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Walk-in-Interview for Admission to Ph. D Program at NIT Rourkela

GPAT courses

NIT Rourkela is one of the premier national level institutions for technical education in the country and is funded by the Government of India. Government of India has elevated the Regional Engineering College, Rourkela to a deemed university under the name of National Institute of Technology, Rourkela.  The main objective of the Institute is to produce quality Engineers and Scientists in Graduate and Post-Graduate levels in various branches of Engineering and Science.

Applications are invited online from eligible candidates for admission to Ph. D Program in Ceramic Engineering Department of the Institute in Autumn Semester 2019-20 commencing from July, 2019 through walk-in-interview. Admissions will be given preferably to the applicants who are eligible for Institute fellowship or have qualified for external fellowships. However, admission may also be considered without fellowship. Students with external fellowship like JRF-NET are especially encouraged to apply and will be preferred for admission over other applicants.

Indicative Broad Area of Research Available : Structural Ceramic, Industrial Ceramic, Electro-Ceramics, Nano-Bio Ceramics

Eligibility Criteria for Ph. D Program
The minimum qualification required for admission to Ph. D programs in Engineering, Science, Planning & Architecture, Management, and Humanities & Social Sciences is one of the following:
a) M.E./M.Tech./M.Pharm in relevant discipline with at least 6.5 CGPA or 60 percent marks in aggregate in both B.Tech. (or M.Sc./B.Pharm/ MCA or equivalent) and M.Tech. levels from a recognized Technical Institute or University.
b) B.E./B.Tech./B.Pharm/MCA or equivalent in relevant discipline with CGPA of 7.0 or 65 percent marks in aggregate.
c) M.Sc. in Basic Sciences with CGPA 7.0 or 65 percent marks in aggregate in relevant disciplines. For applicants with valid GATE/NET/GPAT score, requirement may be relaxed upto 0.5 CGPA or 5% marks.
d) M.B.B.S./B.V.Sc. with CGPA 6.5 or 60 percent marks in aggregate.

In addition to the above eligibility criteria (based on B. Tech., M.Sc., MBA, MA, M. Com., M. Tech., and M. Pharm., etc. examinations), the following additional criteria will also be applicable:-

a) A candidate should score minimum 60% marks or 6.5/10 CGPA throughout career to be eligible for admission to Ph. D program. The DRC, however, may make one exception (marks <60% or Grade < 6.5/10) at its discretion from among the results of 10th, +2, BA, B.Sc., Diploma etc. (except qualifying degree) if the candidate has qualified GATE/NET/GPAT or other national level fellowship tests like DST-INSPIRE, RGNF etc.
b) For admission to Engineering and Science disciplines (except Life Science), a candidate should have passed Mathematics in +2 Science.
c) Science students admitted to Ph. D program in Engineering need Mathematics in +3 level. Students without Mathematics in +3 level may be admitted under the condition that they will have to register for 16 credits of 100 and 200 level Mathematics and 100 level Computer Science courses (Theory and Practical) in addition to their normal course requirement, and secure at least C grade in each course.
d) Students without adequate background in the primary discipline will be required to have 10% extra marks (1.0 CGPA) to qualify over students with specialization in a primary discipline, unless explicitly exempted by the Senate. List of primary disciplines for specializations under the various departments is given in Clause “D” below.

However, a higher short listing criteria (possibly different for different departments) may be set by the Department during scrutiny of applications depending on the departmental requirement, number and quality of applicants. Therefore, merely satisfying the minimum eligibility criteria does not guarantee a candidate to be called for interview and mere attending an interview does not guarantee admission.

Qualifying Degrees and Primary Disciplines for Admission
B.Tech/M.Tech in Ceramic / Metallurgical & Materials / Chemical / Mechanical Engg. / Biomedical Engg /Nanotechnology/Biotechnology OR M.Sc. in Physics / Chemistry / Materials Science/ Nano Science.

Onus of proving a Degree / Specialisation / Discipline as equivalent with any of the above mentioned Degree / Specialisation / Discipline shall lie with the applicant claiming equivalency. However, decision of the Institute shall be final and binding in this matter.

Applicants Awaiting Results
a) For thesis based Postgraduate degrees [(M. Tech. (Research), MS or equivalent], a student is permitted to submit the final result within one year from the date of thesis submission. However, one documentary evidence (proof of thesis submission) from the candidate’s Institute/University is required to be submitted at the time of admission.
b) For all course based degrees [B. Tech., M. Sc.., MBA, M. Tech. (Regular), etc.] results need to have been published before admission is granted. In exceptional cases when a university will not be in a position to publish result by the time of admission, submission of qualifying degree result may be permitted till 31st August, 2019, but not beyond.

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1. Where regular mode of education is available for any Degree/Qualification then Degree/Qualification obtained otherwise than through regular mode, i.e. Distance Learning, Correspondence Course, etc. will NOT be considered for the purpose of admission to Ph. D program of the Institute.
2. For selection of Research scholars in engineering disciplines, Students with B. Tech. degree will be given preference over students with M.Sc. degree, even if the latter may have an M. Tech. Degree.
3. Students with any other relevant background may be eligible, but only with approval of the Senate or Chairman, Senate on the recommendation of the Departmental Research Committee (DRC).
4. There is no relaxation in academic requirement for SC/ST/OBC/PH/PWD students, because the minimum academic requirements have been set to meet the basic challenges of the academic program. Also, the academic eligibility shall be same across all studentship categories (Institute fellowship, External fellowship, Project fellowship, Sponsored, etc.).
5. The required CGPA/percentage should be the aggregate of CGPA/percentage based on all subjects of all semesters/years.
6. Rule for conversion from CGPA to percentage or vice-versa, if prescribed by Degree Issuing Institute/University will be accepted. However, if no such rule is prescribed by Degree Issuing Institute/University, conversion will not be allowed. 7. Students of one discipline may seek admission in a related department which will be considered on the basis of merit of the individual case(s).
8. Selection will be made on the basis of academic record, relevance of qualification, candidate’s research interest, existing research programs and facilities of the departments, and performance of the candidate in tests and/or interviews. Therefore, merely attending a tests and/or an interview does not guarantee admission.
9. Scrutiny Criteria may be different for different category of students.

Individual External Fellowships:
Candidates with individual external fellowships (CSIR-NET/UGC-NET/DST- INSPIRE/RGNF/ICSSR/Women Scientist, etc.) are especially encouraged to apply. The selection process will be same as that for other candidates. The rate and mode of payment of fellowship to such students will be governed as per the rules of the Sponsor / Funding Agency.

Important Note: If a student with Institute fellowship or project fellowship leaves the Institute in the mid-session on his own accord without completing the program, the entire amount paid to him/her towards fellowship need to be returned by the student before leaving the Institute. S/he will not receive any certificate from the Institute unless s/he refunds the fellowship received in full. Students with project fellowship may not be required to refund only if sponsor’s rule permit him leaving the project without refunding fellowship. Students receiving external fellowships will be governed as per the rules of the Sponsor / Funding Agency.

Application Fee and Procedure:
a) Read this advertisement and the instructions to fill up the online application form given in the online portal carefully,
b) Fill up and submit the online application form accordingly, and
c) Prepare Demand Draft / Banker’s Cheque drawn in favor of “Director, NIT Rourkela” and payable in any bank in Rourkela for application fee of Rs.500/-. Payment through the online application portal is not available currently.
d) Take print-out of the online application form and bring the same along-with the DD/BC and the following documents on the date of selection.
i. Signed copy of the application submitted online along with a set of self-attested photocopies of all certificates/ testimonials (to be submitted at the time of reporting).
ii. Degree / Pass Certificates from Class X onwards (Originals & a set of self-attested photocopies).
iii. Marks Sheets / Grade Cards of all examinations from Class X onwards (Originals & a set of self-attested photocopies).
iv. GATE/NET/GPAT etc. Score Card, if applicable (Original & a self-attested photocopy).
v. OBC/SC/ST/PWD Certificate, if applicable (Original & a self-attested photocopy).
vi. Sponsorship Certificate from employer in the prescribed format for Sponsored candidates (Original & a self-attested photocopy).
e) All applicants are advised to report at 0900 hrs at the following venue:
Department of Ceramic Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Rourkela – 769 008 [Odisha]

f) Sponsored candidates are required to submit the scanned copy of the sponsorship certificate while submitting online application. If selected, such candidates will be required to stay at NIT Rourkela till completion of their programme. For that, candidates need to produce leave for at least three years with M.Tech/M.Pharm degree and four years with all other degrees from the sponsor at the time of admission.
g) Candidates working outside Rourkela, will not be considered for Local Sponsored category. If interested, their cases may be considered for sponsored category on production of proper sponsorship certificate.
h) Category of studentship mentioned in the application will be decided after interview and verification of documents subject to satisfying the scrutiny criteria vis-a vis advertisement criteria and a candidate may be recommended in any other category at the discretion of the Selection Committee.
i) Though selection will be based on walk-in-interview, yet submission on online form prior to that is essential for consideration of candidature for selection. However, only those candidates will be allowed to participate in the selection process who will be found eligible as per this notice after verification of their application and documents.

Tentative Schedule
Application form will be available in the Institute website for online submission : 09.07.2019 to 15.07.2019
Walk-in-Interview (Venue – NIT, Rourkela) : 16.07.2019
Publication of result of Interview in the website : 16.07.2019
Admission (Physical presence of candidate is required) : 17.07.2019*
Semester Registration : 22.07.2019
Starting of Class / Research work : 23.07.2019

* Hostel will be allotted on the day of admission and students are required to stay in the campus to complete the mandatory pre-requisites [Enrollment, Provisional Registration, Bio-Metric Registration] for Semester Registration. Since selection and admission will be done in a day’s gap, applicants are advised to come prepared for admission [including Admission Fee] and continue their stay in case of selection. No extension in admission will be considered.


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