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Career for Senior Pharmacist at AIIMS

Clinical research courses

Career for Senior Pharmacist at AIIMS

AIIMS Jammu stands as the First AIIMS facility in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. AIIMS Jammu, in alignment with the vision of Honourable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, epitomizes healthcare excellence, aiming to bridge regional disparities, promote research, and elevate medical education standards, all within the framework of Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna (PMSSY), showcasing a patient centric and evidence based healthcare model.

Post : Senior Pharmacist

Applications are invited in prescribed pro-forma from eligible Officers of Central/State Government / U.T / Autonomous, Bodies/ Universities / Public Sector Undertaking / R&D  Organization / Police Departments of Central / State / U.T etc. as applicable to fill the below mentioned various Group ‘B’ posts on Deputation Basis at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jammu an autonomous body established by an Act of Parliament.

No of post : 01
Pay Level (as per 7th CPC) : (Level-6)
Eligibility Criteria : Officers under the Central/State/U.T. Governments/Universities/ Statutory Bodies or Autonomous Bodies or Research and Development Organizations 
i) holding analogous posts on regular basis, or 
ii) with 6 years regular service in the grade of Pharmacist Grade II in the Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/-
Information for the Candidates
1. The number of posts are tentative and is liable to change based on the Institute’s requirement. 
2. The period of deputation for the advertised posts shall be according to DoPT Guidelines. 
3. Maximum age limit for applying for the aforesaid posts on deputation is 56 years as on last date of receipt of application. 4. The other eligibility criteria will be regulated as per the relevant Recruitment Rules/DoPT instructions as applicable. 
5. The officers who fulfil the above qualifications/eligibility criteria may submit their application in the prescribed proforma at Annexure-I through proper channel to The Administrative Officer, AIIMS, Vijaypur, Jammu-184120. 
6. The envelope containing the application(s) should be super scripted “Application for the Post of _________ on Deputation Basis”. 
7. While forwarding their applications, it may be ensured that the particulars of the candidates are verified and that they fulfil the eligibility conditions. The qualification/eligibility prescribed is minimum requirement and the same does not automatically make candidate eligible for selection. Based on bio -data, the candidates will be shortlisted and only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview/further selection process, as may be deemed fit. Application without Vigilance Clearance and attested copies of CR/APAR Dossiers will not be considered. Application of eligible officers who can be spared in the event of the selection may be forwarded through proper channel at the address given above within 30 days of publication of this advertisement in the employment News along with (a) attested copies of the up-to-date APARs/ACRs for last five (05) years; (b) Vigilance Clearance Certificate clearly indicating that no disciplinary or criminal proceedings are either pending or contemplated against the officer concerned; (c) Statement showing the minor/major penalties imposed, if any, and (d) Integrity Certificate. The candidates have to produce all relevant original documents as proof of details furnished in their application at the time of interview/further selection process. 
8. The last date for receipt of completed application on the prescribed proforma along with required documents through proper channel is 30 days after publication of this advertisement in the Employment News. 
9. In case of Officers already on deputation, the applicants of such officers should be forwarded by the parent cadre/Department along with Cadre Clearance, Vigilance Clearance and Integrity Certificate. 
10. No Objection Certificate is also required to be enclosed from Present employer/ Present Department. 

11. Candidates are advised to send an advance scanned copy of the complete set of application along with specified enclosures on email id: 
12. Applications received otherwise than through proper channel or received after stipulated period will not be considered. 
13. The deputation will be governed by the standard terms and conditions of deputation provided under Department of Personnel and Training O.M. No.2/6/2018-Estt. (Pay-II) dated 18.05.2018, as amended from time to time. 
14. The Service under the Institute is governed by the Act and the Rules & Regulations framed thereunder. 
15. Any corrigendum or revision and addendum, if so, of the advertisement or any other information regarding this recruitment will be posted on the Official website of AIIMS, Jammu, only. Candidates are advised to visit institute website i.e. regularly for updated information in this regard.

Instructions to The Candidates
1. All the posts carry usual allowances as admissible to Central Government Employees of similar status at Samba, Vijaypur, Jammu. 
2. The post(s) is/are whole time and private practice of any kind is prohibited. 
3. The candidates are likely to be posted at rural health and urban health centres or other centers attached with the Institute for the period to be decided by the Institute as applicable 
4. Canvassing of any kind will be a disqualification. 
5. The candidate should not have been convicted by any Court of Law. 
6. In case any information given or declaration by the candidate is found to be false or if the candidate has willfully suppressed any material information relevant to this appointment, he/she will be liable to be repatriated and any action taken as deemed fit by the Appointing Authority. 
7. The Competent Authority reserves the right of any amendment, cancellation, and changes to this advertisement as a whole or in part without assigning any reason or giving notice. 
8. The decision of the Competent Authority regarding interview, verification of documents and selection would be final and binding on all candidates. No representation/correspondence will be entertained in this regard. 
9. All disputes will be subject to jurisdiction of Court of Law at Samba, Vijaypur, Jammu

Application Form & More Info

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