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Walk in interview for Pharmacist at Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research - salary 34720 per month

Clinical research courses

Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research [IGCAR], the second largest establishment of the Department of Atomic Energy next to Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, was set up at Kalpakkam, 80 KMs south of Chennai [MADRAS], in 1971 with the main objective of conducting broad based multidisciplinary programme of scientific research and advanced Engineering, directed towards the development of sodium cooled Fast Breeder Reactor [FBR] technology, in India. This is part of the second stage of Indian Atomic Energy Programme, which is aimed at preparing the country for utilization of the extensive Thorium reserves and providing means to meet the large demands of electrical energy in 21st century.

Post : Pharmacist

Walk - in - Interview for filling up of the short term vacancies in DAE Hospital, Kalpakkam/ Anupurant Dispensary for the post of Pharamcist on locum basis (purely temporary) will be held.

Consolidated monthly salary : Rs. 34,720/- (Excluding HRA Rs. 2,336)

Age : Not more than 50 years as on date of interview

Educational Qualification
HSC(10+2) + 2 years Diploma in Pharmacy + 6 months Training in Pharmacy + Registration as a Pharmacist with Central or State Pharmacy Council.

General Conditions
(a)  Candidates who are coming for attending Walk-in-interview after 1100 hrs on the date of interview will not be admitted for interview.
(b)  If the response of candidates is more than 20, the candidates for interview will be decided based on highest marks obtained in Nursing Qualification (i.e., only top 20 candidates will be considered to be interviewed based on marks obtained in Nursing Qualification).
(c)  Selection for the above post is purely temporary basis. Appointment may extend up to a maximum period of six months. However, such locum appointment,shall not exceed 89 days at a time.
(d)  Selected candidates will be provided Hostel accommodation on their taking up of the appointment. If this facility is not availed, they will be entitled to the HRA amount.

Interested candidates may attend the Walk-in-interview as per the above schedule along with original certificates/testimonials in support of date of birth, educational qualifications, experience, certificate of registration with one passport size self photograph with one set of Xerox copies of certificates duly attested by Gazetted Officers.

Application proforma may be downloaded from website /

Date of Interview : 04-07-2019 (Thursday)

Venue of interview : 1st Floor Conference Room, GSO

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