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Job Openings for Pharmacists (05 posts) in CUP

Clinical research courses

The Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (Punjab) has been established through the Central Universities Act 2009 which received the assent of the President of India on 20th March 2009. Its territorial jurisdiction extends to the whole State of Punjab. This newly set up Central University of Punjab (CUP) at Bathinda is poised to write new alphabet on the academic horizon of India. This University is one of the important links in the recently set up chain of Central Universities created in the educationally backward areas of India. Going to be an upwardly mobile organization, it is destined to emerge as a quality provider of teaching and research, knowledge and skills, products and services, attitudes and ethics.

Post : Pharmacist

No of Posts : 05

Classification : Group-C

Pay Level as per 7th CPC & Entry Pay : Pay level 5 (Entry pay of Rs. 29200/-)

Age limit for direct recruits : Not exceeding 30 years

Education and other qualification
Minimum qualifications:
i. A Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy from recognized University.
ii. Two years of experience in relevant field in Government / University / PSU / Autonomous Bodies / Hospitals / Clinics.
iii. Proficiency in Computer Operations
iv. Registered with the State Pharmacy Council

1. Any type of corrigendum/addendum/amendments/notice/updation etc. related to this advertisement shall be uploaded on University websites; only. Further, the university will not send any further information/call letters by post/newspapers. CUPB will not be responsible for invalid/wrong email ID and Mobile No. mentioned by the candidates. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the candidate to mention correct contact details and regularly check their email, SMS and CUPB websites:; for updates.
2. Mere possession of eligibility conditions shall not entitle a candidate to be called for skill test/written test/ interview (as applicable). As per instructions of Govt. of India, there will be no interview for the Group B (Non-Gazetted) and Group C posts, except the posts identified to be filled through interview. In addition to minimum qualification prescribed in advertisement, selection process and criteria for all non-teaching posts is attached at Annexure-I.
3. The date for determining the eligibility (i.e. age, qualifications and experience) of all candidates in every respect shall be the closing date of online applications as prescribed in the advertisement.
4. If any suitable PWD candidate(s) is found against any post (if eligible otherwise), the university, may consider to give preference to such candidates in order to give prescribed quota to PWD category candidates, irrespective of fact that the post was not earmarked for PWD candidates in the advertisement.
5. A candidate belonging to any reserved category who desires to be considered for any unreserved post also besides the posts under reserved category, will have to apply & submit separate application forms for unreserved posts and reserved posts.
6. Any candidate belonging to SC/ST/OBC, who wish to apply for any unreserved post, will not be given any relaxation of marks (10th/12th/Degrees/Diploma/NET etc.) and age etc.
7. University reserves the right to conduct skill test for any post, to which it deems fit.
8. The posts, in which minimum qualification is graduation or above, the experience will be counted only after the date of fulfilling the minimum educational qualification as required for the post.
9. The application for appointment on deputation may be forwarded by the employer along with the CR dossiers duly certified by the Competent Authority for the last 5 years through proper channel.
10. Suppression of factual information, supply of fake documents, providing false or misleading information or any other undesirable action by the candidate shall lead to cancellation of his /her candidature. In case, it is detected at any point of time in future even after appointment that the candidate was not eligible as per the prescribed qualification, experience etc. which could not be detected at the time of written test/ interview due to whatever circumstances, his/her appointment shall be liable to be terminated forthwith as per this clause and also based on his/her undertaking.

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11. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection, which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of appointment letter, the University reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the candidates.
12. With regard to any ambiguity, relating to the recruitment rules in general and eligibility in respect of any post in particular, the decision of the Competent Authority shall be final.
13. The University will get verified all the certificates in support of qualification, experience etc. submitted by candidates, from the issuing authority. If any document is found to be false/ fake/ incorrect/ malafide at any stage of verification before or after appointment, the document in question shall be summarily rejected and action may be initiated against the candidate for this misconduct including rejection of his/her candidature which shall lead to termination of his/her appointment, if already appointed.
14. In case of selection, the appointment will be provisional and is subject to the community certificate being verified through proper channels. If the verification reveals that the claim of the candidate to belong to SC/ST/OBC (non creamy layer)/PWD is false, his/her services will be terminated forthwith without assigning any further reasons and without prejudice to such further action as may be taken under the provisions of Indian Penal Code for production of false certificate.
15. The appointment of a fresh candidate will be subject to police verification. In case, the report of the police with regard to his/her conduct, character, antecedents etc. is not found to be satisfactory, the provisional appointment shall be withdrawn/ cancelled/ terminated forthwith without notice.
16. The selected candidate will also have to undergo a medical examination/ test to ascertain his/ her medical fitness for the post prior to joining. In case, he/ she is not found to be fit by the authorized medical authorities, the offer of appointment shall be treated as withdrawn. The persons already holding employment under Government or Autonomous Bodies/PSU, may submit Medical Fitness Certificate from any Government Hospital at the place of his/ her work duly countersigned by the Civil Surgeon or Chief Medical Officer of the concerned district.
17. The terms and conditions of appointment/ Engagement shall be communicated in the "Offer of Appointment/ Engagement "to the Selected Candidates. If the candidate does not accept the terms and conditions mentioned in the offer of appointment/ engagement letter within the stipulated time period, the offer will be treated as withdrawn and no further communication shall be entertained in this regard. 18. The probation period for the regular posts (wherever applicable) will be as per Cadre Recruitment rules. An employee will be considered for confirmation only if:
a) No one else holds a lien on the post on account of technical resignation, EOL etc.
b) The service of the employee have been found satisfactory.
c) A verification report about the character and antecedents of the employee is received from the district authorities.
d) A verification report of any other documents/certificates (as the university deems fit) have been obtained from the sources.
19. Nature of Duties: The selected candidate will be required to perform duties as per the rules of the University as amended from time to time. The University is free to assign any duty as per the exigency of the situation at any time even during nonworking hours/ holidays which the employee has to perform without fail to avoid disciplinary action in this regard. The University administration notwithstanding the schedule of five-day week in its working may also direct any employee to work for six days in a week at its discretion depending upon the exigency of service and in the interest of the organization. However, it may be kept in view that the total number of working hours prescribed per week shall be equal to all the employees as per the Govt. of India rules. 20. The university may transfer any employee to any of its campuses/constituent colleges.
21. The selected person shall be required to arrange his/ her own accommodation as per his/ her convenience.
22. The selected candidates, will be governed by the "National Pension System" (earlier known as 'New Pension Scheme') of the Govt. of India as applicable w.e.f. 01.01.2004. Those who are appointed on deputation, payment of both leave salary and pension contribution will be as per rules.
23. The salary of eligible superannuated candidates, in case of selection on regular basis, will be fixed as per UGC letter No. F.71-6/2012(CU) Dated 03.04.2013
24. The selected candidate shall be liable to serve anywhere under the jurisdiction of the Central University of Punjab.
25. The selected candidates shall be governed by the Act/ Statutes/ Ordinances/ Regulations/ Rules governing the service conditions/ method of recruitments as amended from time to time and resolutions of the Executive Council of the university and rules of the Govt. of India such as DOPT rules, the CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 and CCS (CCA) Rule, 1965 etc. adopted by the University from time to time.
26. The grade point B in the 7 point scale (Grades O, A, B, C, D, E & F) shall be regarded as equivalent to 55% wherever the grading system is followed.
27. Seven Point Scale for grading system is given below information of all concerned with recruitment

28. The preference against the MTS post(s) may be given to the candidates who have adequate experience of working in the university administration with knowledge of data-feeding/ typewriting on computer, record maintenance, operation and maintenance of photocopier/ lamination machines etc. or having adequate experience in some other technical/ professional fields.
29. Candidate should bring all original certificates relating to his/ her age, qualification, experience and caste etc. at the time of document verification and/or interview. In case the candidate fails to submit the original documents for verification of the certified/ Xerox copies of the enclosures to his/ her application, he/she shall not be allowed to appear at the written test/interview and his candidature shall be treated as cancelled without any further communication in this regard.
30. The University reserves the right to fill or not to fill up the posts advertised for any reasons whatsoever. If any vacancy arises after recruitment to a particular post due to whatsoever reasons, the vacancy may be filled up from the panel of that post within a period of one year from the date of selection committee. In any case every panel shall be treated as invalid after one year w.e.f. the date of the meeting of the Selection Committee.
31. The University may draw reserve panel(s) against possible vacancies in future.
32. Number of posts advertised may be treated as tentative. The University shall have the right to increase/decrease/withdraw any post at any time before selection and make appointments accordingly.
33. The University reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason thereof.
34. If any advertisement for any post(s) is withdrawn due to whatever reasons, the application fee or any other fee collected from the candidates shall be refunded preferably within 60 working days.
35. Candidate, who is already in service should submit his/her application through proper channel. However, he/she may send an advance copy of his/her application and should produce a "No Objection Certificate" issued by the employer should be produced before the written test/interview failing which he/she shall not be allowed for written test/interview.
36. In case of in-service candidates, relieving letter from the employer at the time of joining must be submitted.

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37. Interim enquiries shall not be entertained.
38. Canvassing in any form on behalf of or by the candidate shall disqualify him/her from being considered.
39. Under the term ‘good academic record’ the candidate must have obtained at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) at the Master’s degree level, in the relevant subject or an equivalent degree from an Indian/Foreign University; and at least 50% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) at the Bachelor’s degree level or an equivalent degree from an Indian/Foreign University.
40. Applicants are required to apply on separate online application form for each post by depositing fee @ Rs.600 through online mode only. Other mode of application fee will not be accepted. However, The SC/ST/PWD candidates are exempted for application fee.
41. Candidates applying for the same post for different category, please apply with different registration email ID.
42. The candidate shall be required to submit the list of enclosures and also write his/ her complete information with regard to his/ her correspondence and permanent address with pin code, telephone numbers, cell-phone numbers, e-mail ID, if any, in the application which will facilitate communication at any point of time.
43. The reservations/relaxations to SC/ST/OBC/PWD Candidates will be provided as per the existing Govt. of India/UGC policy. The SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates are required to attach the relevant certificate as per format prescribed by the Government of India. OBC certificate (Non Creamy Layer) should be issued on or after 01.04.2018.
44. Age relaxation to Govt. employees and Ex-serviceman will be as per Govt. of India rules. However, relaxation will be given in upper age limit of employees (contractual/regular) working/worked in CUPB equivalent to the period to service rendered at the CUPB upto a maximum of 5 years.
45. It is the responsibility of the candidate to assess his own eligibility for the post for which he/she is applying in accordance with the prescribed qualification, experience etc. In case the candidate who do not meet the minimum eligibility criteria and still apply will do so at their own risk and cost. Please note that the university is not responsible for incorrect entries and fee once paid will not be refunded in any circumstances.
46. Any change of address from the one given in the application form should be communicated to the university immediately.
47. The age of the superannuation for all the posts is as per UGC/GoI norms.
48. Payment of TA: The candidate shall attend the interview at the designated place and time at his own expenses. However, the outstation candidates belonging to the SC/ ST/ PwD categories shall be reimbursed to and fro rail fare (sleeper class) for self only. In case any station is not connected by rail, ordinary bus fare shall be paid by the shortest route on production of ticket. However, fare for first 30 KM of the journey shall not be reimbursed. The above mentioned concessions shall not be admissible to those SC/ ST/ PwD candidates who are already in Central/ State Government Service/ or holding any other employment.
49. In case of disputes/suites or legal proceedings against the university, the jurisdiction shall be confined to the Court of Bathinda or Punjab and Haryana High Court Chandigarh only.

50. Applicants are required to send the duly signed printout of the online application form along with all the self-attested photocopies of Qualification/ Experience/ Caste certificate/ proof of claim/NOC at the following address:
Incharge (Recruitment)
Central University of Punjab
City Campus, Mansa Road
Bathinda-151 001, India

51. Last date for submission of Online application form is 25.06.2019 by 23:59 Hours
52. The printout of the online applications form along with supporting documents must be submitted by 02.07.2019 by 17:00 Hours
53. The University shall not be responsible for any postal delay. Applications, received late, incomplete or without signature, fee and other enclosures, will be rejected.


Advt. No:- CUPB/19-20/04 dated 22.05.2019

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