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Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology Project Associate Job

Clinical research courses

Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology Project Associate Job

CSIR - Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology (IGIB) is a premier Institute of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), engaged in research of national importance in the areas of genomics, molecular medicine, bioinformatics, proteomics and environmental biotechnology.

CSIR-Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology (IGIB), desires to engage qualified incumbents on purely temporary basis in various ongoing projects of the Institute.

Project Associate-II
Project Subject : Molecular investigations of rising mucormycosis and other fungal infections in India.
Nodal Scientist from IGIB : Dr. Bhupesh Taneja
Project Code : OLP1158
Essential Qualification : Master’s Degree in Natural Sciences or bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine from a recognized University or equivalent And (ii) 2 Years experience in Research and Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organisations and Scientific activities and services
Desirable : Experience with whole genome sequencing methods and Experience with fungal culturing and handling
Upper Age limit (years) : 35
Monthly Emoluments (Rs.) : (i) 35,000/- + HRA to Scholars who are selected through (a) National Eligibility Tests-CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant professorship) or GATE or (b) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies andInstitutions.
(ii) 28,000/- + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above.

Principal Project Associate
Project Subject : Genetic-Epigenetic Influence Over Dexamethasone Response at high-altitude.
Nodal Scientist from IGIB : Dr. Qadar Pasha
Project Code : CLP0032
Essential Qualification :
(i) Master’s Degree in Natural Sciences or bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine from a recognized University or equivalent and
(ii) Eight years’ experience in Research and Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organisations and Scientific activities and services OR ME/M.Tech in Engineering or Technology from a recognized University or equivalent with six years’ experience in R&D in industrial and Academic Institutions or S&T Organisations and Scientific activities and services
(i) Doctoral Degree in Science/Engineering/ Technology/ Pharma/ MD/ MS from a recognized University or equivalent: and
(ii) Four years’ experience in Research and Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organisations and Scientific activities and services.

Desirable : Experience in Cell Culture and Molecular Biology and Life Sciences
Upper Age limit (years) : 40
Monthly Emoluments (Rs.) : 49000/- + HRA

The applicants will be subjected to shortlisting by our scientists according to the current requirement and the shortlisted candidates will be interviewed. After the interview, successful candidates will be put in a panel (names listed alphabetically) with a validity period of one year. Upon availability of funds, scientists will take students with appropriate experience and qualifications for their project work. Project position and remuneration as per the above OM. The duration of the post also depends on the fund available in a particular project and its validity. Reservation and Age relaxation as per CSIR/Govt. of India guidelines.

Tenure may be extendable up to project duration. The engagement which is on contract basis in respect of all above positions will confer no rights on the candidates, whatsoever, implicitly and/ or explicitly for their continuation beyond tenure/ absorption/ regularization in CSIR-IGIB. Contract may be terminated at any time by giving one-month notice by either side. Candidates should note that non-fulfillment of the eligibility criterion will result in cancellation of candidature at any stage. Those candidates who are still pursuing M.Sc./B.Tech/PhD or any qualification for the above post(s) on the last date of application will not be considered and age will be calculated on the last date of receiving applications.

How to Apply
No application would be entertained with “result awaited” status or after due date. List of shortlisted, selected candidate(s) and candidate(s) kept in panel will be put up on CSIR-IGIB website. Panel student(s) will be considered for 1 year. If any PI considers that the panel candidate meets his/her requirement for their project, they will be called; otherwise, new advertisement will be putup.  No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates to attend the interview. The engagement shall be as per guidelines of CSIR/Funding agency. Candidates will have an option to give reply in Hindi.

"DISCLAIMER: Candidates who are applying please ensure that you fulfill the essential qualifications. If you apply without fulfilling the essential qualifications then it will be considered that you are giving wrong/misleading information. The ONUS OF THIS ACTION WILL BE ON THE CANDIDATE and noton the scientists, HR Division or the Institute. In case you are found not to fulfill the essential criteria or that you have provided misleading information, then your candidature for the post may be rejected at any stage of selection or after selection". There would be no automatic shifting of project staff form one project to another. On completion of the tenure in one project, if one wants to apply for engagement in another project, he/she will have to go through the process of selection by submitting a fresh application. Appointment under the new project would be made only after submission of ‘No Dues Certificate’ in the previous project and submission of resignation from the previous project.

Note : The shortlisted candidates have to keep ready with them a valid photo ID card, an updated signed C. V. (clearly mentioning Date of Birth, Highest Qualification with percentage, Correspondence Address and Email-ID), Dissertation (if any), PhD thesis (if any) and original certificates/Self attested photocopies for verification.

Last date of receiving application is 10th JUNE 2021.
(Date of interview – JUNE 18, 2021 at 10:00 AM via video call)


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