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Applications invited for Post of Pharmacist at CDM&PHO

GPAT courses

Applications invited for Post of Pharmacist at CDM&PHO

Applications are invited from Interested Retired Government Employees in the rank of Group-C , who have retired from Govt Service on attaining the age of superannuation and below 65 years and having good service records and physical fitness for engagement as Pharmacist and Junior Assistant on consolidated remuneration against vacant posts under the establishment of CDM&PHO Kalahandi as per Govt File No. HFW-MSIII-MSNG3M-0008-2023 6190 H&FW dt. 17.03.2023. The details of the Application Form, Criteria, Remuneration, Number of Posts, Terms and Conditions of the posts and period of re-engagement are available in the District website.

Post : Pharmacist

No of posts : 04
Qualification : D.Pharm, B.Pharm

1. The engagement shall remain valid for one year or till the vacancies of base level posts( Pharmacists/Jr Assts) are filled up by regular recruitment whichever is earlier and can be extended for subsequent period each subject to satisfactory performance up to a total period of four years not beyond the age of 65 years.
2. The selection procedure will be governed by the procedure and Rules laid down in G A Department Resolution No 23750/Gen dt 27.08.2014.
3. Re-engagement officials shall be governed by the provisions of Government Servant's Conduct Rules, 1957 and shall be liable to be proceeded against for their misconduct, omissions and commissions as per the provisions under Odisha Pension Rule 1992.
4. M'onthly remuneration of engaged officers shall be fixed as per the Finance Department Office Memorandum No 24535/F dt 29.09.2022.
5. Officers who have retired from Government Service on attaining the age of superannuation and not beyond the age of 65 (Sixty Five) years having good service records and physically fit shall be eligible to be considered for engagement. The candidate should have minimum of one year of time left for computing 65 years of age as on the last date of application.
6. Officers against whom Departmental proceedings / Criminal Cases / Vigilance cases are contemplated/ pending or who have been penalized for misconduct during the period of preceding five years will not be eligible for consideration.
7. The performance of the officers to be reviewed periodically and documented at least once in a quarter.
8. On review of their performance , if their performance is found unsatisfactory, their engagement will be terminated without giving any reason thereof at any point of time , by the appointing authority i.e CDM&PHO Kalahandi by giving one month notice to the concerned re-engaged employee. On the contrary if any re-engage official desires to resign he/she shall do so by giving one month written notice to the competent authority.
9. Officers applied for ministerial post (Jr Asst) should have operational computer knowledge.
10. Eligible willing candidates who are interested to be engaged for above said posts shall apply to the office of the Chief District Medial and Public Health Officer, Kalahandi, Odisha, 766001 in the given format by Registered Post / Speed Post only which should reach this office on or beforeQ 7' By'05:30 PM. Further the envelope containing the application form should be super scribed as APPLICATION FOR RE- ENGAGEMTN AS PHARMACIST/JR ASST in block capital letters failing which it will be rejected.
11. Application received in any other mode and after due date will not be accepted. Also the incomplete forms in any respect will not be considered.
12. The shortlisted candidates are required to appear for an interview before the Selection Committee for re-engagement as Jr Asst & Pharmacist in the establishment of the CDM&'PHO Kalahandi.
13. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all the applications and modify / cancel the advertisement without assigning any reason thereof. No of Posts for re-engagement may vary depending upon the administrative necessity.

The filled in application form should be addressed to the Chief District Medical and Public Health Officer, Kalahandi and should reach the office of the CDM&PHO Kalahandi by Speed Post/Registered Post till 05.30 PM of dt. 05-07-2023 from the date of publication of the Advertisement. Applications received thereafter shall not be entertained. Further the envelope containing the application form should be super scribed as APPLICATION FOR RE-ENGAGEMTN AS PHARMACIST/JR ASST in block capital letters failing which it will be rejected.

Application Form & More Info

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