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Job Openings for Pharmacy graduates as Consultant in Drugs and Logistics at NHSRC under Ministry of Health and Family welfare - Salary up to 99000 per month

Clinical research courses

National Health Systems Resource Centre (NHSRC) has been set up under the National Health Mission (NHM) as an autonomous registered society, to channelize technical assistance and capacity building support to the states for strengthening the public health system. The NHSRC is also mandated to contribute towards National strategic health planning and programme design. Work at the NHSRC is organised around seven divisions, namely – Community Processes & Comprehensive Primary Care (CP-CPHC), Quality Improvement, Public Health Planning, Public Health Administration, Healthcare Financing & Healthcare Technology and Human Resources for Health.

Post : Consultant – Drugs & Logistics purely on short-term basis

Summary of the Position
India is among the countries with the highest out of pocket expenses (OPE) on healthcare, of which approx. 65% of the expenditure is on account of drugs & diagnostic. Under the National Health Mission (NHM), the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MOHFW) has been supporting the states to improve access to free/affordable drugs to the beneficiaries through recently launched Free Drugs Service Initiative. This support includes strengthening system of procurement, developing IT Backed supply chain system (Drugs and Vaccine distribution system (DVDMS), introducing latest warehousing techniques, Quality Assurance System, prescription audits, setting up of grievance redressal system, and channelizing Information, education and communication (IEC). MoHFW has also launched an IT enabled drug tracking & monitoring system, DVDMS (Drug & Vaccine Distribution and Management System), which provides real-time monitoring of drug availability at different level. The incumbent would be expected to coordinate and facilitate the implementation of the Free Drugs Initiative in the states, which would encompass handholding the states during the roll out and managing the operational issues faced during the implementation. S/he would also be expected to coordinate with the MoHFW, Software development organisation, states and other stakeholders.

Roles & Responsibilities:
Expected role of the incumbent is multi-dimensional and are summarised below –
• To review the existing Procurements/logistics and supply chain Management systems in the country.
• To conduct situational analysis and field visits for enabling informed decision by the states in implementation of the initiative.
• To assist states and MoHFW in adoption/customization of the IT based Inventory Management system developed by CDAC and NIC e.g. e-Aushidhi, DVDMS etc.
• Develop strategy and Implementation Plan for states to promote “Rational use of Drugs” by changing Prescription behaviour of doctors.
• Supporting states in Planning, conducting and Analysis of Prescription Audits.
• Financial analysis of the Budget Proposed by the state in PIP, Approvals in ROP, and utilization by the state.
• To collect and analyse the data regarding drugs and logistics systems provided by the states.
• To track and review the periodic data uploaded by the states on DVDMS developed by MOHFW
• Any other function, as allotted by Advisor – Quality Improvement

Qualification & Experience:
For achieving above-mentioned deliverables the applicant is expected to possess following qualifications &
experience –
• Full time B Pharma degree from a recognized institute.
• Two years of experience in Drug Procurement/ Logistics/ Supply chain Management.
• Strong IT skills with knowledge of logistics Management Information Systems
• Proficiency in MS Office package.
• Excellent Communication skills – Writing & Verbal

Desirable qualifications
• Masters’ Degree in Pharmacy or Hospital Administration from a recognized institute.
• Full-time MBA (or equivalent) in Procurement and Supply Chain Management.

• Please note that fulfilling the eligibility criteria does not result into short-listing of the candidates for the interview.
• Since the requirement is immediate, the incumbent would be expected to join two week’s time of the selection.
• Initial contract would be for three months, which may be extended for a limited period. Please note that above-mentioned eligibility criteria (Essential & Desirable) may be relaxed for deserving candidates.

Age Limit :  40 years & below. Age can be relaxed for a suitable candidate.

Location: New Delhi with requirement of extensive travel (up to 30% of time) to the states.

Remuneration Range: Between Rs. 44,000/- to Rs. 99,000/- per month
*Fee offered within the band will be commensurate qualification and experience

To Apply: Candidates are requested to download the application form attached with the TOR, which is uploaded on the NHSRC website and email the duly filled application form to by 18th June 2019. Application submitted in other format will not be accepted. Please ensure to mention post applied for on the application form, without which the application form will not be accepted.

Application Form>>

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