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Vacancy for Senior Research Fellow at CRIUM | M.Pharm, M.Sc

Clinical research courses

The Central Research institute of Unani Medicine (CRIUM), Hyderabad- a decentralized institute functioning under the Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM), MINISTRY OF AYUSH, Government of India. It was established in December, 1971 under the erstwhile Central Council for Research Indian Medicine and Homeopathy (CCRIMH), which was set up in 1969. On the split of the CCRIUMH into four independent Councils in 1978, the CRIUM, Hyderabad continued functioning under the CCRUM) with the objective of undertaking scientific research on various aspects of Unani system of medicine.

Senior Research Fellow (Pharmacology)

IMR Project : “Preclinical efficacy and safety of a herbal formulation for dengue"

Essential Qualification : Post Graduate Degree in the field of Pharmacology / Toxicology / Bio- Chemistry with two years of research experience in animal handling.

Desirable Qualification : SRF is required to carry in-vivo experiments, dosing of animals, collection of blood samples, recording and maintenance of data etc.

Age: 35 Years as on date of Interview

Emoluments : Rs.28,000/- + 30% HRA per month.

Project Period : Initially for a period of 6 months

Senior Research Fellow (Cellular and Molecular Biology)

IMR Project : “Evaluation of classical Unani formulation for putative anticancer activity"

Essential Qualification : M.Sc.(Molecular Biology/Biotechnology/ Biochemistry) with two years of research experience in mammalian cell culture.

Desirable Qualification : SRF is required to maintain cell culture, perform experiments and collection of data etc.

Age: 35 Years as on date of Interview

Emoluments : Rs.28,000/- + 30% HRA per month.

Project Period : Initially for a period of 6 months

Terms & Conditions:
1. The above posts are purely temporary and orvjn the proforma
2. The candidate shall submit applications at the time of interview in the proforma enclosed along with a passport size photograph and a set of self attested copies of  requisite mark-sheet, certificates and supporting documents
3. The candidate have to produce all the original certificates at the time of interview forverification.
4. NO TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
5. The relaxation in upper age limit is permissible in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates as per rules.
6. The selected candidates shall not claim for regular appointment/absorption at the end of the Project.    .
7. Report for registration from 9.30 A.M. to 10.30 A.M. on the date of Interview.
8. The decision of the competent authority is final and binding in all aspects.
9. Canvassing in any form will lead to cancellation of candidature.

Walk in Interview to be held at the Central Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Opp.ESI Hospital, Erragadda, Hyderabad -500038 on 16.07.2019

Application Form & More Info>>

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