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Walk in interview for Junior Project Research Fellow at NEIGRIHMS

Clinical research courses

NEIGRIHMS was established by the Government of India in 1987. It has been designed as a Postgraduate Medical Institute in lineage of AIIMS, New Delhi and PGIMER, Chandigarh. It is the First Postgraduate Medical Institute in the North Eastern Region and the Third in the Country established by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

Post : Junior Project Research Fellow

A walk in interview will be held in the office Chamber of HOD, Biochemistry (Hospital Building, -3 Floor), NEIGRIHMS, Shillong for contractual posts Junior Project Research Fellow-one purely on temporary basis as per the details given below under the ICMR project "Prevalence of serum 25 (OH) vitamin D deficiency in young adult population of East Khasi Hills District of Meghalaya and its effect in determining bone mineral density through RANKL/RANK/OPG system "

The duration of the project up to 31.12 .2019, this may be extended as per needs.

Qualification and Experience: Post graduate degree in basic science with NET qualification or graduate degree in professional course with NET qualification or post graduate degree in professional course

Job requirement: To assist the investigators in conducting the molecular biology works in real time PCR ,field work or any other work assigned by the investigators

Emoluments: Rs 25,000/- pm+10%HRA(2500)=27,500/-

Age limit : Not more than 30/35 years

Important Information
1. All the posts are purely temporary on contractual basis. The appointment will be initially for a period of 6 months which may be renewable subject to satisfactory performance for the project duration.
2. Candidates have to appear in the walk in interview along with standard form application and CV in plain paper giving details of all educational qualifications and experiences. Candidates must bring along all relevant documents related to their qualifications & experience in original and submit one set of photocopied along with one passport size photograph. 
3. Only eligible candidates should come for the walk-in interview.
4. The candidates must be able to read and write local language (khasi) as the project will be carried out in the urban and rural areas of Khasi Hills
5. TA/DA will not be paid for attending the interview.

Walk in interview on the 18tn June,2019. Registration from 9-11 am and interview from 11am onwards.

North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences
Mawdiangdiang, Shillong, Meghalaya 793012

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