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Recruitment for Pharmacist at Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar

Clinical research courses

Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar, Deemed to be University, is a Centrally Funded Technical Institute under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India conducting Diploma, UG, PG & Ph.D Programmes. Applications are invited from the suitable Indian Nationals & eligible candidates various vacant posts of Non-Teaching on regular basis.

Post : Pharmacist

Pay Level & Basic Pay : Level 5 : Rs. 29200

i) Degree in Pharmacy (B. Pharma) from a recognized University/ Institute with at least 55% marks plus 02 years of relevant experience. OR Three years Diploma (after 10+2) in Pharmacy from a recognized University/ Institute with at least 55% marks plus 03 years of relevant experience.
ii) Should be registered as a ‘Pharmacist’ under the Pharmacy Act, 1948.

Desirable: Proficiency in the use of computer office applications, M.S. Word, Excel, Power-point or equivalent is a must.

Age: Not Exceeding 30 years

Gross emoluments: Admissible benefits include Basic Pay, D.A., Medical Facility, Transport Allowance, NPS as per Government of India rules applicable at Central Institute of Technology, Kokrajhar from time to time.

Relaxation of Age & Marks: Relaxation in age/marks for reserved category applicants would be admissible as per Central Government norms. The age restriction is not applicable to internal candidates.

Reservation: Reservation for SC/ST/OBC & PwD as per Govt. of India norm

1. The Application Form shall not be supplied on postal request. The candidates are advised to download the same from CIT Kokrajhar website only in A-4 size paper. The duly completed Application Form along with the documents to be sent by speed/registered post (not by hand) to THE REGISTRAR, Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar, Balagaon, BTAD 783370 (Assam). Prescribed Application Form at Annexure – I.
2. The prescribed application fee is Rs. 500.00 for General & OBC Candidates and Rs. 150.00 for SC/ST (on submission of supporting Certificate) payable in the form of Bank Draft. (a) The Bank Draft shall be drawn in favour of “CIT Kokrajhar” payable at Kokrajhar. (b) Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) are fully exempted from payment of the prescribed fees upon submission of relevant Disability Certificate, issued by the Competent Authority.
3. Candidates are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the minimum essential qualifications, furnished with clarity and supported with documents, as laid down in the advertisement.
4. Applications should be supported by relevant documents (self-certified) in all respects. Claims of educational qualifications should be supported by Certificates as well as Mark-sheets. Applications not supported by relevant documents shall be summarily rejected.
5. Applications after the last date, incomplete in any respect and any fresh paper/enclosures after the closing date, shall not be considered. Canvassing directly or indirectly at any stage of the recruitment process shall lead to disqualification.
6. Appointments shall be made as per the rules of the Institute framed/modified from time to time.
7. The post carries retirement /terminal benefits as per Govt. of India norms.
8. Besides pay, the post carries allowances according to the Institute rules, which at present are at par with Central Government employees.

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9. For SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates, the Application Form should be supported by the relevant certificate in a Govt. of India (GoI) prescribed format dully issued by the competent authority. For OBC candidates, OBC Status and Non-Creamy Layer Status in a prescribed format duly issued on or after 15th July, 2018, copy at Annexure–III, by the competent authority while Disability certificate by the Persons with Disability (PwDs) as per format prescribed by the Government of India..
10. The Institute may conduct written/proficiency test for some of the positions.
11. Where number of applications received in response to an advertisement is large, it may not be convenient / possible for the Institute to conduct test and interview for all the candidates. The Institute may restrict the number of candidates to be called for written test/interview to a reasonable limit, on the basis of qualification and experience higher than that of the minimum prescribed in the advertisement. The candidates should, therefore, furnish details of all the qualifications and experience possessed in the relevant field, over and above the minimum qualifications prescribed along with documentary evidences.
12. Experience less than six months in any organization will not be considered in total experience.
13. The prescribed qualifying/pass marks in written examinations are the minimum and merely obtaining the same does not entitle candidates to be called for further examination/personal interview.
14. The number of vacancies indicated in the advertisement is tentative. The Institute reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of advertised posts at the time of selection. Further, the CIT, Kokrajhar also reserves the right NOT to fill all or any of the post advertised.
15. Candidate already in service at Govt. / Semi Govt. / PSUs / Universities / Educational Institutions should submit their application through Proper Channel or should furnish a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE at the time of interview. Applicant, however, can send advance copy of Application Form. Such candidates are also required to produce ‘Integrity Certificate’ and ‘Vigilance Clearance Certificate’ at the time of interview, if not submitted earlier, copies at Annexure – II.

16. The candidate applying for more than one post, must make separate application for each post (along with required demand draft in original) and send them in separate covers super-scribing the post applied for.
17. The complete postal address (including Contact No. & Email address) of the present employer mentioning the name of the organization or Govt. / Semi Govt./ Autonomous / Public Sector Undertakings/Private Sector should be indicated in the Application form.
18. Certificate in support of experience shall be in proper format i.e. it shall bear the organization’s letter-head, bear the date of issue, specific period of work, name and designation of issuing authority along with signature and official seal.
19. No TA/DA is entitled for appearing interview / test.
20. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the advertisement and in the process of selection, which may be detected at any stage, even after issue of appointment, the CIT Kokrajhar reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the candidate.
21. The Institute shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate at the time of appointment or during the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has a clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, then his/her services shall be terminated.
22. The list of short listed candidates will be displayed on the CIT Kokrajhar website. Original documents will have to be produced at the time of Test / Interview.
23. The completeness of the submitted application is the sole responsibility of the applicant. CIT Kokrajhar will not be responsible under any circumstances for any sort of postal delay/loss.
24. The short-listed candidates will be communicated the schedule for Test / Interview by e-mail or mobile SMS or WhatsApp. This information will also be placed on the CIT Kokrajhar website.
25. The selected candidates will have to join within one month from the date of Notification.
26. Legal disputes, if any, with CIT Kokrajhar, will be restricted within the jurisdiction of Kokrajhar Court only. 27. Application in the prescribed format completed in all respects along with self-attested copies of relevant documents should be submitted to “The Registrar, Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar, Balagaon, BTAD, Assam-783370”, on or before 26th June, 2019 (upto 5:00 P.M), along with the required Fees in the form of Demand Draft. The envelope containing the application is super-scribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ______________________”.

Last Date : 26th June, 2019

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