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Job in Bioengineering for Junior Research Fellow at SCTIMST

Clinical research courses

Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology (SCTIMST), Thiruvananthapuram is an Institute of National Importance  established by an Act  of the Indian Parliament  and  under the 2 administrative control of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. The Institute signifies the convergence of Medical Sciences and Technology and its mission is to enable the indigenous growth of biomedical technology, besides demonstrating high standards of patient care in medical specialties and evolving postgraduate training programs.

Post : Junior Research Fellow

For a DBT Project  entitled  “Bioengineered  construct  with  cardiac  mesenchymal  cells  for myocardial repair” (P-8183)

Qualification (Essential)
M.Sc. in Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology with first class

Qualification (Desirable)  : M Phil in Biotechnology/ Biomedical Technology

Experience/Training/Skills (Desirable) : Experience in working with mammalian cell culture, Biomaterials, Real time PCR and western blotting, Experience in working with 3D bio-printing

Job Description : Selected person will be working on; Collagen based biomaterial preparation and characterization; culture of mouse cardiac mesenchymal cells, differentiation studies and subsequest characterization using molecular techniques.

Monthly emoluments : Rs. 16,000/- + 20% HRA

Age limit as on 31.03.2019 : 35 years

Duration :  Initially for a period of one year, likely to be extended upto four years depending on the performance of the candidate, project duration and progress of the project

Those who fulfill the above requirements may report for a written test/ interview as per the above schedule along with bio-data and original certificates to prove age, qualifications, experience etc. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. Candidates reporting after 9.15 am will Not be considered for selection. Candidates already in service have to produce a No Objection Certificate from the present employer at the time of interview.

Note : Depending on the number of candidates, a written test of a qualifying nature will be conducted for initial screening and only qualified candidates will be called for interview. Marks obtained in the written test, if conducted, will not be counted for final ranking.

Walk in Interview
Date & Time : 10-06-2019; 10.30 am
Time of reporting : 9 Am
Venue : Biomedical Technology Wing, Satelmond Palace, Poojappura , Thiruvananthapuram - 695 012

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