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Recruitment for Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor at IISER

Clinical research courses

IISER Bhopal aims to provide quality science education to UG and PG students. The prime focus of the Institute is to integrate science education with research. Also, the Institute is committed to impart high ethical values and create social and environment awareness. IISERs were created through a proclamation of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, to promote quality education and research in science and related areas. The first two IISERs (Pune and Kolkata) were established in 2006. This was followed by an Institute at Mohali (2007), Bhopal & Trivandrum (2008), Tirupati (2015), and Berhampur (2016).

IISER Bhopal invites applications for faculty positions at the level of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor in the following Departments.

• Inorganic Chemistry Main-Group Chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry Solid state Chemistry, Materials Design
• Experimental Physical Chemistry Spectroscopy, Dynamics, Interfaces Surfaces, etc.

Biological Sciences
• Stem cell biology
• Metabolomics
• Synthetic biology
• Pharmacology

Assistant Professor Grade II:
Eligibility criteria
• Ph.D. with a first class or equivalent at the preceding degree and an excellent academic record throughout, in addition to proven track record of outstanding research ability.
Salary Structure
• Level 10 with initial pay of Rs 70,900/-.
• After one year of post Ph.D. experience, the candidates shall be placed in Level 11 with an initial pay of Rs 73,100/-, subject to evaluation of performance and antecedents.

Assistant Professor Grade I :
Eligibility criteria
• Ph.D. with a first class or equivalent at the preceding degree and an excellent academic record throughout, in addition to proven track record of outstanding research ability.
• Minimum 3 years of industrial/ research/ teaching/ experience, excluding however, the experience gained while pursuing Ph.D.
Salary Structure
• Level 12 with initial pay of Rs 1,01,500/-.
• Candidates possessing the degree of Ph.D. in the relevant discipline and with regular service of 3 years' at Level 12 shall be considered for moving to Level 13A1 with an initial pay of Rs 1,31,400/-, subject to evaluation of performance and antecedents.

Associate Professor:
Eligibility criteria
• Ph.D. with a first class or equivalent at the preceding degree and an excellent academic record throughout, in addition to proven track record of outstanding research ability and leadership skills.
• Minimum 6 years of teaching/research experience of which at least 3 years 4/5 should be at the level of Assistant Professor/ Senior Scientific Officer/ Senior Design Engineer.
Salary Structure
• Level 13A2 with an initial pay of Rs 1,39,600/-.

Eligibility criteria
• Ph.D. with a first class or equivalent at the preceding degree and an excellent academic record throughout, in addition to proven track record of outstanding research ability and leadership skills.
• Minimum 10 years of teaching/research experience of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor.
Salary Structure
• Level 14A with an initial pay of Rs 1,59,100/-.

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Other perquisites/ allowances common to all the above mentioned posts.
• In addition to Pay (as mentioned above), other allowances like DA, HRA, TA, Telephone reimbursement, and Employer’s contribution towards NPS shall be as per the GoI norms from time to time. For further queries you may please contact Head of the concerned Department.
• Moving expenses of `1,25,000/- (for candidates from abroad) & `75,000/- (for candidates within the country) are reimbursed against the bill.
• Every faculty member of IISER Bhopal will be entitled to a fund of `1,00,000/- every financial year on reimbursement basis, under Cumulative Professional Development Account
• (CPDA) scheme which may be revised from time to time as per GoI/BoG approved norms. CPDA will be available to meet expenses for participating in both national and international conferences, paying membership fees for professional bodies and buying books.
• Reimbursement of telephone call charges of residential telephone/ mobile phone / broadband/mobile data/ data card shall be as per entitlement given below:

Levels & Ceiling amount in
1. Level 14 A : 2,700/- p.m. + taxes as applicable
2. Level 12, Level 13 A1 & Level 13A2 : 2,250/- p.m. + taxes as applicable
3. Level 10 & Level 11 : 1,200/- p.m. + taxes as applicable
• Leave Travel Concession (LTC) by Air for home town and elsewhere in India as per Govt. of India rules along with leave encashment facility.
• Children Education Allowance as per rules.
• Reimbursement of medical expenses of self and dependent family members as per Institute rules.

General information
1. Regular faculty positions are open to Indian Nationals and overseas citizens of India (OCI). Appointment of foreign nationals for fixed period on contract basis is permissible.
2. The Institute reserves the right to (i) relax eligibility criteria in exceptional cases; (ii) consider anyone who has not formally applied in response to this advertisement, and (iii) fill the position at lower/higher level than that advertised.
3. In addition to the regular pay, all permanent posts carry House Rent Allowance, Transport Allowance and other allowances as per institute rules. Central Government employees will be covered by New Pension Scheme (NPS) of Govt. of India.
4. The qualifications prescribed should have been obtained after attending regular courses from recognized Universities/Institutions.
5. Relaxation in age, educational qualification and/or experience will be considered in case of exceptionally meritorious candidates, with the prior approval of the Competent Authority.
6. No interim enquiries/correspondence/communication of any sort will be entertained on the matter.
7. Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Ex-servicemen, etc. will be as per Govt. of India norms.
8. Candidates working in government departments, public sector undertakings and Government funded institutions should apply through proper channel.
9. The eligibility criteria indicated are bare minimum and a mere fulfilment of the same will not entitle the candidates to be called for an interview. If numbers of applications received are large, the Institute may restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualification and experience higher than that of the minimum prescribed in the advertisement.
10. Since this is a rolling advertisement, there is no last date to apply. However, the processing of the applications by the departments will be in different cycles throughout the year and as mentioned below:
• Assistant Professor Grade I & II: The applications will be considered throughout the year.
• Associate Professor and Professor: June 30 and December 31.

The above dates will be used to establish eligibility and experience criteria. Based on the qualifications of the candidates and the need of the department concerned, applications received will be processed through duly constituted selection committees.

Selection Process:
The applications received for a particular Department are shortlisted by the Department Faculty Advisory Committee (DFAC) on the basis of the application, seminar, input from faculty members of the concerned area of specialization, and the recommendation letters. Institute Faculty Affairs Committee (IFAC) reviews the report submitted by the department and takes a decision to shortlist candidates to be called for 3/5 an interview. Only the shortlisted candidates will be informed by the Institute, about the schedule of interviews as and when conducted.

Application in the prescribed format should be sent to the Head of the respective department(s), with a copy to Dean, Faculty Affairs (Email id:
1. Biological Sciences
2. Chemistry

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