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Job Openings for Pharmacists under Medical Services Recruitment Board, 21 vacancies

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Job Openings for Pharmacists under Medical Services Recruitment Board

The Director of Health Service (MI), Meghalaya, Shillong invites ONLINE application from the candidates who are domicile in the State of Meghalaya recruitment to the following posts on Contractual basis to be engaged in First Referral Unit and Critical Care Unit for a period of 1 year initially and to be extended based on performance and need.

Post : Pharmacist

No of posts : 21
1. East Garo Hills - 2
2. East Khasi Hills - 3
3. North Garo Hills - 1
4. Ri Bhoi - 2
5. South Garo Hills - 1
6. South W est Garo Hills - 1
7. South West Khasi Hills - 2
8. West Garo Hills - 3
9. West Jaintia Hills - 3
10. West Khasi Hills - 1
11. Eastern West Khasi Hills - 2
Qualification : D.Pharm/B.Pharm/M.Pharm
Remuneration : 20,000/- per month
Age : 18 to 32 years as on 1.1.2024. Provided that in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes of Meghalaya, the upper age limit shall be relaxable by 5 (Five) years (vide Personnel & AR(A) Department O.M.PER.38/2021/30, dated, Shillong 3rd February 2022).

General & Important Instruction
1. Applicants must register themselves in the Online Recruitment Portal, if previously not registered. Those who are already registered may login directly using their registered email id and password. 
2. Candidates are to read the instructions in the website carefully prior to submission of applications. 
3. Candidates must ensure that the e-mail address and Mobile Number provided while registering in the Online portal are correct as all information/ communication will be sent through e-mail on the registered e-mail address. 
4. When Candidates register, they have to enter the OTP received on their registered Mobile Number and email address. 
5. The last date for receiving of online application is on the 28th July, 2024. 

6. Candidates are to pay an application fee of Rs. 300/-. 
7. Admit Card of the appearing candidates can be downloaded from the website. Applicants are advised to check the website on a frequent basis. 
8. The time, duration and venue for the written examination will be intimated later in the website above. 9. The date for the written examination will be held on the 3rd August, 2024. 
10. The total maximum marks for final selection of successful candidates are 100 marks out of which 80 marks is for written examination (MCQ Answer Base) and 20 marks is practical examination. There will be a cut off score of 8 marks for the practical examination. Only the candidates securing the pass marks in practical examination will be eligible for determining the Final Selection of successful candidates. 
11. A total candidates of 2 (two) times the posts (i.e. 326 Nos.) will be considered as eligible candidates for appearing the practical examination and will be based purely on the merit of marks obtained in the Written Examination. 
12. The date for the Practical Examination will be intimated later in the website above. 
13. The post of the District above will be filled up by the candidates belonging to the particular District as declared by them in the Application Forms. In case where there are no eligible candidates from the particular district, then the vacant post of that district will be filled by candidates from amongst the General Merit list irrespective of their Permanent Residential Address. 
14. Final Selection of successful candidates for the post will be subjected to verification of all original documents during physical verification at the time of conduct of practical examination. All candidates are to submit an undertaking that all documents submitted are true. In case, any document is found to be fake, then he/she will be declared as disqualified or can be terminated at any time of employment and will also be barred from future recruitment examination. 

15. Documents in original to be produced during physical verification are:- 
a) Valid Registration Certificate/Graduation or Diploma Certificate 
b) Birth Certificate or SSLC Admit Card. 
c) Scheduled Tribe Certificate / Scheduled Caste Certificate issued by the Government of Meghalaya. 
d) Voters ID Card (Epic Card) 
16. Centres for the Written Examination: a) Shillong b) Tura 
17. The successful candidates eligible for recruitment will have to adhere to the ToR as laid down by the O/o the undersigned. 
18. The result will be displayed in the website above, local newspaper and in the Notice Board O/o the Director of Health Services (MI), Meghalaya Shillong.

Candidates have to apply online in the Government website, Applications received through any other mode will not be accepted and will be summarily rejected.

The last date for receiving of online application is on the 28 th July, 2024
Apply Online

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