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Job for Pharmacists under Integrated Health and Family Welfare Society

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Job for Pharmacists under Integrated Health and Family Welfare Society

Under the National Health Mission, the following vacancies are to be filled cadre wise for a contractual period of 11 months and 29 days. Applications are invited from eligible and interested candidates for the said post.

Post : Pharmacist

No of posts : 02 (OBC-01, EWS-01)

Qualification : B.Pharm / D.Pharm Registration with Maharashtra State Pharmacy Council.

Salary : Rs. 17000/- Per Month

Terms and Conditions
1) All the above mentioned posts are not state government posts but purely contractual posts of 11 months and 29 days. There is no right to permanency in the said post and the government service rules are not applicable for these posts. Also, the applicant will not have any right to claim for inclusion in regular government service or for service protection or service protection through the government.
2) The said posts are being filled subject to approval of PIP year 2022-23 under the programme. If the said project is disapproved by the Central Government or the State Government and if the said posts are not approved for the year 2023-24, the contractual service of all the above posts will be automatically terminated without any prior notice. Applicants should note this.
3) The number of posts mentioned in the advertisement may be increased or decreased by changes in the number of posts, place of post and remuneration, as well as cancellation/postponement of the said recruitment, change or cancellation of the selection/appointment process at any stage without assigning any reason, the right to take any decision related to the selection process. are reserved with the selection committee. The final right to cancel or continue the appointment of any selected candidates during the service period is reserved to the Selection Committee Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad, Parbhani. No one can make any claim in this regard.
4) Remuneration for the post is consolidated remuneration. The selection committee reserves the right to fix the remuneration as per the approved PIP.
5) Asha volunteers who have completed GNM course, there will be no age requirement for GNM post recruitment, candidates taking educational loan for pursuing GNM course under National Health Mission will be given preference in said recruitment.
6) Date of joining Government service, tenure, designation, year of retirement, final pay received on the date of retirement and pay (pension) payable after retirement in case of retired/voluntary retirement from Government service applying for Medical Officer and Staff Nurse. And if previously worked in any program on contractual basis, all the information regarding the same should be mentioned in the letter and its true copy should be attached with the application.
7) In case of selection of retired employee, his remuneration will be paid as per the guidelines received from the state level. In case of selection of retired employees, to provide a certificate stating that no inquiry or case of any kind is pending during their service period or after retirement, Hon. The proposal will be sent to the Commissioner Health Services Mumbai only after approval of the said proposal, the appointment order will be issued to the concerned. Also, for joining, it is mandatory for them to submit a physically and mentally fit certificate from the District Surgeon, District Hospital, Parbhani.
8) Applicant should be physically and mentally fit for the post concerned and no criminal offense should have been registered against the applicant.
9) Experienced and higher educational qualification holders will be given preference. In order to implement the program, if the reserved category candidates are not available in sufficient number for each of the mentioned posts, Hon. Joint Director, National Health Mission, Mumbai letter no. Rajso / Manpower / Reservation / 24564-774 / 16 vide letter dated 20/07/2016 will be appointed from available candidates on temporary basis from open category.
10) Relaxation of 5 years for employees working under National Health Mission, 70 years for M.B.B.S, 65 years for the post of Nurse, and other modal maximum age limit will remain 38 years for open category and 43 years for Backward category, as well as physical fitness certified by District Surgeon for applicants above 60 years for the post of Nurse. Submission of Fitness) certificate is mandatory.

11) It should be noted that all the notices regarding the above recruitment will not be sent to the candidates on the official website of Zilla Parishad, Parbhani, by phone message, SMS or email. It will be mandatory for the candidates to visit the website from time to time to get information.
12) Along with the application, the candidate should submit the President, District Integrated Health and Family Welfare Society, G.P. A non-refundable Nationalized Bank Deposit (DD) of Rs.150/- for Open Category and Rs.100/- for Backward Category payable in the name of Parbhani. It should be noted that bank slips will not be accepted for drawing checks or DDs.
13) At the time of submission of the application by the applicant, the application form of the candidate will be accepted in the application form published on the website of Zilla Parishad Parbhani or NIC Parbhani in any other form viz. Candidates should note that their own typewritten, other application form with change in the form as per the name of the sales center will not be accepted.
14) Application along with autographed photocopy of all documents should be sent to the following address by post or by hand from date of publication of advertisement dt.02/06/2023 to dt. Deposit by 12/06/2023 by 5.00 PM (excluding office holidays). Applications received by hand/post after the prescribed deadline will not be considered.
15) If a candidate wants to apply for more than one post, the application should be submitted with separate demand drafts, but if the interview or examination is conducted simultaneously, the candidate will have to appear for any one of the posts. The candidate concerned will be considered for the post attended.
16) As proof of age, the candidate should submit school leaving certificate, birth certificate, secondary school certificate (sanad) or a certificate from which it is convenient to assume the date of birth of the candidate.
18) Full details of Educational Qualification Name of Courses, Name of Institute/University, Year of Passing, Percentage of Marks, Details of DD (Nationalized Bank), all mark sheets showing final year marks if required, Date of Birth Certificate, Necessary Documents regarding Educational Qualification, Caste Certificate, Experience Certificate etc. Attested xerox copies should be attached, incomplete and incorrect application will not be considered.
19) Work Experience Experience related to the relevant post will be considered only in Govt or NHM. Experience Certificate signed and signed by the Head of the Institute No. And the duration and name of the post should be in bold. Experience of the post for which the candidate has applied will be considered, as well as during the period of appointment The candidate will be required to attach at least three months of bank statements along with the submitted experience as required to be sent to the concerned organization for verification. If a wrong or misleading certificate is found in the verification, the selection committee will cancel the appointment of the candidate at any level from the recruitment process or after selection at any level and appropriate action will be taken against the concerned through the selection committee.
20) Registration Certificate :- Registration and renewal shall be mandatory for the post of Medical Officer / Staffers as well as for all posts for which registration and renewal is required.

21) Computer knowledge required Certificate of MS-CIT should be attached.
22) If more applications are received than required for the post, a merit list will be prepared according to the selection criteria and the candidates will be called for the further process.
23) Original documents will be verified before issuing the appointment order, if any defect or wrong certificate / misleading certificate is found in the certificate attached by the candidates, the selection/appointment of the candidate will be canceled immediately and legal action will be taken against the concerned.
24) After the completion of the said recruitment process, if the post becomes vacant due to resignation of the employee within one year, the appointment order will be given to the candidate on the waiting list in order of merit. The waiting list is popular Vaidya shall remain for one year from the date of appointment.
25) After selection, the applicant cannot ask for change of place according to the same moi during the contract period.

Last Date : 12th June, 2023 till 5:00 pm
Address to Submit Application : NHM Department, 2nd Floor, Zilla Parishad New Building, Near Stadium, Parbhani

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