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Faculty Recruitment in SAGE University

Clinical research courses

SAGE University is where technology, innovation and entrepreneurship come together to create a dynamic learning environment. Learning for employment is key at SAGE. SAGE UNIVERSITY is the top innovative university in central India that not only helps you to dream, but also drives you, motivates you and gears you up to bring in that very essential component called changes that makes our tomorrow better.. Future is the dream we all pursue, a dream of a better lifestyle, quality life, better amenities, infrastructure, facilities and so on, ………..but, only a few of us strive today to bring in the changes tomorrow and that is where we are different. Here at SAGE we have a futuristic approach to fulfill your dreams.

Dean of Faculties, Dean Student Welfare, Head of Institute Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor

In Faculty of Agriculture / Sciences / Biological Science / Law & Legal Studies I Arts & Humanities / Pharmaceutical Sciences / Design / Architecture / Engineering & Technology (CS / IT / EC / Mechanical / Civil) / Communication Skills / Advance Computing I Computer Application / Commerce / Management.

Eligibility & Remuneration : As per UGC norms. Preference will be given to the candidates with Ph.D. / Net.

Non Teaching Staff: Manager (HR), Asst. Manager (HR), PA/PS to Director, Office Asst, LAB Staff

Interested candidates may send applications in the prescribed format available on the University Website along with Curriculum Vitae, photocopies of certificate and two passport size photographs to Director (HR) within 10 days.


SAGE University
Kailod Kartal, Indore-Dewas Bypass Road, Rau, Indore (M.P.) - 452020

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