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Recruitment for Scientists(45 posts) at NABI R&D Institute under Government of India | Emoluments upto Rs 1 lakh

Clinical research courses

National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI), Mohali, is an autonomous R&D Institute under Government of India, Department of Biotechnology. The institute is a state of the art facility in globally competitive and translatable research areas at the interface of agricultural biotechnology, food processing and nutritional sciences. The applications are invited from individuals having outstanding research record and enthusiasm to develop an organization with world class environment, the best of science, and partnerships with public and private sector.

NABI needs scientists of highest calibre and potential at various levels. The number of faculty positions in the areas of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Biotechnology is given below.

No of posts : 5
Pay band Rs./- : PB-4- 37400-67000
Grade pay (Rs./-) : 8900
Total emoluments on minimum scale* : Rs. 1,27,444/-
Age limit : 55 years

No of posts : 10
Pay band Rs./- : PB-4- 37400-67000
Grade pay (Rs./-) : 8700
Total emoluments on minimum scale* : Rs. 1,19,884/-
Age limit : 55 years

No of posts : 15
Pay band Rs./- : PB-3- 15600-39100
Grade pay (Rs./-) : 7600
Total emoluments on minimum scale* : Rs. 78,052/-
Age limit : 50 years

No of posts : 15
Pay band Rs./- : PB-3- 15600-39100
Grade pay (Rs./-) : 6600
Total emoluments on minimum scale* : Rs. 67,594/-
Age limit : 40 years

Likely to be revised as per 7th Pay Commission, Govt. of India


Areas of specialization as essential qualifications:
Research experience will be calculated as follows:
1. For PhD degree experience will be calculated from the award of the PhD degree.
2. For MD/ the experience will be calculated from the date of the award of degree (MD/ in the relevant subject.

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Interest (evidenced by publications in high IF journals, patents of proven utility and or products of applied value) relevant and critical to the following areas of research will be considered.

1. Agricultural Biotechnology and Molecular Biology: Application & biotechnological tools for developing crop varieties (cereals, legumes, vegetables and fruits) for high nutrition, increased shelf life and processing quality; Genomics assisted breeding and genomic selection; Non transgenic approaches like CRISPR/Cas9 for genetic engineering of crops (cereals, legumes, vegetables and fruit) applications of OMICS techniques and whole genome analysis to identify genes, biomarkers, signal transduction, pathway regulation, plant immunity and applications to regulating plant growth and development.

2. Food Safety and Quality: Food Standards, Food Safety (Microbial, Chemical, and Physical contaminants); Diagnostics for Food Safety.

3. Food Stability: Applications of biopolymers to foods, smart polymers, nano-materials edible coatings, bioactive molecules and enzymes for enhancing post-harvest shelf life of fruits and vegetables biosensors.

4. Food Processing and Design: Improving structure and quality of foods, using enzymes, bio-molecules and microbes in food processing, novel product development and food fortification.

5. Computational Biology and Bioinformatics: High throughput genome analysis genome assembly, annotation and comparative genomics, metagenome and microbiome analysis, ability to handle NGS data, protein modeling and interaction and system biology preferably with skills in (a) Machine learning or (b) High Performance Computing or (c )Biostatistics, or database and genome browser development

6.Nutraceutical and Phytochemicals: Characterization and development of novel natural plant products and product development for better health, natural flavors, colors and dyes

7. Nutritional Biology: Bioprocessing of foods for enhancing micronutrition and bioavailability: nutrigenomics

8. Plant Tissue Culture: Micropropagation, double haploid development, genetic transformation of cereals, pulses, vegetables and fruit crops.

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Selection Process:
The applications will be received against the advertised positions. Suitably constituted screening committee will screen the applications in one or two stages on the basis of essential qualifications & research experience, recommendation letters and research outcomes. The applicants identified as highly promising will be invited for interactions at the institute and for discussions with suitably constituted selection committee.

General conditions for Recruitment:
1) As per this advertisement, total no. of positions are 45. However, the position will be filled subject to availability of the candidate with excellent academic record as per the recommendations of selection committee.
2) This is a rolling advertisement. Applications can be submitted any time till November 30, 2017. The date for determining the age limit/experience/qualification shall be May 31st and Nov 30th, when the applications received till that date will be screened.
3) The upper age limit is relaxable for SC/ST/OBC candidates, as per Govt. of India norms.
4) In addition to the usual pay & allowances as admissible vide 6th Pay Commission in the above scales, other benefits such as Leave Travel Concession, Medical expenses, House rent Allowance, Transport Allowance, Telephone Expenses etc. shall be provided as per rules.
5) The Institute encourages creation of knowledge and benefit sharing related to IPR.
6) Candidates will be governed by New pension Scheme of Central Government effective from 01/04/2004.
7) Appointment will be made initially on contract in project mode for a period of 5 years with an initial probation period of one year which may be extended / curtailed at the discretion of the Competent Authority. Further continuation, if any will depend on candidate’s performance during the initial period of five years.
8) Candidates may choose to apply for more than one post by submitting separate application for each position. Depending upon suitability of the candidates, a higher or lower post may be offered by the Selection Committee.
9) Application must be complete in all respects and as per the institutional format. In case candidates are employed in Govt./semi Govt/Autonomous Bodies/PSUs, their application must be forwarded through proper channel. Applications other than prescribed format will not be entertained.
10) All applications must be supported by attested certificates including photograph, address, telephone, e-mail, qualifications, experience, status of reservation, analysis of research publications with respect to Impact Factor, Citations & h-index (based on research articles) and a 1000 words statement on the research area of interest and its relevance to NABI.
11) Mere fulfillment of essential qualifications and experience does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview since the positions are for creative high quality of relevance to NABI. Candidate’s experience and proven ability for research and team building in target area are most critical to the selection procedure. In this respect, at least three letters of reference addressed by email directly to Executive Director ( should be arranged. These should comment upon:
I. Candidate’ skills of strength suitability for path breaking research and innovative thinking. II. Ability to function independently as well as in teams.
III. Execute state of the art experiments and research programs of fundamental and/or applied nature.
12) In case of candidates employed in permanent posts in Govt./Semi-Govt/Autonomous Bodies/PSUs., request for deputation and salary protection will be considered.
13) Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected.
14) Interim enquiries would not be entertained.
15) The candidates who have already applied vide Advt No. NABI/05/2013/Rectt and Advt No. NABI/4/2013/Rectt may submit the application with updated biodata without application fee.
16) In case a large number of applications are received, screening will be done to limit the number of candidates to those possessing higher qualification or experience.
17) Outstation candidates called for interview will be paid to and fro second class railway fare for travel within the country, as per Government rules on presentation of the proof. Candidates working abroad can also be interviewed through video conference.

The applications should be submitted in the prescribed format available at our website ( or can be obtained by post from “Administrative Officer, National Agri- Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI), Knowledge City, Sector-81, Mohali – 140306 Punjab, India”.

Application(s) completed in all respects, in the prescribed form accompanied by attested copies of certificates, testimonials in support of age, educational qualifications, experience etc., along with non-refundable application fee of Rs.100/- (US$25 by suitable mode of bank transfer in case of candidates applying from abroad)(bank detail below) for general and OBC category candidates (No application fee for Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe/PWDs candidates), by means of Demand Draft (issued by State Bank of India only except for the candidates applying from abroad) valid for at least 3 months, drawn in favour of “National Agri- Food Biotechnology Institute” payable at Phase 1 Mohali, should be sent to “The Executive Director, National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI), Knowledge city, Sector-81, Mohali, (Punjab)-140306 (India). Synopsis-sheet to be submitted by email: In addition to submitting the hard copy of application form, the candidate is also required to fill up his particulars in the synopsis-sheet available on NABI website, in EXCEL format only (NOT ON PDF FORMAT), and email to This is MOST- URGENT.

Applications will be picked up for screening in two batches, first on May 31, and second on Nov 30, 2017.


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