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Research Career at National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute | Govt. of India Job

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National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) is an autonomous Institute under Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. NABI aims at catalysing the transformation of Agri-food sector in India by being a nodal organization for knowledge generation and translational science leading to value-added products based on Agri-Food biotech innovations for improved household nutritional security. Since its inception in 2010, NABI is involved in research activities for the Bio fortification, development of designer crops for improved nutrition, providing sustainable and novel solutions towards quality food and nutrition, and development of evidence based functional foods to counter malnutrition. Food and nutritional Biotechnology division at NABI requires following research personnel purely on temporary basis.

Junior Research Fellow for “Biofortified antioxidant rich colored wheat cultivation under organic and agronomic supplementation (Fe, Zn, Protein) strategies to increase farm income” (01 Position)
Emoluments :- Rs. 31000/- Per Month Plus HRA as per project
Essential qualifications:- Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science OR Graduate /Post Graduate Degree in professional course selected through a process described through any one of the following:- a) Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests-CSIR-UGC-NET including Lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE.
b) The selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government departments and their agencies and institutions such as DST,DBT,DAE,DOS,DRDO,MHRD,ICAR,ICMR,IIT,IISc,IISER etc.
Age limit:- 28 Years. (Relaxation in age as per GOI norms)
Responsibilities : Agronomic fortification, Biochemical analysis, Grain quality testing, Field visits, Interaction with farmers, Entrepreneurship generation.
Duration : The appointment will be till 07.03.2021 or till the termination of the project.
Objectives of the project:-
1. Assist in addressing national nutrition mission by participation of farmers, scientists and Farm producer companies.
2. Increase farmer income and create entrepreneurship
For Details:- Dr. Monika Garg, Scientist E (Project Investigator)

Junior Research Fellows (02 Positions) “Development of amaranth core collection using SSR and SNP markers and evaluation of core set for nutritional, yield traits and abiotic stress tolerance”
Project Investigator : Dr. Kanthi Kiran Kondepudi, Scientist E

Duration:- JRF position will be initially for a period of two years. Further up gradation JRF to SRF will be carried out based on assessment.
Essential qualifications: - Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science OR Graduate /Post Graduate Degree in professional course selected through a process described through any one of the following: -
a) Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests-CSIR-UGC-NET including Lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE.
b) The selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government departments and their agencies and institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, IISER etc.
Responsibilities :
(a) Isolation of protein from amaranth grain and amino acid composition analysis
(b) Evaluation of nutritional benefits of protein extracts in animal models of metabolic diseases, nutrigenomics and metagenomics
(c) Assessing bioavailability of micronutrients using cell line model
Objectives of the project: -
1. Evaluating high protein, squalene and high lysine genotype of Amaranth in rodent model of pre-metabolic syndrome
2. Evaluating bioavailability of micronutrients (Iron/Zinc) from Amaranth genotypes having contrasting micronutrient levels using Caco2 cell line model
Emoluments:- Rs.31000/- per month Plus HRA as per project.
Age limit: - 28 Years. (Relaxation in age as per GOI norms)

Junior Research Fellow (Own Fellowship) (two Positions)
Essential Qualifications: -
Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science OR Graduate /Post Graduate Degree in professional course selected through a process described through any one of the following: - Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests-CSIR-UGC-NET including Lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE The selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government departments and their agencies and institutions such as DST,DBT,DAE,DOS,DRDO,MHRD,ICAR,ICMR,IIT,IISc,IISER etc.
Principal Investigators: - Dr. Nitin Kumar Singhal (nano-biotechnology/food biotechnology) and Dr Ajay K Pandey (Plant Molecular Biology)
Desired Experience: - Proven experience in biotechnology/Nano biotechnology/plant molecular biology or related areas.
Emoluments: - As per fellowship granting agency.
Responsibilities: - Basic research work in the area of Nano-biotechnology and plant molecular biology

Junior Research Fellow (Own Fellowship) (One Position)
Essential Qualifications: - Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science OR Graduate /Post Graduate Degree in professional course selected through a process described through any one of the following: - Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests-CSIR-UGC-NET including Lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE The selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government departments and their agencies and institutions such as DST,DBT,DAE,DOS,DRDO,MHRD,ICAR,ICMR,IIT,IISc,IISER etc.
Principal Investigators: - Dr. Monika Garg, Scientist E
Desired Experience: - Experience in molecular Biology / Biotechnology/Biochemistry
Emoluments: - As per fellowship granting agency.
Responsibilities: - Biochemical analysis for wheat and for health promoting components Email:-

Senior Research Fellow (One Position)
Project Title: Characterization of Plant Inositol pyrophosphate kinase
Duration : Initially for a period of one year, further continuation will be based on annual satisfactory assessment.
Essential Qualification: - Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science OR Graduate /Post Graduate Degree in professional course selected through a process described through any one of the following: - Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests-CSIR-UGC-NET including Lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE The selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government departments and their agencies and institutions such as DST,DBT,DAE,DOS,DRDO,MHRD,ICAR,ICMR,IIT,IISc,IISER etc. Qualification prescribed above with two years of research experience
Desired Experience: - Demonstrated with publications in the area of biochemistry/molecular biology and/or biotechnology Experience with molecular biology techniques, Plant tissue culture procedures, Bioinformatics analysis.
Emoluments: - 35,000/- PM Plus HRA
Responsibilities: - Routine lab experiments involving molecular biology and biotechnology to achieve project goals.

Project Fellow-I (01-position) Project Title : Understanding and improving nutrient partitioning in rice grains using biotechnological approaches.
Principle Investigator: Dr. Hasthi Ram, Inspire Faculty.
Sponsoring agency : DST, Government of India.
Essential qualifications : M. Tech/ M.Sc in Biotechnology or equivalent degree in any discipline of life sciences or B.Tech in Biotechnology with minimum 55% marks. Candidate who has appeared in their final year examination may also appear in interview but at the time of joining they would require to produce the mark sheet.
Age : 28 years (relaxation will be given as per Government of India norms)
Emoluments for the above position:- Rs. 12,000/- per month Plus HRA as applicable at Mohali.

Project Fellow-I Project Title: “Prophylactic health products from macroalgae and their digestion by human gut microbial communities”. (01 Position) (Project Grant)
Principle Investigator: Dr. Ravindra Pal Singh, Ramalingaswami Fellow
Sponsoring agency: DBT, Government of India.
Essential qualifications : M. Sc in Biochemistry / Microbiology / Biotechnology or B. Tech in Biochemistry / Microbiology / Biotechnology with minimum 55% marks.
Age : 28 years (relaxation will be given as per Government of India norms)
Emoluments for the above position:- Rs. 12,000/- per month Plus HRA as applicable at Mohali.

Kindly note the following important points :- (Application and Selection process)
1. Kindly do not send the hard copy of the application form.
2. Incomplete application form and applications that are not in proper format may be summarily rejected.
3. The applications should be submitted strictly as per prescribed format that can be downloaded from the NABI website.
4. Candidates applying for more than one position can give their preference in the same application by multiple positions. No need to submit separate application form for each position.
5. Kindly send complete filled application form (Single adobe pdf file) through email only. 6. Kindly do not send any documents with application form. Candidates will be provisionally shortlisted on the basis of information given in the application form. All the documents related to eligibility i.e. Age, educational qualification, Net/Gate, Experience etc(in-original) will be verified at later stage before issuing offer/award letter.
7. No application form will be accepted after due date i.e. 20th July, 2020
8. Eligible candidates will be informed via email for interview schedule.
9. Candidates should ensure that information mentioned in application form is accurate. Once the application form is submitted no further request regarding any changes/ information in the application form will be considered.
10. Eligible candidates will be interviewed through video conferencing mode by duly constituted selection committee.
11. Any changes in last date for submission of application forms, procedure for selection, important points etc shall be available only in NABI website. Interested candidates may kindly see the NABI website before applying for the same.

Application Procedure
All interested eligible candidates should send completely filled application form (Single adobe pdf file) available on institute website through email till 20th July, 2020 on email id.

Download Application Form>>

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