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Opportunities for M.Pharm B.Pharm at NPPA, Dept of Pharmaceuticals - 16 vacancies

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Opportunities for M.Pharm B.Pharm at NPPA, Dept of Pharmaceuticals

The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) is a government regulatory agency that controls the prices of pharmaceutical drugs in India. National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) was constituted vide Government of India Resolution dated 29th August, 1997 as an attached office of the Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP), Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers as an independent Regulator for pricing of drugs and to ensure availability and accessibility of medicines at affordable prices.

National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA), D/o Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers proposes to engage  Consultants & Young Professionals in the office of NPPA on contract basis as detailed below.

Sr. Consultant (Pharma) - 02 posts
Essential Qualification : A Master Degree in Pharmacy from any recognized University-national or foreign.
Experience : 4 years post qualification work experience in the field of Pharma Regulatory Affairs / Pharma Pricing / Pharma Production / Pharma Data Analysis / Drug Delivery and Research in the field of Pharmaceuticals and related subject.
Good Knowledge of working in MS Office including Excel and having good communications analytical skills.
Upper Age Limit : 40 years
Remuneration : Rs. 80,000/-
Consultant (Pharma)  - 04 posts
Essential Qualification : A Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy from any recognized University-national or foreign. Candidates having Master degree will be given preference.
Experience : 2 years post qualification work experience in the field of Pharma Regulatory Affairs/Pharma Pricing/Pharma Production/Pharma Data Analysis/Drug Delivery and Research in the field of Pharmaceuticals and related subject.
Good Knowledge of working in MS Office including Excel and having good communications, analytical skills.
Upper Age Limit : 35 years
Remuneration : Rs. 65,000/-
Consultant (Medical Device)  - 02 posts
Essential Qualification : A Bachelor Degree in Instrumentation / Clinical / Bio-Medical Engineering / Biotechnology from any recognized Institute / University-national or foreign; Post Graduation or Advanced Post Graduate Diploma in similar discipline would be desirable. In addition, M Pharma , M.S in Medical devices Technology.
Experience : 2 years work experience in Medical Devices Manufacturing/Medical Devices Regulatory Affairs/ Medical Device research/ Medical Device testing Laboratory and related subject.
Good Knowledge of working in MS Office including Excel and having good communication& analytical skills.
Upper Age Limit : 35 years
Remuneration : Rs. 65,000/-

Young Professional (Pharma) - 06 posts
Essential Qualification : A Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy from any recognized University-national or foreign.
Experience : Candidates having work experience in the field of Pharmaceuticals sector will be given preference.
Good Knowledge of working in MS Office including Excel and having good communication& analytical skills.
Upper Age Limit : 32 years
Remuneration : Rs. 50,000/-
Young Professional (Medical Device)  - 02 posts
Essential Qualification : Bachelor Degree in Bio-Medical Engineering/Electronics/Instrumentation/Biotechnology from any recognized Institute/University-national or foreign;
Experience : Candidates having work experience in the field of Medcial Device/Pharmaceuticals sector will be given preference.
Good Knowledge of working in MS Office including Excel and laving good communication& analytical skills.
Upper Age Limit : 32 years
Remuneration : Rs. 50,000/-

Hiring of Sr. consultant/ Consultant (Tech Gr I and Non-Tech, Grade-ll)/ Consultants/Young Professionals in NPPA shall be for a given period of work or for a period up to one (01 year). This term can be extended up to three (03) years depending on the satisfactory performance of the candidate or as per requirement of the office/NPPA. In general, consultant/YP will not be allowed to serve beyond the maximum age of 65 years.
Legal Status - The individual Sr. consultant/Consultants (Tech Gr I and Non- Tech, Grade-ll)/Consultants/Young Professionals shall have the legal status of an independent Sr. consultant/Consultant/YP vis-a-vis the NPPA and shall not be regarded for any purpose as being staff member or an official of the NPPA. As such nothing within or relating to the contract shall establish the relationship of employer and employee between the NPPA and the individual Consultant/YPs.

TA/DA : The individual Sr. Consultants/Consultants (Non-Tech, Grade-ll)/ Consultant (Tech Gr I)/ Consultants/ Consultant (Cost-Grade I and Grade ll)/Young Professional may be required to undertake domestic tours subject to approval of the Competent Authority and they will be allowed TA/DA reimbursement at par as admissible to the Under Secretary to the Government of India.
Leave :    Sr. Consultants/ Consultants/ Consultant (Cost-Grade I and Grade
ll)/Young Professional shall be eligible for 12 days of leave during the period of one year on pro-rata basis besides the Gazetted holidays.
Consultants (Non-Tech, Grade-ll)/ Consultant (Tech Gr I) shall be eligible for leave at the rate of 1.5 days for each completed month of service. However, un-availed leave shall not be carried forward, in case of extension beyond one year. 'No work no pay’ will be applicable during the period of contract, if more than prescribed leave is taken.

• Standards of Conduct: The Sr. Consultants/ Consultants (Tech Gr I & Non- Tech-Gr-ll)/ Consultants/ Young Professional shall observe the general acceptable office etiquettes during the period of duty. He/she shall keep themselves abreast of the latest developments/ rules/regulations pertaining to their domain and advice the officers of NPPA accordingly. Failure to comply with the Rules/ Regulations issued by NPPA would attract grounds for termination of the services.
• Prohibition of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse During the performance of their duties, the individual Sr. Consultants/ Consultants (Non-Tech, Grade-ll)/ Consultant (Tech Gr I)/ Consultants/ Young Professionals shall comply with the
• Sexual harassment ot Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. Any breach of the provisions thereof shall be a ground for termination of services. Any further action may also be recommended for appropriate legal action.
• Confidentiality of Documents & Information: -The Individual Sr. Consultants/ Consultants/Young Professionals would be subject to the provisions of the Indian Official Secrets Act, 1923. They shall not use the name, emblem, or official seal of the NPPA for any commercial purpose other than discharging assigned duties.
• Authenticity & Police Verification: -Police Verification of the Individual Sr. Consultants/ Consultants/YP may be done as per the latest instructions issued by Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA). In case the police verification is received as negative, the contract of the Individual Consultant shall cease to exist with immediate effect without any notice. Further, if any declaration given or information furnished by Sr. Consultants/ Consultant/YP proves to be false or if he/she is found to have willfully suppressed any material information, he/she will be liable for removal from such contract and also such other action as the Government any deem necessary
• Tax Deduction at Source: The income tax or any other tax liable to be deducted as per prevailing rule; will be deducted at source before realizing the payment and NPPA will issue TDS Certificate as the case may be. The NPPA takes no liability for taxes or other contribution payable by the individuals Sr. Consultants /Consultants (Non-Tech, Grade-ll)/ Consultant (Tech Gr I)/ Consultants/ Young Professional on payment made under the contract.
• Terms of Reference: Heads of Divisions shall be responsible for ensuring that detailed terms of references describing the work to be performed well in advance of the engagement of the Individual Consultants and submit it as Annexure in a timely manner to the Administrative Division for processing. The terms of reference are mandatory and shall form part of individual contract. The terms of reference shall include the outputs to be delivered and functions to be performed.
• NPPA has the right to cancel the advertisement (partly or fully) and not to proceed in the matter of engagement of Consultant/Sr. Consultant /Young Professional, at any stage, accept or reject any or all applications, without giving any explanations, whatsoever.
• Where Chairman, NPPA is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so, he/she may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions of the guidelines.

Other Terms and Conditions
a. Candidates shall be hired on contractual basis for a given period of work or for a period up to 1 year. This term can be extended up to three years depending on the performance of the candidate or need of the Authority. In
General consultant/YP will not be allowed to serve beyond the maximum age of 65 years.
b. The Sr. Consultants/ Consultant/ YP shall be selected by a Selection Committee set up by the competent authority.
c. Selection committee may reject the candidature of any candidate who are not found suitable in the interview with reasons to be recorded.
d. The contract can be terminated at any time by NPPA without prior notice and without providing any reason thereto. However, in the normal course it will provide one month’s notice to the Individual Sr. Consultants/ consultant/Young Professional. The Individual Sr. Consultants/ consultant/ Young Professional can also seek for terminations of the contract upon giving one month’s notice to the NPPA.
e. The Sr. Consultants/ Consultant/YP shall perform the duties assigned to him/her. The competent authority reserves the right to assign any duty as and when required. No extra/additional allowance will be admissible in case of such assignment.
f. The Sr. Consultants/ Consultants (Non-Tech, Grade-ll)/ Consultant (Tech Gr I)/ Consultants/ Young Professionals during the contractual period cannot accept/ engage himself/herself in any other part-time job/profession of whatsoever kind.
g. Basic support like office space, furniture, stationary, computer, access to internet etc. will be provided by NPPA so that assigned duties may be handled smoothly.
h. Working hours shall normally be form 09.30 AM to 6:00PM during working days including half an hour break in between. However, in exigencies of work, he/she may be required to sit late and may be called on Saturday, Sunday and other Gazetted Holidays without any extra remuneration. Consultants/YPs shall be compulsorily required to enroll themselves in the Aadhar based Biometric Attendance System (BAS). Attendance registered by the staff in BAS only shall be taken as proof of their attendance in the office and on the basis of which fees/remuneration will be paid.
i. The candidate shall not be entitled to any benefit like Provident Fund, Pension, Insurance, Gratuity, Medical Attendance Treatment, Seniority, Promotion etc. or any other benefits available to a Government appointed on regular basis.
j. The payment of consolidated fee/ remuneration for a month shall be released to the account of the individual after verifying the bio-metric attendance/physical attendance.
k. The candidates will not be granted any claim or right or preference for regular appointment to any post in the government set up.
I. The candidate shall not be entitled to any TA for joining the appointment.
m. Any dispute, controversy or claim between the parties arising out of the contract or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof unless settled
amicably between NPPA and the individual, shall be referred by either parties to Chairman, NPPA for arbitration. Chairman may appoint arbitrator for settlement of the controversy.
n. The individual Sr. Consultant/ Consultant/ YP are expected to follow all rules and regulations of Gol which are in force. He/She is also required to expected to display utmost honesty, secrecy of office and sincerity while discharging duties. In case the service of the individual is not found satisfactory or found in conflict with interests of the NPPA, he/she will be liable for discontinuation without assigning any reason.
o. If any declaration given or information furnished by Candidates proves to be false or if he/she is found to have willfully suppressed any material information, he/she will be liable for removal from such contract and also such other action as the Government may deem necessary.
p. The hiring/contract will be subject to physical fitness and Candidates are required to submit a Medical Certificate from an MBBS doctor to this effect at the time of joining. In the event of death or grievous injury to the Individual consultant/Young Professional during the course of his/her duties, compensation shall not be payable to the Individual consultant/Young Professional or his/her dependents. It is desired that the Individual consultant/Young Professional takes out and maintain adequate insurance required to meet their obligations from own responsibility.
q. Consultant/YPs shall be hired through an open advertisement, which will give all the necessary details viz. qualifications and the job requirement followed by selection through a selection committee set up by the NPPA. Selected candidates will be offered appointment letters to get the assignment. They would be required to join within prescribed period as indicated in the appointment letter.
r. The applications should be sent to NPPA through speed post/Registered post, Courier or in person only. The office will communicate with the candidates through the e-mail only. Candidates are advised to keep checking their emails account regularly. Incomplete applications or applications without self attested copies of certificate of qualifications, age, etc, are liable to rejected summarily.

Interested candidates may send their applications in closed envelope in the prescribed format along with self-certified supporting documents within Twenty-One (21) days from the date of publication of the circular/notice in Employment News/ Newspapers to Under Secretary (Admin), National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority, 5th floor, YMCA Cultural Centre Building, 1 Jai Singh Road, New Delhi- 110001.

Reference is invited to the Notice uploaded on NPPA website dated 27.06.2024 and on DoP&T website dated 02.07.2024 [for Consultant [Tech Grade-I) and Consultant (Non-Tech-Grade-II)] on the subject mentioned above. In this regard, it is stated that the advertisement has also been published in the Employment News in the edition of 20-26 July, 2024. Hence, the last date of receiving applications will be 10th August, 2024 (21 days from 20th July). 

Applicants are instructed to strictly mention the post for which they are applying. For example, if an applicant is applying for consultant for Medical device, then it should be clearly mentioned on the application as ‘Consultant (Medical Device)' instead of just mentioning 'Consultant'. Applications without specifying the post may be liable to rejection. Applicants who have already submitted their application without specifying the post, for which they have applied, may send the clarification/ missing documents on the email id: .

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