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Vacancy for Lead Consultant in Family Planning at NHSRC | Salary upto Rs.1,70,000/- pm

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National Health Systems Resource Centre (NHSRC) has been set up under the National Health Mission (NHM) as an autonomous registered society, to channelize technical assistance and capacity building support to the states for strengthening the public health system. The NHSRC is also mandated to contribute towards National strategic health planning and programme design. Work at the NHSRC is organised around seven divisions, namely – Community Processes & Comprehensive Primary Care (CP-CPHC), Quality Improvement, Public Health Planning, Public Health Administration, Healthcare Financing & Healthcare Technology and Human Resources for Health.

Post : Lead Consultant - Family Planning

National Health Systems Resource Centre (NHSRC), New Delhi on behalf of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare is seeking applications from qualified candidates for the above mentioned post purely on contractual basis.

Roles & Responsibilities
The Lead Consultant will be based at Family Planning Division of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and will directly work under the supervision of Deputy Commissioner, Family Planning. Specific responsibilities of the position are as follows:
• Undertake all activities required to ensure provision of quality technical assistance to the State Governments, to ensure that the implementation of Family Planning programmeis conducted according to the established quality parameters including liaising and logistics management.
• Support in technical updates and new technology updation for FP division
• Overall monitoring of the FP program in the states including the monitoring of the expenditure patterns of the approved budgets of FP interventions and suggest timely corrective actions to States/UTs so as to rectify problems as and when identified.
• Provide high quality analyzed data and reports for the review meetings, annual reports, annual action plans and dissemination as and when required.
• Appraise the FP component of State program implementation plan (PIPs) under NHM of all States/UTs of the country and suggest appropriate actions to strengthen them further. Follow up to ensure that suggestions are satisfactorily addressed in the revised State PIPs.
• Develop and maintain strong relationships with States, State Health Societies, training institutions and medical colleges in the states/UTs. Monitor the trainings and assist States/UTs in developing the training calendar and follow up the training activities.
• Conduct performance standard assessment and assess all aspects of post training support from the State health department to trained service provider.
• Periodically visit States/districts/facilities to identify strengths and weaknesses and monitor the field activities, progress of all ongoing trainings, for onsite data verification and supportive supervision to ensure data quality at the state and district levels as well as discuss steps to overcome the identified weaknesses. Timely follow up to ensure that the agreed steps are implemented. Prepare the report of the same and share with FP division, suggest corrective actions to States/UTs and further follow up for the rectifications made.
• Any other work assigned by supervisor from time to time.

Qualifications & Experience Requirements
MBBS with public health post graduate qualifications and 5+ years of working experience out of which 3-4 years relevant experience in management of RCH related programmes. Familiarity with the public health system, and relevant government policies/ strategies, particularly National Health Mission and State Health Societies
Non-MBBS (but with relevant degree BDS/BAMS/BHMS/ MSW/Masters in social sciences / Para medical) with Public Health Post Graduate qualification with 7 + years of working experience in Public Health, out of which 3-4 years relevant experience in management of RCH related programmes. Familiarity with the Public Health system, and relevant government policies/ strategies, particularly National Health Mission and State Health Societies.

Essential Skills & Competencies
• Strong critical analysis and report writing skills required.
• Excellent interpersonal skills, oral and written communication skills both in Hindi and English.
• Ability to collaborate with management and field staff.
• Willingness and ability to travel extensively.

Reporting: Deputy Commissioner, (Family Planning), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Age: Upper limit 50 years as on last date for receiving application and having sound health to undertake field visits.

Remuneration Range: Between Rs.1,30,000/- to Rs.1,70,000/- per month.

Location: New Delhi

To Apply: Candidates are requested to download the application form attached with the TOR, which is uploaded on the NHSRC website and email the duly filled application form to by 28-Jun-2018 Application submitted in other format will not be accepted. Please ensure to mention post applied for on the application form, without which the application form will not be accepted.

Application Form>>

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