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Job for Pharmacist under National Urban Health Mission

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Job for Pharmacist under National Urban Health Mission

Applications are invited from the candidates who are eligible for the post as per the table below on contractual basis for the programs implemented under the National Urban Health Mission as shown in the table below.

Post : Pharmacist

No of post : 01

Qualification : D.Pharm

Age limit : Up to 38 years for open category and up to 43 years for reserved category

Experience : Preferential experience in similar administrative, semi-administrative positions.

Salary : Rs. 17,000/- pm

Terms and Conditions
1. For each application for recruitment process for unreserved category candidates Rs. 150/- (letter amount Rs. one hundred and fifty only) and demand draft of Rs.100/- (letter amount Rs. one hundred rupees only) for reserved category candidates must be attached. The said fee should be non-refundable and the said (Demand Draft) should be in the full name of Integrated Health and Family Welfare Society Sangli, Sangli Miraj and Kupwad City Corporation. should be attached at the very top of the application form. On the reverse side of the demand draft, the candidate should write his full name, name of the post applied for, post number. It should be noted by the candidate that if any mistake is found in the name of the demad draft or if it is bad then the application of the concerned candidate will not be accepted for the further process of recruitment. Dhanakarsh (Dernand Draft) Aspiration of Nationalized Bank.
2. The above mentioned post is being filled on contractual basis for 11 months and 29 days. If the salary of the said post is not received in the action plan of the year 2023-24, the service of the above post will be terminated automatically. But if the above post is sanctioned in the year 2023-24 then the next 11 months and 29 days appointment will be given after satisfactory tenure.
3. The above mentioned posts are not the posts of the state government but are purely contract posts. There will be no right or claim regarding the terms and conditions of government service on the said post. Also government service rules are not applicable for this post. Consolidated remuneration will be paid per month for the above contractual posts. Preference will be given to experienced and higher educational qualification holders.
4. According to the Government Decision dated 25th April 2016 of the General Administration Department, Ministry of Mumbai, the maximum age limit for the post will be 38 years for unreserved category and 43 years for reserved category and the maximum age limit for medical officers, specialists and super specialists will be 70 years. Also, the age limit will be relaxed by 5 years for candidates who have worked or are working under NHM.
5. Joint Director (Intergovernmental), National Health Mission Mumbai's no. According to RASO/ Manpower / Reservation / 24564-774/16 letter dated 20/07/2016, if the required reserved category candidate is not available, the candidate from other category possessing the required educational qualification for the post will be considered.
6. If a candidate wants to submit application for more than one post, he/she should submit application for each post separately. Along with the application, the priority order of the posts should be submitted to the office before the interview. But if the interview test is conducted at the same time, one has to appear for one of the posts. The candidate who will be present will be accepted for that post and absentee will be accepted for the other post.
7. The appointment will be given on priority basis on the basis of merit in the selection list. If the candidate uses any pressure method in this regard, the selection of the candidate will be cancelled. The selection process for the above post will be based on the number of applications received and the list will be prepared in order of merit. The decision of the selection committee will be final.
8. It will be mandatory to attach the registration certificate of the corresponding council for the above mentioned post, failing which the candidate will be disqualified.
9. If the concerned post is disapproved by the Central / State Government, the service of the candidate will be terminated immediately without any prior notice.
10. If the backward class candidate wants to submit the application from reservation, it will be necessary to attach the caste certificate along with the application otherwise the application will be disqualified.

11. The applicant should be physically and mentally fit for the post concerned and no criminal case should have been registered against the applicant.
12. Candidates should clearly mention the name of the post for which they are applying and Namud Pravarga (caste category), bank name and demand draft number for the said post as per social reservation in the application form.
13. No travel allowance or any other allowance will be payable to the candidates appearing for the application and interview. Also during the recruitment process the candidates will have to attend at their own expense whenever they are called. Also, no honorarium or travel expenses will be payable for the said attendance...
14 Notice for the post of Medical Officer and Specialist In case the application for the post of Medical Officer and Specialist is not available, the interested candidates with their original and attested photocopies of certificates will be interviewed for direct interview on the third Friday of every month and if the said day is a holiday, on the previous day (Thursday). It should be noted that interviews will be conducted.
15. All the rights to change the mentioned terms and conditions in terms of educational qualification, remuneration, age limit, social reservation, change in place of appointment in the said number of vacant posts belong to this office and the right to change at any time in the selection process, Commissioner and Chairman Recruitment Selection Committee, Sangli Miraj Kupwad Municipal Corporation , Sangli has been reserved but if there is a change in the number of posts as per the guidelines, the candidates cannot object.
16. Candidates should note that as all the posts in National Health Mission are purely contractual in nature, there is no transfer policy at present and no change in posting will be given to the candidate after appointment.

Advertisement is being published for the above mentioned vacant posts. However, the interested candidates can submit their applications in the prescribed format along with the attested/true copies of the required documents along with the attested/true copies of the application in the prescribed format through offline mode. From 12/06/2023 to dt. 26/06/2023 will be accepted from 10.00 am to 05.00 pm (excluding holidays). Also application of candidates after 26/06/2023 will not be considered for recruitment process. Applications received through e-mail will not be considered.

Application Place:- Medical Health Officer, RCH Office, Under Water Tank, Apta Police Chowki Beside, Uttar Shivaji Nagar, Sangli- 416416

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