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Applications invited for Post of Technical Assistant at NIREH

GPAT courses

Applications invited for Post of Technical Assistant at NIREH

National Institute for Research in Environmental Health (NIREH), Bhopal, is one of the permanent institutes of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), a Government of India’s apex autonomous organization for bio-medical research in the country. Historical Indian Council of Medical Research, an apex national body in biomedical research in India, after the Methyl Isocynate (MIC) gas/toxic gas disaster in the night of 2nd and 3rd December, 1984 in Bhopal set up, a Coordinating Unit in 1985 and initiated several research programmes. This Coordinating Unit was soon upgraded to Bhopal Gas Disaster Research Centre in 1986 to undertake long term epidemiological studies.

Post : Technical Assistant

APPLICATIONS are invited to fill up the following vacancies at ICMR - National Institute for Research in Environmental Health, Bhopal.

No of posts : 23 (UR-07, SC-04, ST-02, OBC-08, EWS-02 [PWD-02])

Essential Qualification : 1st class 03 year Bachelor degree in Science / Computer Science / Statistics / Bio-statistics / Veterinary Science / Toxicology / Bio-technology / Environment Science

Age : Not exceeding 30 Years

Pay Level (As Per 7 CPC) : Pay Level 06

1. Age relaxation up to 5 years is allowed for Government Servants and SC/ST - 5 years, OBC - B years and PH - 10 years in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time. Crucial date for calculating the age will be 31/07/2023.
2. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH and OBC (Non-Creamy layer) should furnish their certificates in the prescribed format, failing which, their application will not be considered.
3. Pay & other allowances are admissible as per ICMR rules. Benefit of new restructured defined contributory Pension System is admissible for new entrants as per provision contained in the Ministry of Finance, Dept, of Economic Affair (ECB & PR Divn.), Notification No. 5/7/2003-ECB & PR dated 22.12.2003 effective from 01.01.2004. Educational qualification and experience should be from an Organization / Institute of repute.
4. Application form may be downloaded from our website or or can be obtained from the Director, ICMR-National Institute for Research in Environmental Health, Bhauri Bypass Road, Bhopal - 462 030.
5. Application form duly completed in all respects along with a crossed demand draft of Rs.300/ - (Rupees Three Hundred Only) drawn in favor of "Director, ICMR-NIREH Bhopal" and attested copies of certificates in support of date of birth, educational qualification, experience, caste verification etc., may be sent to THE DIRECTOR, ICMR-NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, BHAURI BYPASS ROAD, BHOPAL-462 030 on or before the last date.
6. Separate application should be submitted for each post. SC/ST/PwD and Women candidates are exempted from payment of Rs.300/-.
7. ICMR employees are not exempted from the payment of application fee for direct recruitment posts.
8. Candidates working in Central/State Govt. /Public Sector Undertakings/Government funded organizations etc. should submit their applications THROUGH PROPER CHANNEL. Person who earlier worked in COVID-19 related projects/work will be given preference at appropriate stage of recruitment subject to production of a certificate of such work.

NOTE: - Incomplete / late or without demand draft applications will straight away be rejected. The Director, ICMR-NIREH, Bhopal reserves the right to accept or reject any / all the applications. Only short listed candidates will be called to attend the Written Test. The vacancies shown are tentative and may vary. No enquiry or correspondence in this regard will be entertained. Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidates or to bring political or other outside influence with regard to selection/recruitment shall be a disqualification. No TA/DA will be paid to attend the Written Test as and when scheduled and the candidates will have to make their own arrangement.

Last date to apply is 31/07/2023

Application Form

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