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Recruitment for Pharmacists at Indian Railways - Rail Coach Factory

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Modern Coach Factory, Raebareli (earlier Rail Coach Factory, Raebareli) is a rail coach manufacturing unit of the Indian Railways at Lalganj near Raebareli in Uttar Pradesh. The factory is the third facility in India that produces railway compartments besides the Integral Coach Factory at Perambur in Tamil Nadu and the Rail Coach Factory at Kapurthala in Punjab. The factory was inaugurated by the UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi on November 7, 2012.

It has been decided to conduct "Walk-in-interview" for filling up the following vacant posts of Para- Medical staff in Modern Coach Factory by engaging suitable candidates purely on contract basis. First preference will be given to retired employees. The engagement of retired employees would be done as per extant guideline including the ones contained in Railway Board letter No.E(NG)-ll/2007/RC- 4/CORE/l dated 16.10.2017 and 12.12.2017. The engagement will be on full time basis on monthly remuneration as decided by Railway Board vide their letter No.2017/Trans/01/Policy/Pt.l dated 12.04.2018 for a period not exceeding 30.06.2019 (i.e the validity of the scheme) or appointment/availability of regular selected candidates from Railway Recruitment Board/ or availability of regular railway employee whichever is earlier.

Post : Pharmacist

No of Posts : 02 (ST - 01, UR- 01)

Eligibility Condition
10+2 in Science or its equivalent with Diploma in Pharmacy from recognized institution and registered as Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948. OR Bachelor degree in Pharmacy (B.Pharma) from a recognized
University or equivalent and Registered as as Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948.

Age limit (As on 05.06.2018)
20 years to 33 years. Upper age relaxation for SC/ST= 5 yrs and 03 yrs for OBC.

Remuneration Per Month
Basic pay plus other allowances as decided by Rly Bd vide L/No 2017/Trans/01/Policy/pt. 1 New Delhi, dated 12.04.2018

1. First preference will be given to retired employees. The engagement of retired employees would be done as per extant guideline including the ones contained in Railway Board letter No.E(NG)-ll/2007/RC-4/CQRE/l dated 16.10.2017 and 12.12.2017. Only if no retired para¬medical staff is available, the option of recruiting such staff on contract basis should be exercised which should be done as per extant guidelines including the ones given in letter No.E(NG)ll/2004/RC-4/SC/2 dated 19.07.2005.
2. The appointment will be on full time contract basis for a period not exceeding 30.06.2019 Or availability of regular selected candidates from RRB (Railway Recruitment Board)/availability or regular railway employee whichever is earlier.
3. The contract shall be liable to be terminated by giving two weeks notice by either side without assigning any reason.
4. The contract shall be terminated immediately, if the contract practitioner is mentally/physically incapacitated.
5. The full time Contract Para-Medical staff (CPMS) who enter into contract with the Railways will not have any claim or right for his/her continuity in service or automatic extension of the term of contract or regularization/absorption in the post.
6. The CPMS shall undergo a medical examination before the contract is entered into, for his/her fitness to perform the work assigned to him/her.
7. At the time of entering into contract the CPMS shall produce certificates in support of his/her good character and antecedents from two Gazetted officers of the Central/State Gove.

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8. At the time of Interview & entering into contract the CPMS shall produce original certificates for proof of his/her date of birth and educational and technical qualification? The candidate belonging to SC/ST/OBC community should bring along with him/her original community (SC/ST/OBC) certificate issued by competent authority in prescribed from of Govt.
9. The CPMS shall have to undergo a brief orientation for a period of 2 weeks.
10. The CPMS shall be governed in respect of matters not referred to in these terms and conditions by any order/amendments to the terms of contract issued by the Railway Administration from time to time.
11. The CPMS shall attend all normal tasks, which Para medical staff is conventionally doing He/she will also attend to emergencies and accidents during day & night shift. 
12. The remuneration will be in terms Of railway board letter NO 2017/Trans/01/policy/pt.i dated 12.04.2018 and Railway will not give any additional perks/facilities.
13. In case of absence of duties, proportionate recovery will be made from the remuneration.
14. Weekly rest will be admissible as per provisions of rules. The CPMS will abide by the rules of the Organization/lnstitution.
15. In case of out station duty, Railway will provide free duty passes in the class of entitlement.
16. Other terms and conditions as mentioned in Railway Board's letter no. E(NG)ll/2004/RC- 4/SC/2 dated 19.07.2005

Candidates to please note:
i)    Their contract would be automatically terminated on the date specified for the purpose and will not be extended. Administration reserves the right to enter into fresh contract with the contractual appointee.
ii)    And “The contract appointee who enters into contract with the Railways will not have any claim or right for his/her continuity in service or automatic extension of the terms of contract after the specified date of expiry of contract.
iii)    No TA/DA is admissible for the interview.
iv)    For all the above vacancies, the age limit will be reckoned as on 01/06/2018 and the relaxation of upper Age limit will be Five years for SC/ST and three years for OBC candidates subject to production of requisite certificate issued by the appropriate authority (Format of OBC certificate is enclosed).
v)    If any candidate is employed in any other Organization he/she will have to submit NOC from his/her employer.
The willing candidates may report for the WALK-IN-INTERVIEW" to the venue of interview as per date and time specified    above with copies of    all
certificates/testimonials/marks sheets in original and true copies (attested by a Gazetted officer) and also 2 (two) recent pass port size photographs along with a filled in application from. In the event of any wrong information/ fake academic certificate/testimonials/mis- statement/discrepancy in the particular being    detected at    any stage,    the
candidature//contract may be cancelled/terminated without any notice and necessary action as per extent law will be taken. Further, No correspondence in this regard will be entertained. N.B For details please refer MCF/RBL website

Date & Time : 29-06-2018 at 10.00 hrs
Venue of walk-in-interview : CMO Office/MCF/RBL

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