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Applications are invited for Junior Research Fellow at Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine

Clinical research courses

Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine (CSTM), is one of the seven  such  Institutions dedicated to research, care and cure of tropical diseases. CSTM was founded by Sir Leonard Rogers way back in 1914. The corridors of CSTM had regular footfall of eminent researchers like Leonard Rogers, Ronald Ross, R Knowels,  UN Brahmachari, JB Chatterjee, RN Chopra and many others. The foundation stone of the Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine was laid by the Governor. Lord Carmichael in the year 1914 on 24th February at the initiative of Sir Leonard Rogers.

Post : Junior Research Fellow

Applications are invited for the walk in interview of one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Life Science Research Board Defense Res. & Dev. Organization (DRDO) funded project entitled “Development of Lectin-Based Lateral Flow assay for Rapid diagnosis of Dengue Severity.” sanction no: O/o DG(TM) 81/48222/LSRB-339/BT B/2019 under the supervision of Dr.Sumi Mukhopadhyay (Principal Investigator), Department of Laboratory Medicine and Prof. Bibhuti Saha (Co Principal Investigator), Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata.

Duration of project: Three years

Pay: Rs.27,000 /- per month (Consolidated, for first two years JRF) and Rs.30,240/-
(Consolidated, one year SRF)

Essential Qualification: M.Sc/M.Tech (1st Class) in any branch of Life Sciences with research experience. Candidates with NET or GATE qualification will be given preference.

Desirable Qualification: Research experience in the field of Immunology / Biochemistry / Biotechnology.

Age: Maximum 28 years

Venue of the interview : Seminar Hall (4th Floor)
Date and Time of the Interview: 10th July 2019, 12:30pm

Interested candidates should attend the interview with the following documents:
1.  All certihcates/testimonials in original for verification.
2.  Two set of biodata along with attested Xerox copies of certificates pertaining to the qualification, experience, and age.

The appointment will be purely on temporary basis, initially for six months, with subsequent renewal, subject to satisfactory performance of the candidate. Appointment can be terminated with one month notice on either side. No TA/DA will be paid for attending. The Director has the right to accept or reject any applicant without assigning any reason and no recommendation in this matter will be entertained.

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