reservation rules/roster prevalent by the government in the district and the instructions issued by the General Administration Department from time to time will be applicable. It will be mandatory to attach permanent caste certificate issued by the competent authority for caste.
8. Ex-servicemen and disabled will be given the benefit of reservation as per rules. It will be mandatory for ex-servicemen and disabled candidates to submit the certificate from the competent authority.
9. If a candidate has been dismissed from government services in the past, then he will not be eligible for selection.
10. In this regard, it will be mandatory to submit an affidavit at the time of document verification. It will be mandatory for the employees working in Government / Semi-Government institutions to present the No Objection Certificate of their employer, otherwise they will not be eligible for selection.

11. This appointment will be completely temporary appointment. Appointment of the selected candidates, Government of Chhattisgarh, General Administration Department's letter No. F 1-1/2017/1-3 Nava Raipur Atal Nagar, dated 29.07.2020, published in the attached Gazette (Extraordinary) Notification No. F 1-1/2017/ 1-3 Dated 28.07.2020, any person appointed by direct recruitment to any service or post will first be placed on probation for 03 years and the orders issued by the Finance Department will be fully applicable to these appointments. During the probation period of 03 years, stipend will be payable to the selected candidates/government servants as per Finance Instruction 21/2020. Revised CG According to the Basic Rule-22C (1), the minimum amount of 70%, 80% and 90% of the pay scale of that post will be given as stipend for the first, second and third year respectively.
12. After the online application of the applicant, the list will be prepared on the basis of merit, if the information given by the candidate is found to be untrue/wrong at any stage, then the eligibility of the applicant will be terminated without any prior notice.
13. Any kind of criminal or court case should not be pending against the applicant, otherwise he will not be eligible for selection.
14. In relation to recruitment, terms and conditions, other necessary instructions and selection process, future information, instructions, orders, eligible-ineligible list, merit list and all other information will be given through Bemetara district's website .
15. Applications on the above posts will be valid/accepted through online only. Application through other means will not be accepted.
16. Online application can be made on the link from 30/05/2023 to 13/06/2023 at 12.00 midnight.
17. Before applying online, the applicant should check his/her own eligibility and apply only after fulfilling the prescribed qualification/conditions for the advertised post. All the information sought by the applicant in the online application should be filled carefully and carefully and the required documents should be compulsorily Upload the complete responsibility of filling wrong or untrue information in the application will be of the candidate himself.

Guidelines regarding applying online
1. To apply online, go to the link and go to the Apply Now option, then click on the CMHO Bemetara option and select the relevant post and apply.
2. Before applying, study the educational / technical qualifications and guidelines given in the advertisement thoroughly, then apply online.
3. Be very careful while filling the online application, fill the desired information correctly, and upload the desired documents like :- latest color photograph, signature of the candidate, educational qualification, technical qualification and experience certificate.
4. After filling the application, submit it and take a print out of the application and keep it safe, it will be mandatory to present it at the time of document verification.
5. On receipt of the list of applications received online, the merit list will be published after the approval and decision of the District Level Selection Committee.

Interpretation: - The right of selection of conditions, important instructions / information etc. mentioned in the advertisement will be reserved with the Departmental Selection Committee and the representation submitted by any candidate in this regard will not be accepted and the decision taken by the Departmental Selection Committee will be final and on the candidate. Will be binding.

Last Date : 13th June, 2023

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