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Applications invited for Post of Director at National Institute of Biologicals

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Applications invited for Post of Director at National Institute of Biologicals

The Government of India has set up the National Institute of Biologicals, an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India which is a premier scientific institution and a centre of excellence to ensure quality of vaccines and biologicals in the country. The institute is looking for a competent, dedicated and dynamic person for the post of Director as per details below.

Post : Director

Scale of pay : Revised Pay Matrix Level-15, Rs. 1,02,200-2,24,100/-plus NPA as applicable for Medical personnel as per rules
Method of Recruitment : Direct Recruitment through a Search-cum-Selection Committee.
Age : Not exceeding 56 years.

Qualifications : Essential(l) :
(A) Medical : PG Medical degree in the field of Microbiology/ Biochemistry/ Immunohematology & Blood Transfusion/ Pharmacology from a recognized University
Ph.D in the above mentioned fields.
(B) Non-Medical : (i) M.Sc in Microbiology / Clinical Microbiology / Biotechnology / Bioinformatics / Biochemistry from a recognized University with at least 60% marks and
(ii) Ph.D in the above mentioned fields.

Experience :
(i) 20 years in the profession with experience in any of the following areas:
(a) Research in Biologicals and Biotherapeutics, Quality Control Testing of Biologicals and Biotherapeutics;
(b) Review of Technical Dossiers of Biologicals and Biotherapeutics including Vaccines in respect of Chemistry Manufacturing, Control (CMC), non-clinical trial data on Animal Pharmacology/Animal Toxicology, Clinical Trial data;
Review of Technical Dossiers of 'In Vitro Diagnostic(IVD) Medical Devices' in respect of conformation to the Essential Principles of Safety and Performance of Medical Devices which include Product Description, Design and Manufacturing information, Product performance specifications and associated validation and verification studies, Labelling and Regulatory history;
Evaluation & Review of Adverse Events: following Immunization (AEFI)
associated with Biologicals and Biotherapeutics (Pharmacovigilance)
(iii) associated with blood transfusion and blood products administration (Haemovigilance);
(iv) due to indirect harm associated with IVD Medical Devices (Materiovigilance)
Management of Quality System with application of ISO : 17025 and ISO : 34 with Total Quality Management approach for at least 15 years after acquiring Ph.D
(ii) At least 3 years administrative experience.

Tenure : Appointment shall be for a tenure of 5 (Five) years not extending beyond the age of 60 years. The tenure may be extended for a further term up to the age of 62 years or terminated on 03 months notice or pay, if considered appropriate.

Job Description : The candidate select is expected to ensure that NIB plays a pioneering role in a high technology field of quality assurance, management and control Biologicals; should possess technical knowledge, skill and competence to render assistance in resolving problems of manufacturers; should have professional stature, dynamism and drive to enable the Institute to establish links with the national and International agencies working in (he fields, related to biologicals. Will advocate, plan, administer/coordinate & evaluate all scientific and management programmes, policies and procedures as set by the Governing Body and provide leadership and direction to all Institute activities.

Application Format
1, Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Present Designation 4. Office in which employed 5. Scale of pay & present pay along with allowances 6. Qualification 7. Training courses attended & publications 8. Up-to-date particulars of services. Eligible officer may send his/her application in duplicate through proper channel duly supported by Xerox copies of certificates and testimonials along with ACRs for the last five years and vigilance clearance certificate In case of candidate employed in Government organizations or equivalent assessment reports in case of private employment and the employer's certificate, to Under Secretary (Drugs Regulation), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Room No. 434-C Wing, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-110011.

LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATION : Within 60 days of publication in Employment News (both days inclusive) dated 22.06.2023. Advance copy may be sent which shall be considered valid only on receipt of application through proper channel.

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