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Walk in interview for Project Assistant at Traditional Knowledge Digital Library

Clinical research courses

The CSIR-Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (CSIR-TKDL) Unit is engaged in the protection and preservation of India’s vast traditional medicine knowledge present in ancient texts by converting the information into modern languages. It aims to prevent the misappropriation of Indian Systems of Medicine through patenting at the international level. CSIR-TKDL Unit is a unit under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), an autonomous body with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (Ministry of Science and Technology).

Post : Project Assistant – III (Patents)

Code : TK08

Qualification and experience
Masters degree in Chemical or Biological Sciences/Bioinformatics/ Cheminformatics or equivalent with minimum 55% marks plus two years experience in patent analytics/informatics

Desirable: PG Diploma in IPR, good written and oral skills in English

Remuneration/stipend payable : Rs. 28,000/ plus HRA as per rules

Age Limit : 35 years on date of written test/interview. The above age limits are relaxable for candidates of statutory groups as per CSIR/Govt. of India instructions on the subject.

Job Requirement: Preference will be given to those with proficiency in computers and commonly used software.

General Conditions:
(a) The engagement which is on contract basis in respect of all above positions will confer no rights on the candidates, whatsoever, implicitly and / or explicitly for their continuation beyond tenure/absorption / regularization in CSIR. Contract may be terminated at any time at a notice of one month from either side or one month stipend in lieu thereof.
(b) Project staff would be governed by the guidelines relating to engagement of project staff in Contract Research and Plan Projects / NMITLI Scheme under National Laboratories Scheme issued by CSIR vide OM No. 4/CMG/2016-PPD dated 04/07/2016.
(c) The project staff may be required to travel as per need.
(d) Reservation (SC/ST/OBC/PwD) is applicable as per CSIR/Govt. of India instructions on the subject.
(e) Head, CSIR-TKDL Unit reserves the right to increase/ decrease the number of positions and also cancel the recruitment process for the positions mentioned above at any stage of the recruitment process. The decision of the Head, CSIR-TKDL Unit will be final and binding.

(a) Candidates should present themselves at Vigyan Suchna Bhawan, CSIR-NISCAIR Building, 14, Satsang Vihar Marg, New Delhi – 110 067 for Interview at the above mentioned dates against each post at 9:00 AM. Written test may be conducted if necessary. In such a case, the interview of shortlisted candidates will take place on the same day or on the next day.
(b) The candidates must bring with them original certificates/ testimonials at the time of test/ interview along with two copies of self-attested photographs and a set of self-attested copies of certificates/ testimonials in support of age, qualification, marks obtained, experience etc. The candidates must also bring a copy of their bio-data neatly typed on A4 paper and a printout of the duly filled registration form.
(c) The candidates belonging to reserved categories must bring their original certificate of categories to which they belong issued by the competent authority (along with self attested copies of the same).
(d) No TA/DA will be paid for attending the Test/ Interview.
(e) If currently employed, then the candidate will have to furnish no-objection certificate from the current employer at the time of joining.
(f) Candidature will be purely provisional subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria.
(g) Canvassing in any form will render the candidate disqualified.

Written test/Interview date : 19th June 2019

Candidates who fulfil the above criteria should download and fill the form available at below link and send a scanned copy of the same along a copy of qualifying degree to Candidates should also take a printout of the filled form and bring it with them at the time of test/interview.

CSIR-Traditional Knowledge Digital Library Unit (TKDL Unit)
Vigyan Suchna Bhawan, CSIR-NISCAIR Building, 14, Satsang Vihar Marg
New Delhi – 110 067

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