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Recruitment for Pharmacist at IISER | Salary upto Rs 92,300/- pm

Clinical research courses

The IISER an Institute of National Importance, established by the Govt, of India is committed to foster quality Science Education and Research. IISER Bhopal aims to provide quality science education to UG and PG students. The prime focus of the Institute is to integrate science education with research. Also, the Institute is committed to impart high ethical values and create social and environment awareness.

Post : Pharmacist - 1 UR

Scale of Pay : Pay Level-5, Pay in pay matrix: (Rs.29,200-92,300)

Age Limit for UR positions : 30 years

Essential Qualifications
Essential Qualifications
1. Bachelor’s Degree (with 55%) in Pharmacy granted by an Institution of the Central /State Govt, or an Institution recognised by the Central or State Govt.
2. Preferably M. Pharma in clinical pharmacy.
3. Should be registered as a ‘Pharmacist’ under the Pharmacy Act, 1948.

Essential Experience
Relevant experience of 2 years as a Pharmacist at reputed Organizations.
Knowledge of computer applications like Word, Excel, Power Point etc.

General clause :
Knowledge of computer applications in Hindi / English through online system is essential.
Knowledge of computer office applications in both Hindi and English with sufficient typing speed, proficiency in office applications like Word, Excel, and Power Point etc. is must.

Other Terms and Conditions
I. Initial contract in lieu of separate probation / Tenure appointment followed by confirmation of probation:
1. Under this method of recruitment, the selected candidates will be on an initial contract in lieu of separate probation / tenure of appointment for a period of upto 5 years with a provision for permanent absorption / confirmation, which may be extended by one more one more tenure and subsequent confirmation as per rules, on recommendations of the duly constituted Departmental Confirmations Committee (DCC).
2. Subject to satisfactory performance, the employees appointed on the Institute service on regular basis with initial contract in lieu of separate probation / tenure will be considered for confirmation, any time during the period of initial contract in lieu of separate probation / tenure / probation / extended period of probation.
However, during the period of initial contract in lieu of separate probation / tenure / probation / extended period of probation, the services of the employee are liable to be terminated at any time with one month’s notice or on payment of one month’s basic pay in lieu thereof without any case assigned.
The Director upon the recommendations of the Departmental Confirmation Committee (DCC) may reduce the contract in lieu of separate probation / tenure, on completion of 2 years of service, with requisite level of performance and fulfilling the pre-requisites for confirmation in respect of the employees who are on initial contract in lieu of separate probation / tenure appointment. The Director may extend the period of contract in lieu of separate probation / tenure / probation in case of shortfall in performance or in case of candidates against whom disciplinary proceedings are pending / whose performance is falling short of requirements / whose confirmation process is underway / who have not completed the prerequisite trainings etc. The candidates not possessing the requisite qualifications, caste certificate as per the existing rules of the Institute or Govt, of India as on date of due for confirmation or in case of any discrepancies noticed or any examination to be cleared shall not be confirmed till acquiring such qualifications or clearing the examinations or obtaining the certificates in the prescribed proforma or till the final reports are submitted by the appropriate agencies in case of pending disciplinary proceedings.
3. All the Group A, B and C selected candidates must be conversant in drafting letters, notes, manuals, documents in Hindi also besides acquiring proficiency in English and use of computer applications. For this purpose, it is very essential that all the employees of the Institute are fully trained to use Hindi Software. In this regard, all the selected candidates shall ensure that she/he qualifies in Hindi typewriting skill test to become eligible for confirmation. The Hindi / Rajbhasha cadre of the Institute should also be conversant with all the rules and practices of the Institute and Non-Hindi / Rajbhasha cadre should also be conversant in working Hindi environment in a multi-purpose model for achieving better efficiency.

The Institute may offer the positions on direct probation of one year including one more year of extended probation, optionally. In the case of appointments directly on probation on regular basis wherever applicable, without any provision for the initial contract in lieu of separate probation / tenure of 5 years, based on the recommendation of the selection committee in case of confirmed employees working on regular basis at Central / State / Autonomous Bodies / Govt, organisations etc. on the following standard provisions:
1) Every officer on appointment to the Institute Service, either by direct recruitment or by promotion in Junior Scale shall be on probation for a period of one year.
Provided that the Controlling Authority may extend the period of probation in accordance with the instructions issued by the Government from time to time.
2) Provided further that any decision for extension of a probation period shall be taken ordinarily within eight weeks after the expiry of the previous probationary period and communicated in writing to the concerned officer together with the reasons for doing so within the said period.
3) On completion of the period of probation or any extension thereof, officers shall, if considered fit for permanent appointment, be retained in their appointments on regular basis and be confirmed in the due course against the available substantive vacancies, as the case may be.
4) If, during the period of probation or any extension thereof, as the case may be Institute is of the opinion that an officer is not fit for permanent appointment, Institute may discharge or revert the officer to the post held by him prior to his appointment in the service, as the case may be.
5) During the period of probation, or any extension thereof, candidates may be required by the Institute to undergo such courses of training and instructions and to pass examinations, and tests (including examination in Hindi) as Institute may deem fit, as a condition to satisfactory completion of the probation.
6) As regards other matters relating to probation, the members of the Institute Service will be governed by the instructions issued by the Institute rules / Government of India in this regard from time to time.
III. Pre-requisites for confirmation of employees on Probation / initial contract in lieu of separate probation / tenure:
1) Departmental Screening Test and/or Evaluation through Personal Presentation & self-appraisal before the Departmental Confirmations Committee (DCC): After appointment and posting and after completion of two years on probation / initial contract in lieu of separate probation / tenure, the Institute may conduct process of evaluation through Personal Presentation & self-appraisal before the Departmental Confirmations Committee (DCC) to  assess the progress of the individual and determine the suitability of the individual for continuation / confirmation during the probation / initial contract in lieu of separate probation / tenure on yearly basis. Based on the recommendations of the Departmental Confirmations Committee (DCC), the services of candidates may be discontinued / terminated during the period of probation / initial contract in lieu of separate probation / tenure, in case of unsatisfactory performance.
2) Computer Proficiency: The candidates belonging to Group B & C, should qualify in computer skill test with at least 60% proficiency and eventually should achieve upto 100% proficiency.
3) Hindi typing proficiency: The candidates belonging to Group B & C, should qualify in Hindi typing test with 60% accuracy / proficiency, wherever required and eventually should achieve upto 100% proficiency.
4) The caste certificate / police verification should be completed before the confirmation/absorption. Confirmation of probation / initial contract in lieu of separate probation / tenure is subject to verification of all the caste certificates / educational qualifications and experience claimed in the application by the candidate.
5) Half-yearly Performance Assessment Reports (HPAR) / Annual Performance Assessment Reports (APARs):
(a) (i) The Group ‘B’ & ‘C’ employee recruited on one year probation should earn a minimum of “Very Good” in the Annual Performance Assessment Reports (APAR) for becoming eligible for confirmation/permanent absorption through evaluation by Departmental Confirmations Committee (DCC).
(ii) In case of Group ‘B’ & ‘C’ employee recruited on initial contract in lieu of separate probation / tenure of 5 years with subsequent provision for probation and confirmation, the employee should earn a minimum of “Very Good” in the Annual Performance Assessment Reports (APAR) of preceding two assessment years for becoming eligible for confirmation besides undergoing evaluation through Personal Presentation & self¬appraisal. The employee fulfilling the above criteria can be considered for confirmation on completing a minimum of two years of service after initial appointment on probation / contract in lieu of separate probation / tenure.
(b) (i) Any Group ‘A’ employee who is recruited on one year probation, should earn at least “Very Good” in the Annual Performance Assessment Reports (APAR) for becoming eligible for confirmation besides evaluation through Departmental Confirmation Committee (DCC).
(ii) In case of Group ‘A’ employee recruited on initial contract in lieu of separate probation / tenure of 5 years with subsequent provision for confirmation, the employee should earn a minimum of “Very Good” in the Annual Performance Assessment Reports (APAR) of preceding two assessment years for becoming eligible for confirmation besides evaluation through Personal Presentation & self-appraisal. The employee fulfilling the above criteria can be considered for confirmation on completing a minimum of two years of service after initial appointment on contract in lieu of separate probation / tenure.

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1) Any relaxations in respect of Group B and C positions in terms of age and number of years of experience except the educational qualifications, in exceptionally meritorious cases or to attract more number of candidates in professional, technical and scientific nature of posts may be recommended by the Shortlisting Committee for the approval of the Director. In case of Group A positions, it is strictly the Board of Governors to accord such relaxations in justifiable circumstances.
2) Relaxations, if any, shall be only in respect of a class or category of persons. Relaxation shall not be extended to in respect of an individual except in cases where an individual can be treated as a Class or Category of persons.
3) Relaxation of rules shall be resorted to only in outstanding cases. Such a relaxation shall not be a regular feature.
4) Before resorting to relaxation of Recruitment Rules, the Institute shall explore the feasibility of filling up a post by other methods of recruitment provided in the rules.
V. Methods of Recruitment:
As per the Statutes No. 16.1, all the posts at the Institute shall normally be filled by advertisement. Therefore, all the Non-Teaching Positions sanctioned for the Institute shall be filled up through advertisement in the following methods of recruitment through selection only as per the various methods of recruitment available in Government of India system as follows as per the practical requirements of the Institute from time to time in each case:

1. Direct Recruitment
a) From All India level open advertisement from open market, upto 75% of vacancies, at each instance: All the vacancies in the posts carrying Pay Level-12 and above shall be filled up through All India Level Open advertisement on 75:25 ratio (Direct recruits versus Departmental Candidates). 25% vacancies shall be earmarked for departmental candidates. The Institute may release a separate advertisement for the limited departmental direct recruitment, if deemed necessary. There may also be a combined advertisement for both the departmental candidates and the candidates from open market, whenever the feeder grades are not commensurate to the vacancies (i.e. 3 to 5 times of the number of vacancies, earmarked for the departmental feeder grades).
b) Through selection under limited departmental quota of upto 50% of vacancies: At each instance, upto 50% of the total vacancies under Group B and C and the entry level posts of Group A, i.e. Pay Level-10 shall be filled through All India Level Open advertisement from the open market. However, the departmental candidates may also apply against the direct recruitment quota through All India Level advertisement, on availing the age and relevant relaxations, as applicable.
In respect of departmental quota, normally the feeder grade should range from 3 to 5 times the number of sanctioned posts in the higher grade, in case the post in the higher grade is to be filled on Selection basis. In case of non¬availability of feeder cadre, the advertisement shall be released in a consolidated manner where the departmental candidates also will be encouraged to compete with the open market candidates. The posts unfilled under limited departmental quota shall be filled up through open market, in a simultaneous manner through the same Selection Committee.

It may so happen that the Institute may not be able to fill up the vacancies caused by the incumbents being away for a duration of one year or more due to proceeding on deputation, study leave etc. In order to avoid such a contingency, the vacancies caused by the incumbent being away on deputation or long illness or study leave or under other circumstances for a duration of one year or more may be filled on deputation basis from officers of Central Govemment/State Government/Autonomous Bodies/PSUs etc.
3. Transfer-on-Absorption
a. “Absorption” will be adopted as a method of recruitment when it is possible to get the services of suitable officers having the requisite qualifications and experience within the Central Government / State Government / Autonomous Bodies/PSUs etc. Under the provision “absorption”, the officer who will come, may be permanently absorbed in the post / grade. Such an “absorption” can be effected only in the case of officers from the Central Govemment/State Government/Autonomous Bodies / PSUs etc.
b. They can be considered for transfer on absorption basis / initially on deputation and future absorption basis / Short term contract / Re-employment upto a maximum of 57 years of age for all Group A, B and C Posts.
c. The Institute also invites applications from the regular officers working in Central and State Govt, departments, Subordinate, Attached Offices and Autonomous bodies under Central Govt, (being audited by C&AG), Central PSUs, Joint Ventures or any other form of organization between Central Govt, and State Govt, with minimum 50% stake held by Central Govt, on permanent Absorption basis against the regular post.
d. Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs): The applicants should have earned minimum four (04) preceding years of APARs, if the APARs are due for writing. The APARs should have been earned either in the parent organization or while on deputation to other organization(s) after regular appointment in the parent organization.
e. The candidates joining on absorption basis shall be extended the benefits of:
(i) Protection of pay in pay band, basic pay, Grade Pay, allowances, perks, counting of past service for the purpose of extension of financial up- gradation under MACP/CAS any career up-gradation scheme in vogue in the Institute etc., will be done as per Institute rules / recommendations of the selection committee.
(ii) The service benefits as available in the parent cadre shall be protected subject to availability of similar service benefits after absorption at the Institute.
(iii) The extension of Pay Band / Pay / Grade Pay / Basic Pay acquired through MACP / Financial up-gradation through ACP / or any promotion at the parent organization as on date of absorption / deputation or during deputation, including extension of pay, allowances, service benefits, counting of past service shall be done as per Govt, of India rules / Institute rules on negotiation basis/as per the recommendations of the selection committee.
(iv) Protection of service benefits, pay allowances, counting of past service on transfer of past service shall only be admissible on applying through proper channel and receiving the LPC from the parent employer.
(v) The candidates on joining on Transfer-on-absorption basis shall be extended the benefits under the scheme of mobility of faculty / non¬faculty as per Govt, of India guidelines from time to time as applicable to absorbees. However, the candidates will be extended NPS facility only on absorption.
(vi) Candidates working on the same Pay Band and Grade Pay or higher Pay Band / Grade Pay shall be considered for absorption in the sanctioned and advertised substantive Pay Band / Grade Pay only. However, on proper transfer of service and counting of the past service any financial upgradation in higher Pay Band / Grade Pay shall be extended under MACP/CAS through a separate DPC after absorption from the effective date if already placed/extended by the parent organization before absorption or from the actual date on which the upgradation/assessment falls due under MACP / CAS.

4. Re-employment
Re-employment of the government servants as per the existing rules shall also be a method of recruitment, as per the Government of India Rules in vogue from time to time.

5. Short-term Contract
“Short-term contract” is also a form of deputation and this applies to officers from Non-Government bodies, e.g. Universities, recognized Research Institutions, Public Undertakings, etc. for teaching, research, scientific and technical posts. This method is also adopted, if it is considered desirable.

6. Composite method of recruitment
In cases where the method of promotion is by ‘selection’ and the field of promotion or feeder grade consists of only one post, the method of recruitment by “deputation (including short-term contract) / promotion” shall be followed, so that the departmental candidate is considered along with outsiders. If the departmental candidate is selected for appointment to the post; it is to be treated as having been filled by promotion; otherwise, the post is to be filled by deputation / short-term contract for the prescribed period of deputation / short¬term contract at the end of which the departmental officer will again be afforded an opportunity to be considered for appointment to the post.

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Non-refundable Fees and Mode of payment:
Non-refundable Fees towards cost of publicity:
(i) Rs. 50/- (Only for General and OBC candidates)
(ii) SC/ST/PwD categories are exempted from payment of fee.
(iii) For Group B & C positions, no fee is payable by Ex-servicemen (Vide OMNo. 39018/l/79-Estt.(SCT) dated 20/09/1979.
(iv) Fee is exempted for all Women candidates as per Govt, of India orders No. 39020/03/2009-Estt (B) dated 03/08/2010.
The fee once paid is non-refundable under any circumstances which are meant for wider publicity of the advertisement and nominal only. In case of cancellation of any advertisement, the candidate shall have to apply a fresh without any reference to the previous advertisements or fee paid earlier. They should apply afresh, duly checking their eligibility as per the fresh advertisement issued and duly paying the nominal fee towards publicity and communication charges only, afresh. No application shall be entertained for refund of nominal fee collected towards publicity and communication charges. All the advertisements issued are valid for six months only. Any left out vacancies shall be carried forward to the new advertisement with updated terms and conditions.

Mode of Payment of application fee:
1) Online payment shall be made through SBI e-payment only: The payment options through Internet Banking (all banks) and Debit Card/Credit Card will be available under SBI e-payment.
2) The self-attested printout of payment receipt must be enclosed (with personal details appended overleaf) as proof of payment of fee.
3) Applicants desiring to apply for more than one post should fill-in and send separate applications for each post along-with the prescribed fee.

Interested candidates may visit the Institute’s website and submit online application through our website before 30/06/2019, 1700 Hrs (1ST) and invariably send the printed proforma of the online application in an envelope super-scribing the name and the post applied for, along with the receipt as proof of direct remittance of fee through online payment using SBI internet banking or through Credit/Debit Card (Master or Visa approved) payment through any bank and the attested copies of all the documents, so as to reach through Registered/Speed Post to the office of the Registrar, as indicated below, on or before 08/07/2019, 1700 Hrs (1ST).

Recruitment Cell
Room No. : 103, First Floor, Main Building
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal
Bhopal By-Pass Road, Bhauri, Bhopal- 462 066, Madhya Pradesh, India
Email: “Recruitment Cell” <>
No hard copy of the application shall be considered, if received, beyond the 1700 Hrs (1ST) on 11/01/2019.



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