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Applications are invited for Pharmacist at MANIT

Clinical research courses

The Institute is successfully meeting the objective of producing skilled Technocrats of the highest quality who are able to take up the challenges of the industries and Research organizations of the country. MANIT offers various undergraduate and post graduate courses and research programs. This section covers all the information related to academic rules and connectivity to MANIT Bhopal .Under the peaceful and friendly environment, MANIT producing technocrats who are resources to Nation and the world. Our bright students with excellent technical skills have always been contributed to the successes of various sections towards the technical group.

MANIT-Bhopal is an Institute of National Importance under the aegis of Ministry of Human Resources Development- Government of India.

Post : Pharmacist

Group and level of pay : Group C, Level-5

No of Post : UR-1

Scale of Pay (Grade Pay, Band Pay) : PB:1 (Rs.5,200 - 20,200) with Grade Pay of Rs.2800/-

Educational and other qualifications required for direct recruits
(i) 10+2 in Science (PCB/PCM) subjects from recognized Board or University.
(ii) 2 Years Diploma with First class from an Institute recognized by the Pharmacy Council of India with minimum two years experience in any recognized hospital or pharmacy.
Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy (B.Pharma.)
(iii) Registered as Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act 1948.

Period of probation, if any : 1 year for direct recruits as per NIT Statutes

1. Application will be accepted online only.
2. The applicant must be a citizen of India.
3. The applicant must ensure his/her eligibility for the post in respect of Age, Qualification Experience, Specialization, Trade, and other requisite criteria as prescribed and only then should apply. Institute will not be responsible in any way.
4. The age limit and qualification/experience etc. for the post as on the last date of submission of online application form (16th July 2019) shall only be considered.
5. Candidates belonging to Unreserved / OBC category have to pay application fee of ? 1000.00 (Rupees one thousand only) online at the time of application which is non-refundable.
6. Only SC, ST, and PwD candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee. However, fee exempted category candidates have to pay the online application portal charges to MPOnline Limited.
7. Candidates willing to apply for more than one post/ advertisement, have to apply separately for each post.
8. Fee once paid is non refundable/ non-adjustable.
9. For any editing after submission of form the charges payable are to be paid separately to MPONLINE by the candidate themselves.
10. The advertisement, Qualification and Experience details, General Instructions can be viewed/downloaded from Institute’s website
teaching-recruitment-2019. Online application has to be made at

11. AGE LIMIT as on 16/07/2019 :
a. Maximum age limit for each post shall be as per Recruitment Rules.
b. Relaxation in Age for various categories available as per DOPT Memorandum F. No. 15012/2/2010-Estt.(D) dated 27th March, 2012.
c. Those who were engaged in Outsourced/ Contract employment by MANIT as on 25/04/2014 and continue to be in employment of MANIT on the last date of applying online will get age relaxation limited to the total period of employment subject to fulfilling prescribed educational and experience qualification for the post. This is one time relaxation as per decision of the Board of Governors MANIT. Such contract and outsourced workers will have to produce an experience certificate in support of their claim from Assistant Registrar (Estt.) or Executive Engineer (Civil) at the time of document verification.
d. Ex-servicemen who have already secured employment in civil side under Central Government / Autonomous Body in Group C & D posts on regular basis after availing of the benefits of reservation given to ex-servicemen for their re-employment are NOT ELIGIBLE for claiming benefits of reservation under ex-servicemen category.
e. The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for Applying online.
f.  Only date of birth indicated in SSC/Secondary School Leaving Certificate/Birth Certificate will be accepted. No subsequent request for change shall be entertained.
g.  No maximum age limit is applicable to existing Institute regular employees.
h. Cumulative age relaxation is allowed wherever applicable as per rules.

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12. Maximum age is relaxable by 3 years in case of OBC candidates, 5 years in case of SC/ST candidates. Age is relaxable by 10 years in case of candidates with benchmark disabilities and relaxable by length of service rendered in armed forces plus three years in case of Ex-servicemen. Age relaxation up to age of 40 years is applicable to Central Government employees with continuous three years service.
13. For any claim of Age Relaxation/ Reservation, the same is allowed only upon production/ submission of Certificate issued in prescribed Format under the relevant rules and notification and when signed only by permitted authority with Seal as per applicable latest Government of India orders in this regard. All such claims are also liable for independent verification by the Institute at any time.
14. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE: - As per recruitment Rules prescribed for each post.
15. Candidates should apply only through ONLINE at the link provided. After successful submission of application online, a copy of submitted application must be printed, signed and sent to the Institute along with all self attested enclosures. Candidates are also encouraged to send soft copy of application after submitting the application form online to the e-mail with e-mail subject "Application for the Post of [name of the post]”. Applications without Online application submitted through any other mode shall be summarily rejected and no further correspondence will be entertained.
16. Applicants should upload self-attested photocopies of marks sheets/certificates in support of all the qualifications and relevant experience with application. All Mark sheet, Certificates, Degrees, NOC and other documents must be produced in original at the time of interview as well as at the time of joining for verification. In case, it is detected that the documents mentioned/ submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has undesirable or clandestine antecedents/ background and has suppressed the said information, then shall not be allowed to appearing before the Selection Committee or to join. In case of detection of any such willful concealment, fraud, suppression, service will be liable to be terminated without any notice at any time during the service even after joining.
17. All the above posts have been identified as "suitable” for persons with disabilities (PwD).
18. Only screened-in applicants will be called for test/ Interview.
19. Mere fulfillment of eligibility criteria does not guarantee candidates being called for Test/ Interview. The Institute reserves the right to restrict number of candidates to be called for Test/ Interview by short-listing the applications on the basis of higher benchmark for short-listing criteria as may be decided by the Institute, including screening test/trade test.

20. Institute reserves the right to reject or accept the candidature of any applicant at any stage. Institute reserves the right to cancel/restrict/enlarge/modify/alter the recruitment process, if need arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason therefore.

21. The applicant would be admitted to the Test/ Interview on the basis of the information furnished by them in their application form. They are therefore advised to ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions before applying. In case it is found at a later stage that the information furnished by an applicant is false or an applicant does not fulfill any other eligibility conditions, the candidature of such applicant would be cancelled and no correspondence in this regard would be entertained. Issuance of an admit card for the Test/ Interview call will not confer any right for appointment. Appointment will be solely subject to fulfillment of all the eligibility conditions.
22. No correspondence will be entertained from candidates not considered for Test / appointment.
23. All communications in regard with recruitment will be made by Email only. Candidates should check their email including SPAM folder regularly. Name of the shortlisted candidates for Test/ Interview will be displayed on the Institute website and intimation shall be sent only to registered e-mail id of candidate. No separate intimation will be sent by post. Beside, all information regarding Screening Test, Trade Test, Interview schedule etc. will also be provided through the Institute website and registered e-mail id of candidates. No separate communication through post will be sent. Hence, candidates are advised in their own interest to provide their working e-mail id and to white-list the e-mail id so that communications from Institute does not end up in spam folder. Institute will not be responsible for non-receipt of intimation via e-mail due to any technical reason/ problem not attributable to the Institute.
24. The name of the post must be super-scribed "Post applied for [name of the post]” on the envelope without fail.
25. Candidates already in Government/ Semi Government/ Quasi Government service should send their application through proper channel. In case, application is not sent through proper channel, NOC from employer should be produced at the time of appearing in the Interview.
26. Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay at any stage.
27. Request for individual acknowledgements shall not be considered. Those who want acknowledgement may send their applications by Speed Post/Registered Post.
28. SC/ST outstation candidates will be paid to and fro travelling allowance of second- class Railway fare by the shortest route (subject to production of tickets) as admissible under the Rules. However, Travelling Allowance is not admissible to those SC/ST candidates who are already in service of Central/State Government services, Central/State Government Corporation, Public Sector Undertakings, Local Government Institutions and Panchayats and those who have availed concession from Railways, if any, for undertaking journey for attending examination.
29. The vacancies shown above are provisional and subject to variation. The Institute reserves the right not to fill the advertised posts or to fill additional vacancies arising out in course of time. The Institute reserves the right to withdraw any advertised post(s) at any time without assigning any reason. The Institute also reserves the right to offer deputation, temporary or contract appointments against the advertised posts.
30.  In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of offer of appointment, the Institute reserves the right to withdraw/cancel/modify any communication made to the candidates.
31. Pay of the selected candidate will be fixed as per the recommendations of the selection committee only. Candidate from Government/ Semi Government/ Quasi Government service seeking pay protection must make claim before selection committee at the time of interview for necessary recommendation to avail protection. No requests for higher pay/ pay- protection not recommended by the Selection Committee will be entertained before or after joining.
32. Request for conduct of interview through Telephone/Video Conference/Skype or in any other mode will not be considered.
33. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
34. The decision of the Institute in all matters related to this recruitment shall be final. No correspondence /interim inquiries will be entertained from the candidates in connection with the process of selection / interview. Any dispute with regard to the selection / recruitment process will be subject to Courts / Tribunals having jurisdiction over Bhopal.
35. The Last date for online application is 16th July 2019 12:00 midnight after which application link will be deactivated. The signed print-out of online submitted application form, along-with self-attested enclosures, should be sent to under-mentioned address so as to reach latest by 23rd July 2019. Candidates residing in 
Jammu and Kashmir, North-Eastern region, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep Island may send the hard copy so as to reach Institute latest by 30th July 2019. Applications received after last date will be liable to be summarily rejected. Applications submitted online but not followed by hard copy will not be considered.
Address for sending Hard Copy of Application/ Any additional Information is :
Assistant Registrar Recruitment Cell,
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology,
Bhopal 462003 MP.

36. Institute strives to have a workforce, which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply.
37. Records of the candidates not selected shall not be preserved beyond Six (06) months from the date of declaration of the result of selection.

Last date for online application : 19 August 2019

Last date for receipt of hard copy of application in Institute alongwith enclosures : 19 August 2019

Last date for receipt of Signed copy of Application with enclosures from Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, J&K, and North Eastern States : 26 August 2019


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