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Applications are invited for Pharmacist at District Health & Family Welfare Society

Clinical research courses

DHFWS Bhiwani invites applications for the following posts under NHM purely on contract basis initially up to 31-03 2020.

Post : Pharmacist

No of Posts : 02 (01-BCA, 01 Gen-ESM)

Age : 18-47 years

Pay per month (as per NHM Service Bye Laws) : Rs 11170/-

Qualification :
ESSENTIAL: (i) 10+2 with Science (Physics & Chemistry). Diploma in Pharmacy from Recognized Institute, (ii) Registered as Pharmacist with Haryana Pharmacy Council under section 31 (a) or 31 (c) or 37. (a) of the Pharmacy act, 1948 as applicable to Haryana State

DESIRABLE: (i) Computer proficiency with familiarity of Data management and commonly used packages like MS word. Power Point and Excel etc. (ii) Knowledge of Hindi up to Matric standard

Application form may be downloaded from and duly filled and signed by the candidates in their own handwriting in capital letters should be submitted till 02.07.2019 before 05:00 PM to : The Dy. Civil Surgeon-NHM. Room No 225. O/o Civil Surgeon Civil hospital, Bhiwani  The fee (Non-refundable) of Rs 200/- per application for general categories and Rs 100/- for other reserved categories must be attached with each application form in shape of Demand Draft in favor of "District Health & family Welfare Society (User Charges), Bhiwani" No Cheque/Cash will be accepted. Candidate should mentioned his name, father name, category (Gen/Gen-ESM/SC/BCA/BCA-ESM/BCB/BCB-ESM etc.) and post applied for on the back side of demand draft Demand Draft must be issued between the dale of advertisement published and closing date. The application form without prescribed tee will be rejected The candidate should specify on the top of the Application- Name of the post applied for and Category: The candidates are advised to regularly visit at for further information No individual correspondence will be made by the district Authorities.

• One Application will be considered for one post only. Application form without having the post name and category/serial number will be rejected.
• Screenig test will be held for all the candidates appearing for the concerned posts.  Those candidates who are unable to get 40% or less mark in screening/proficiency test would not be shortlisted for further test/interview.
• four times candidates of the post advertised will be shortlisted after screening test on men, basis and computer test (Typing Tutor Test and MS word, excel, email etc.) will be
• conducted tor these candidates only.
• Full particulars along with contact no., email id. Postal address with PINCODE, two Passport size photo and attested copies of Educational Qualification & Govt. & Semi Govt. Experience should be attached with the application.
• Experience only from Govt. & Semi Govt, institution will be considered.
• Original documents in support of academic qualifications and work experience shall be required to be produced at the time of interview. Preference will be given to the candidate residing in local area (District Bhiwani) and proof of residence (Domicile, Ration Card, Voter Card. Passport. Driving License) will be required. In case of married female candidate, after marriage residence proof will be considered for local area Weightage
• If the candidate had done his/her qualification diploma/degree through distance mode/regular mode then the university should be approved from Distance Education Council/Bureau or joint committee of DEC. UGC and AICTE as the ease may be lt will be responsibility of the applicant to produce the proof of approval of his/her dcgree/diploma from above mentioned authorities as the case may be. The qualification should be completed before closing date of submission ol application.
• District authorities has right to reject any application if found improper or having misleading information. District Health & family Welfare Society, Bhiwani has right to cancel any post/written test & interview at any time without specifying any reason an No claim will be entertained in this regard.
• Number of Posts can be increased or decreased by District Authorities.
• Post of reserve category will be tilled up as per Haryana Government reservation policy. Applicant should bring proof of reserved category in original at the time of interview and attach the self-attested photocopy with application form.
• Transfer of a contractual employee shall not be permitted from one place to another except in public interest (as per service bye laws).
• An, additional work/placement under NHM can be assigned by appointing authority. Contract may not be renewed automatically and Civil Surgeon has the right to terminate the contract immediately if performance is found unsatisfactorily.

Written Test Date (Timings - 09:00 am) : 16-07-2019

Application Form>>

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