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Applications are invited for Scientists at National Institute of Immunology

Clinical research courses

The National Institute of Immunology (NII) is committed to advanced research addressing the basic mechanisms involved in body's defence to identify modalities for manipulation of the immune system to provide protection against diseases and understand mechanisms that can be used to target disease processes for intervention. The institute’s research thrust areas under immunology and related disciplines cluster in four main themes, namely, infection and immunity, molecular design, gene regulation and reproduction and development, where cutting edge research in modern biology is being carried out.

Post : Scientists

National Institute of Immunology invites applications from superannuated Scientists of repute who have significant pre-retirement accomplishments in the areas of immunology/ vaccinology for engagement as Emeritus Scientist on contractual basis. The tenure of contract shall initially be for 03 years which shall be reviewed on annual basis. The tenure can further be extended beyond 03 years by 02 more years on a year to year basis subject to assessment by a Review Committee. In case of premature cessation of tenure by either party (ES or NII), a notice of one month would be required.

(i) Should have superannuated or due to superannuate from the post of Scientist in Level-14 of Pay Matrix or above;
(ii) Should have outstanding track records during the last 5 years as evidenced by publications in reputed journals, technology transferred to industry, consultancies offered to external bodies etc;
(iii) Recognition of scientific contributions by at least two Scientific Academies or election to prestigious professional societies/forums or recipient of prestigious awards or track records of involvement in scientific advisory bodies or eloquence in science narration;
(iv) Proven leadership quality;
(v) At least 25 years of research experience

Duties and responsibilities:
(a) Help in fortifying the Institute’s capabilities in the areas of basic and applied immunology, innovation and technology;
(b) Contribute towards the Institute’s academic activities by way of teaching and other relevant assignments;
(c) Assist the Institute in implementation of Immuno-Engineering Programme;
(d) Assist the Institute in expanding its outreach in the areas of popularizing Science and Bio-technology with school and college students;
(e) Any other work assigned by the Director;

Remuneration: Consolidated monthly remuneration of Rs. 1,00,000/- p.m. No other allowances / perquisites are permissible.

Eligible and interested scientists may submit their applications, with detailed curriculum vitae containing details of qualifications, positions held, professional experience/distinctions, list of notable publications/achievements, proposed research plan (2 pages) and names and contact information of three potential referees, latest by 08.07.2019 to the Director, National Institute of Immunology, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi - 110067 or e-mail it to

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