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Walk in interview for Scientist, Technical Assistant at National Institute of Virology

Clinical research courses

The National Institute of Virology is one of the major Institutes of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). It was established at Pune, Maharashtra State in 1952 as Virus Research Centre (VRC) under the auspices of the ICMR and the Rockefeller Foundation (RF), USA. It was an outcome of the global programme of the RF for investigating the Arthropod Borne viruses. Since the studies on arboviruses and their arthropod vectors involve most of the basic principles and techniques of general virology, entomology and zoology, these viruses were also considered to be an ideal group, to begin with, for intensive training and research in virology in our country. The RF withdrew its support in 1967 and since then the Institute is entirely funded by the ICMR.

Project Scientist- C (Medical) - 01 post
Emoluments/ Consolidated Salary : Rs. 75,000/-
Essential Qualifications :
Post graduate degree (MD/MS/DNB) after MBBS with one year experience or , postgraduate diploma in medical subjects after MBBS with two years’ experience or MBBS degree with 4 years experience in medical subjects.
Desirable qualifications :
1. MD in Medicine or Microbiology or Community Medicine
2. Experience in the field of infectious disease, virology, etc
3. Fluency in local language (Malayalam)
4. Good English language skill
5. Good communication skill
6. Good computer knowledge
7. Willing for extensive travel
Job Responsibilities :
1. Designing diagnosis algorithm
2. Managing the laboratory
3. Verification of results
4. Outbreak investigation
5. Disease surveillance
6. Any other duties that are assigned by the PI from time to time
Age Limit : 40 years

Project Scientist-B (Medical) - 01 post
Emoluments/ Consolidated Salary : Rs. 65,000/-
Essential Qualifications :
MBBS degree with one year Research / Teaching experience or MD in Microbiology / Pathology / Community Medicine (PSM)
Desirable qualifications :
1. .MD in said subjects with experience in the field of infectious disease and diagnostics
2. Fluency in local language (Malayalam)
3. Good English language skill
4. Good communication skill
5. Good computer knowledge
6. Willing for extensive travel
Job Responsibilities :
1. Collection of clinical information for relevant tests
2. Verification of results
3. Outbreak investigation
4. Coordination with state health authorities
5. Any other duties that are assigned by the PI from time to time
Age Limit : 35 years

Project Scientist-B (Non-Medical)- 01 post
Emoluments/ Consolidated Salary : Rs. 60,000/-
Essential Qualifications :
1st class Master’s degree in Microbiology / Biotechnology / Zoology / Virology from a recognized university with two years experience in research field or 2nd class Master’s degree with PhD in relevant subject
Desirable qualifications :
1 .PhD in said subjects with experience in techniques like PCR, DNA cloning, protein purification, tissue culture, virus isolation, ELISA with good knowledge in computer etc
2. Fluency in local language (Malayalam)
3. Good English language skill
4. Good communication skill
5. Good computer knowledge
6. Willing for extensive travel
Job Responsibilities :
1. Lab management
2. Design & Development of new diagnostics
3. Undertake new project
4. Manuscript writing
5. Preparation and maintain lab register and records
6. Preparation of SOPs
7. Coordination with laboratory staff
8. Any other duties that are assigned by the PI from time to time
Age Limit : 35 years

Project Technical Assistant - 02 posts
Emoluments/ Consolidated Salary : Rs. 30,000/-
Essential Qualifications :
Graduate in Microbiology / Biotechnology/ Zoology / Virology / Medical Laboratory Technology from a recognized university with three years work sxperience or Masters degree in above said subjects
Desirable qualifications :
1. Experience in PCR, tissue culture, ELISA
2. Fluency in local language (Malayalam)
3. Good English language skill
4. Good communication skill
5. Good computer knowledge
6. Willing for extensive travel
Job Responsibilities :
1. Diagnostics
2. Data Entry
3. Field visit
4. Report preparation
Age Limit : 30 years

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Terms and conditions: -
1. Number of vacancies may vary.
2. These positions are meant for temporary extramural project for appointment purely on temporary contract basis and co-terminus with the project.
3. The advertised posts are tentative without commitment for its filling. Recruitment will epend upon requirement of project and approval of the competent authority.
4. Emoluments: The rates of emoluments/stipend shown in this advertisement are project specific and may vary according to sanction of the funding agency of the Project. Payment of emoluments to the project employee will be depending on availability of funds from the funding agency.
5. Age Concession: Age relaxation is admissible in respect of SC/ST/OBC candidates Retrenched Government Employees, project employees and ex-Servicemen in accordance with the instructions issued by ICMR from time to time. Age concession to the extent of service rendered in other research projects will also be admissible for experienced and skilled persons, subject to approval of competent authority No aqe relaxation will be available for UR position.
6. Category once applied will not be allowed to be changed at later stage and no communication in this regard will be entertained.
7. Cut-off date for age limit will be as on the date of walk-in-interview.
8. Reserved category candidates must produce their Caste Validity Certificate. OBC candidates must possess a latest valid non-creamy layer certificate.
9. Separate application should be submitted for each post/reservation. Project forengagement of applicant will be decided by selection committee/appointing authority.

10. Qualification & experience should be in relevant discipline/field and from an Institution of repute. Experience should have been gained after acquiring the minimum essential qualification.
11. Mere fulfilling the essential qualification does not guarantee the selection.
12. Persons already in regular time scale service under any Government Department / Organizations are not eligible to apply.
13. No TA/DA will be paid and candidate has to arrange transport/accommodation themselves for written test/interview.
14. The institute reserves rights to consider or reject any application/candidature.
15. Submission of wrong or false information during the process of selection shall disqualify the candidature at any stage.
16. Project personnel cannot be permitted to register for Ph.D., due to time constraints.
17. Project personnel will normally be posted at the study site; however, they can be posted to any other sites in the interest of research work. They are liable to serve in any part of the country.
18. Project personnel shall not have any claim on a regular post in this institute or in any Department of Government of India and their project service will not confer any right for further assignment or transfer to any other project or appointment/absorption in funding agency or in this institute. Benefits of Provident Fund, Pension Scheme, Leave Travel Concession, Medical claim, etc. are not admissible.
19.  Initial appointment will normally for a period of six months and further continuation/ extension of project service will depend on tenure of the project and performance evaluation of the concerned project employee by his/her project investigator, subject to approval of competent authority.
20. The Project Investigator and/or Appointing authority reserves the right to terminate the service of project personnel even during the agreed contract period or extended contract period without assigning any reason.
21. Leave shall be as per the Institutional policy for project staff.
22. NIV reserves the right to cancel/modify the recruitment process at any time, during the process, at its discretion.
23. The decision of the Director, NIV will be final and binding.
24. All disputes are subject to Pune jurisdiction only
25. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
26. Corrigendum/addendum/further information; if any; in respect of this advertisement, will be published on our websites only.
27. Prior intimation of attending for interview/test may please be given on our email id: at least two days before the interview/test.
28. No candidate shall be entertained after 09:30 am on the day of interview/test.
29. Candidate must bring his/her duly filled in application form in the prescribed format with a recent passport size color photograph along with a detailed bio-data/C.V. and all relevant documents; in original; with one set of self attested photocopies, in proof of his/her educational qualifications [all certificates and mark-sheets from 10th Std. onwards], working experience, age, caste and photo id [Aadhar Card/lndian Passport/PAN Card/Driving License] etc., failing which his/her candidature will not be considered.

Date of interview/written test: For the Scientific Posts at Sr.No.01 to 03 : 19th July, 2019

Date of interview/written test: For the Technical Posts at Sr.No.04 : 17th July, 2019

Place of interview/test: Examination Hall, E-Block, above ward no. 17, Govt. TDMC Hospital, Vandanam, Alappuzha, Kerala-688005

Reporting time for the interview/test is 08:30 - 09:30 am. Candidates arriving late after 09:30 am will not be entertained under any circumstances.

Selection Procedure: Depending upon the number of candidates, written/skill test will be conducted. Question paper will be on relevant subject matters of the concerned position considering its essential qualification and job requirements, in addition to, general knowledge, reasoning skills, quantitative analysis, language and general aptitude etc. Candidates successfully qualifying the written/skill test would be considered for interview and/or further process of recruitment, subject to fulfillment of required eligibility criteria in all respects of qualification, age and experience, etc. Candidates must be present at the venue in time before 09:30 am along with duly filled in and signed application form with their bio data and all original documents along with one set of photocopies in proof of their educational qualification, experience, age and identity etc. Late and incomplete applications will not be considered. No calculators, log tables, electronic devices etc. are allowed for the examination. Director, NIV reserves the right to change the venue and other process of recruitment as per circumstances.

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