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Walk in interview for M.Pharm, M.Sc in research at NIPER

Clinical research courses

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) is the first national level institute in pharmaceutical sciences with a proclaimed objective of becoming a centre of excellence for advanced studies and research in pharmaceutical sciences. The Government of India has declared NIPER as an 'Institute of National Importance'. It is an autonomous body set up under the aegis of Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India. The Institute is conceived to provide leadership in pharmaceutical sciences and related areas not only within the country, but also to the countries in South East Asia, South Asia and Africa. NIPER is a member of Association of Indian Universities and Association of Commonwealth Universities.

**Junior Research fellow (JRF) - I

No of Post : 01

Duration : 2 years

Emoluments* per month : Rs 31000 + 16% HRA

Project Title: To study and access the knowledge of traditional healthcare practices and traditional medicines used in tribal population and revitalizing by scientific validation

Funding Agency : Centre of Excellence funded by Ministry of Tribal Welfare, GoI

PI/Co PI : PI – Dr. USN Murty Co PI – Dr. Ramu Adela

Age Limit # (Yrs.)  : 28 years

Minimum Educational qualifications / skills/experience etc. required for eligibility : Essential:
a) M.Sc in Biochemistry or M.Pharm/MS in Pharmacy Practice, Clinical Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacology & Toxicology
b) i) Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests- CSIR-UGC Net including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE.
ii) The selection process through National Eligibility Examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their agencies
Desirable: Experience in clinical sample handling, clinical research, community related work specially to deal with tribals of NE states. The selected candidate is also expected to organize, manage the project work and assist day today research work to facilitate and manage the project work.

**Junior Research fellow (JRF) - I

No of Post : 01

Duration : 3 years

Emoluments* per month : Rs 31000 + 16% HRA

Project Title: Developing a public health informatics platform in India for a systems view of health & diseases under epidemiology data analytics (EDA) of interdisciplinary cyber physical systems (ICPS) programme

Funding Agency : DST, GoI

PI/Co PI : PI – Dr. USN Murty

Age Limit # (Yrs.)  : 28 years

Minimum Educational qualifications / skills/experience etc. required for eligibility : Essential:
a) Post graduate degree in plant biotechnology/ botany/ cytogenetics/ Environmental Biology
b) i)Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests- CSIR-UGC Net including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE.
ii) The selection process through National Eligibility Examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their agencies.
Desirable: Experience in genetics in plant biology, plant tissue culture, bioconservation, taxonomy.

Project Assistant - I

No of Post : 01

Duration : 3 years

Emoluments* per month : Rs 31000 + 16% HRA

Project Title: North-Eastern Societal aspect for Translational (NEST) Phytopharmaceutical/Herbal Research Incubation incubation centre

Funding Agency : BIRAC, DBT, GoI

PI/Co PI : PI – Dr. USN Murty

Age Limit # (Yrs.)  : 28 years

Minimum Educational qualifications / skills/experience etc. required for eligibility : Essential:
Post graduation in Botany/Taxonomy/Ecology/Plant biotechnology
Desirable: Experience in plant identification, authentication, collection from various fields.

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* The stipend of Research Fellow/Associate is exempt from the payment of Income Tax under 10(16) of IT Act, 1961.

** In case of non-availability of UGC-NET, GATE qualified candidates, the post will be downgraded as per GoI norms.

# Age limit is relaxable by five years for SC, ST, OBCs and physically handicapped on production of suitable certificates from the competent authority. Women candidates are also given relaxation of five years.

a. Those who have fulfilled the above qualification are required to attend the walk-in- interview along with the filled in application, original certificates and one set of self attested Xerox copies of documents. Certificate verification will commence half an hour before the scheduled time of the interview
b. The Director reserves the right to withdraw any or all posts so advertised at any time without assigning any reason. Proposed requirements are for intermittent period till posts are sanctioned by the Govt. of India.
c. On the recommendation of the selection committee, the competent authority may relax all or any of the requirements related to age, qualification and experience in experienced and deserving cases.

d. Incomplete application or without relevant supporting enclosures (attested copies of degrees / certificates / marks sheets / experience certificates / Document certifying date of birth, reprint of important publications etc.) will be out-rightly rejected.
e. Canvassing in any form may lead to disqualification of candidature.
f. No interim enquiries/correspondence/communication will be entertained.
g. All appointments are temporary and contractual in nature and same is renewable depending upon performance and mutual consent for every year. The candidate will have no right to claim for regularization. All appointments are contractual in nature and on fixed/consolidated pay.
h. Qualification, experience will be decided on the date of walk in interview.

Walk-in-Interview will be held on 18th June 2019 (Tuesday) at NIPER-Guwahati, Mirza campus

Time of Interview :
Project Assistant 03:00 pm

Junior Research Fellow : 12.00 pm

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